ABSTRACTThe study looked at the feasibility of adopting renewable energy technology such as Solar PVsystem in rural household and the role of such technology on sustainable energy use inMkuranga district Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to determine the availability andaffordability of Solar PV system in Mkuranga district, to identify the uses of Solar PV systemtechnology and its advantages over available energy sources in Mkuranga district and lastly tofind out the constricting fac...
LIST OF TABLESTABLES PAGESTable 4.1 Shows number of respondents and non respondents 17Table 4.2 Shows gender distribution of the respondents 18Table 4.3 Age distribution of respondents 19Table 4.4 Educational level of respondents 20Table 4.5 Departmental distribution 20Table 4.6 Reward as a motivational policy 23Table 4.7 Training as motivational policy 24Table 4.8 Working Conditions as a motivational policy 25Table 4.9 Worker's Participation on management 27Table 4.10 Showing contribution ma...
ABSTRACTThe study intended to investigate the internal control system and cashmanagement in an organization case study: Women Trust microfinance limitedEntebbe road Kampala branch with the objectives of finding out therelationship between internal control system and cash management in WomenTrust microfinance Limited and to suggest recommendations on theimprovement of internal controls on cash management.The purpose of this study was to investigate the internal control systems andcash manageme...
ABSTRACTThe study intended to assess the causes of labour turnover at the CRDB Banlc PLC. The studywas carried out at the CRDB Banlc PLC Head Office in Dar es Salaam. Therefore, the studyaimed at assessing the causes of labour turnover at the Bank; examining the extent of theturnover and the measures does the Bank undertake to reduce the labour turnover. The literaturereview revealed that there are various causes of labour turnover, measurements methods tomeasure the extent oflabour turnover ...
PROPOSALThe research works in carried out the impact of leadership style in an organization.The study will consist of five chapters.The first chapter will include the introduction of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study , scope and limitations of the study, definition of term. The second chapter which consist of the Historical background of the case study, organization structure of the case study, Business fa...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................
Business management
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONEffective communication as a major determinant of organizational development has been a great concern for the co-operation as well as the nation over the decade and more recently.The need for effective communication in an organization development make the military historian to think or army line of communication in military organization the teacher towards the student, the supervisor towards the subordinate and vice versa.Also he must allow for the possibility that comm...
PROPOSALThis study focuses “Effective Communication as all aid to Survival of a Business Organization” a case study of Doyin Group of Company’s Nigeria Limited Ilorin. Objective and goals of any organization can be achieved through effective communication such objective include profitability, growth, survival e.t.c, the objective will also help in determining how effective communication enhance business subordinate and management relationship and us effects on the organization. Just as ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................
Since the onset of the Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid 19) in 2020 the SMEs have been drastically affected in-terms of growth and services delivery. Small to medium enterprises have undergone immense changes in their operations as they adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since end of March 2020, Zimbabwean SMEs are facing a dynamic change in their business operations. These changes caused a great impact on the general performance of SMEs in Zimbabwe, hence this research worked to assess how the COVI...
The study was to determine the impact of promotion strategies on organisational performance with special reference to PCCZ. The aim of this study was to measure promotion strategies such as advertising, personal selling and public with relation to sales volume and market penetration. . A descriptive research design was used in this study whereby questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The respondents were selected using random sampling techniques. The research outcomes reveal...
The role of Small Business is recognized as one of the major contributor in the growth of the counry's economy like Tanzania and therefore, poverty alleviation. The SME sector also serves as a 'nursery' and a proven training ground for 'higher level' entrepreneurship and iru10vation. The objective of the study was assessment of critical factors to small business failures in Tanzania, the case of Temeke Municipal. Data was collected from respondents by means of administering 60 (sixty) structu...
Abstract Membrane rupture occurs before 37weeks of gestation is known as preterm PROM (PPROM). Preterm PROM complicates approximately 3% of pregnancies and leads to one third of preterm births. It also increases the risk for prematurity and leads to a number of other perinatal and neonatal complications including a 1 to 2% risk of fetal death (Meiss, 1987). It can also lead to significant perinatal morbidity including respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal sepsis, umbilical cord prolapsed, p...
1The COVID-19 pandemic affected many firms, forcing some companies to reduce scale down their workforce. This generally resulted in low motivation levels among employees in many organizations across the world. The main aim of the study was to investigate how employees feel motivation-wise after returning to work post the pandemic. The approach used in the research was a combination of different methods or mixed methods as explained by the research onion model. Two methods were used in data co...