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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Girls School Drop out on Academic Performance in Bokhayo Central Zone, Busia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the causes of school drop out on girls in Bokhayo Central zone, Busia District, Kenya and come up with possible strategies to solve the problem. In the collection of data, all sources viewed relevant to this particular study were revisited and employed. This study used a descriptive cross sectional survey. The research used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches in order to get a bigger picture both in number...

An Investigation of Pupils' Education and Fishing Activities in Malera Sub-County Bukedea District

ABSTRACT This study was carried out under the topic "An investigation of pupils' education and fishing activities in Malera sub-county Bukedea district" Objectives used are (i) To identify reasons why children get involved in fishing activities (ii) To establish the impact of fishing activities in fishing (iii) To find out strategies to overcome challenges caused by fishing. The research design used in this research are qualitative and quantitative In terms of gender, the males were easily av...

Credit Policy and Loan Portfolio Performance in Micro~ Finance Institutions: A Case Study of Opportunity Bank Kamwokya Branch, Kampala

ABSTRACT The study investigated and sought to establish the relationship between credit policy and loan portfolio performahce: A case study of opportunity bank in Kamwokya on’ Kira Road just 3 kilometers from the city center Kampala. The research objectives included; to evaluate the effects of credit policy in Microfinance Institutions (MFI5), to determine the level of loan portfolio performance and to establish the impact of credit policy on loan portfolio performance in opportunity bank. ...

The Influence of Teaching Methods On Students’ Performance in English Language at Ordinary Level: A Case of Wampeewo Ntakke Ses Kasangati Wakiso District

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the influence of teaching methods on students’ performance in English language at ordinary level: A case of Wampeewo Ntakke S.S Kasangati Wakiso district, whereby the findings were used to the students and teachers to come up with better teaching methods to ensure that student’s performance is improved at the school. The main objective of the research was to analyze the influence of teaching methods on students’ performance in English language at ordinary ...

Academic Performance of Primary School Learners with Visual Impairment in Kiambuu County a Case Study of Thika School for the Blind Thika District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL IDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viiiLIST OFTABLESDEFINITION OF OPERATIONAL TERMS xCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Research objectives 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope of the Study 31.7 Significance of the study 3CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 5V2.1 Historical Background and Development of Special Need...

Child Labour and Academic Performance of Standard Eight Learners at Wanga Primary in Mbita Division

Table of ContentsDeclaration ............................................................................................. iApproval ................................................................................................ iiDedication ............................................................................................ iiiAcknowledgements ................................................................................ ivList of Tables ..............................................

Effects of Drug and Substance Abuse on Academic Performance of Primary Pupils in Nyatike Division, Nyatike District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of drug and substance abuse on academic performance of primary pupils in Nyatike Division, Nyatike District- Kenya. Most of schools in this region have being experiencing challenges in trying to fight this menace of drug and substance abuse among the primary pupils. The eight (8) schools that participated in the study were selected random sampling technique. Both random and purposive sampling techniques were used in selecting t...

The Impact of Boarding Schools On the Psycho-Social Adjustment of Students, A Case Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Kagadi District

ABSTRACT This study looks at the impact of boarding schools on psycho-social adjustment of students, a case study of selected secondary schools in Kagadi district. The study was aimed at identifying the challenges students face during their time of study while residing in the schools’ premises, arid how these challenges affect their psycho social adjustments both in class and outside class. The study further suggested amicable solutions for the challenges found out during the field study. T...

Teaching Approaches and Academic Performance of Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties in Homabay District. A Case Study Of Shaurjyako Primary School Homa Bay , District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Shauri yako primary school, Homa bay District Kenya. The study aimed at identifying the relationship between teaching approaches and academic performance of learners with SLDS. The objectives of the research were to determine the level of performance of learners with SLDS. To find out the approaches used by teachers to teach learners with SLDS. To establish the indicators of SLDS and to identify support services and remedial instruction that can be offere...

The Influence of Single Parent Families on Academic Performance Among Secondary School Students of Bijkwo District

ABSTRACT A single parent is one either a man or woman who was living independently with his children without the other partner they had had children or a child with. Single-parent-families are now very common to many societies today particularly Bukwo district and this was caused by separation of the parents, divorce and death. This study seeks therefore to investigate the influence of single-parent-families on academic performance of secondary school students in Bukwo town council. In this s...

Pupils, Attitude Toward Their Academic Performance in Selected Primary School in Nandi Hills Division, Chebarus Zone Nandi East District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the effect of pupils' attitude towards their academic performance. It was guided by a number of objectives which were:- to examine the factors that affect pupils, ie their background, motivation of pupils and school environment which affect pupils attitude. The study mainly concentrated in Nandi Hills Division, Chebarus Zone Nandi East District. The study focused on pupils to determine the impact of attitude towards their academic performance. S...

Challenges Faced by Teachers of Marika Zone, Masas District, Tanzania in Implementing the Universal Primary Education Policy.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESDEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ~jjCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION i• I Background of the study1 .2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Purpose of the study 41 .4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Significance of the study s1 .6 Scope /Delimitations of the study s1.7 Limitations of the study 6CI-IAPTER TWO 7REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 72. 1 Introduction 7CHAPTER THREE 11METHODOLOGY 113.1 Area and populatio...

Examining the Rate of Girl Child Dropouts in Primary Schools: A Case Study of Mende Sub County, Wakiso District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ..................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL .......................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... ivLIST OF TABLES .............

Classroom Management and Academic Performance of Students in Najja High School Kabowa Kampala District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL.iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOLEDGEMENT ivDEFINITION OF TERMS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLIST OF TABLES ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background ofthe study 11.2 A statement ofthe problem 21.3 Objectives 31.4 Research questions 31.5 Hypothesis ofthe study 31.6 Scope of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 4viCHAPTER TWO .6REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITEPAT1JPJ~ 62.0 Introduction; 62.1 Teaching techniques 62.2 Teacher - student ratio 62.3 Instructional...

Instructional Materials in the Teaching and Learning Process in Primary Schools of Nangabo Sub- County, W Akiso District

ABSTRACT This study investigated the role of instructional materials in the teaching / learning process. It was carried out in Nangabo sub county, wakiso district. Respondents used in data collection were : head teachers, heads of departments and teachers. Questionnaires and interview guides were used in data collection. The total number of respondents were 24. The study was based on three objectives : To find out the instructional materials available in primary schools. To identify the role ...

136 - 150 Of 2153 Results