Business Management Research Papers/Topics

The Significance of Motivation on Staff Performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin)

PROJECT PROPOSAL The significance of motivation and staff performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin). This project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one consist of introduction of the study, objectives of study and the problems encountered in the course of the study. Chapter two will focus attention mainly on the review of related literature on the review of related literature on motivation try to apply or review some notable motivated theories postulated by early scho...

Bureaucracy as a Tool for Effective Performance in Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.)

PROPOSAL The main objective of the research work is bureaucracy as a tool for effective performance in the public sector. (a case study of Kwara state polytechnic, Ilorin) The first chapter of the project which is chapter one will explain the background of the study and statement of the problem, aims and objectives/ purpose of the study and scope and limitations of the study, organization of the study and explain the definition of the study terms operational terms. Chapter two of the study wi...

Impact of Marketing Activities on the Banking Sector (A Case Study of United Bank for Africa Plc, Ilorin)

PROPOSAL Philip Kotler defined, marketing environment as the totality of forces and institution that are external potentially relevant to the firm. The organization first studies the environment in which it is operating and specially the opportunities and threats in these environments. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of marketing activities on the banking sector. (A case study of United Bank for Africa Plc, Ilorin Oja-Oba). The project is divided into five chapters; chap...

The Need for Quality Control in a Manufacturing Organization (A Case Study Global Soap and Detergent Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                    Certification                                                i Dedication                                                            ii Acknowledgement                                       iii-iv Proposal                          ...

Availability and Utilization of Computers In Teaching and Learning of Business Studies in Selected Secondary Schools in Kajola Local Government, Oyo State

ABSTRACT The use of computers the world over has changed the way we do many things. The integration of computers in teaching and learning has proved to be a worthwhile experience. This study sought to establish the availability and utilization of computers for teaching and learning Business Studies in public secondary schools in Kajola Local Government, Oyo State. The objectives of this research were: (1) To investigate the availability and accessibility of general purpose of computers to te...

Talent Management Practices and Performance of Lecturers among Federal Universities in South East, Nigeria

The study evaluated the talent management practices and performance of lecturers among FederalUniversities in South East, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: examine the relationship betweentalent acquisition and retention on the quality of research work among lecturers of the federaluniversities in South, East Nigeria; evaluate the relationship between salary and quality assuranceamong lecturers of the federal universities in south East, Nigeria and ascertain the extent of therelationsh...

A Study on impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) System

New technologies, global competition, and increased customer demands are forcing organizations to reconsider how they can take advantage of Information Technology (IT) capabilities to better manage their supply chains. To survive and stay ahead in today's competitive world, companies are pushed to their limits in search for organizational skills and technologies. Of those Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Resource Planning are the two most primarily used terms. Supply chain management is...

The Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of Commercial Public Enterprises in the Service Industry: A Case Study of NamPost

Abstract Poor corporate governance is one of the major problems faced by commercial public enterprises in Namibia. Therefore, this study aims at determining the aspects of corporate governance that impact financial performance of Nampost. The objective of the study is to evaluate corporate governance at Nampost, determine corporate governance elements that influence financial performance; identify adjustment to be made to improve corporate governance and establishing governance factors that ...


Abstract This study evaluated the workplace recreation and employee wellbeing: A study of the Nigerian University commission. The specific objectives are to: to determine the effect of physical fitness programmes on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission, to establish the effect of mental health programmes on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission and to identify the effect of workplace entertainment on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission. The stud...

Product Life Cycle Management

Abstract Product life cycle management is the succession of strategies used by management and as a product goes through its product life cycle. The conditions in which a product is sold changes over time and must be managed as it moves through its succession of stages. It is claimed that every product has a life period, it is launched, it grows, and at some point, may die. A fair comment is that - at least in the short term - not all products or services die. Jeans may die, but clothes proba...

Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on Ecommerce Websites

Abstract Online  reviews  have  become  an  important  source  of  instruction  for  users before manufacture an informed procure decision. Early reviews of a product tend to have a high  effect  on  the  ensuing  product  sales.  In  this  paper,  we  take  the  initiative  to  study  the behavior  characteristics  of  early  reviewers  through  their  posted  reviews  on  two  real-world large e-commerce  platforms,  i.e.,  Amazon  and Yelp.  In s...

A Study on “Challenges of Six Sigma Implementation in Human Resource Management” Special Reference to Information Technology Sector

When we think of applying the Six Sigma in to HRM, an inevitable question is that, to what an extent all the processes of HRM are measurable. Many companies attempted to implement this methodology and got backward in middle of the process or beginning due to the challenges in implementing Six Sigma in HRM. Measurability of a process depends on the perception of an individual HR person; this is mainly due to the non-measurable nature of HR processes. Most of the organizations not conside...

Role of Management Education in Entrepreneurship Development in India

Abstract The growth of entrepreneurship is the need of hour today. With the kind of saturation of job market and the development of artificial intelligence, there will be further severe imbalance in the demand and supply of jobs. This could create a big economic crisis and lead to many other macro-economic fluctuations. Hence the challenge is to prepare for the near future by equipping the current human resource. Management, which is considered as one of skill based professional course, is th...

Sustainable Integrated Model for Classroom Engagement

India’s higher education system, following the United States and China, is the third-largest in the world. Indian government already recognized the importance and spends 6% of GDP on education. Engaged students are expected to perform better. Classroom engagement refers to teacher - student involvement throughout the learning process. It is a multidimensional construct that can be measured with all the dimensions dynamically interrelated like Behavioral engagement, Emotional engagement...

A Critical Study on the Effects of Organization Structure on Employee & Job Satisfaction

Abstract In this paper, A Critical Study on the Effects of Organization Structure on Employee & Job Satisfaction.In this research of the researcher, some factors of job satisfaction of employees in Samsung company were explored and found effective way to give employees satisfaction to get the most profit in the company. Employees are very important for Samsung company nowadays. It is very important for a manager to identify employee satisfaction in the company by following the rules and regul...

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