ABSTRACT An assessment of farm transportation system to ascertain the availability of transportation for the evacuation of farm produce was undertaken in Osun and Oyo states of Nigeria employing printed questionnaires and personal communication as means of information collection. 20% of the farmers reside at between one and three km from their farms while for the remaining 80%, it ranges from four to 16 km. 17.6% of the farmers travel between one and three km to sell their produce while for t...
ABSTRACT Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in the economy in terms of sustainable growth, employment generation, development of entrepreneurial skills and contribution to export earnings. In Namibia, SMEs contributed 14 per cent to the annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs more than 160 000. However, access to finance is a major obstacle for developing and sustaining the SMEs sector as an engine for employment creation and poverty alleviation. It rema...
Farm diversification is considered an optimal farm plan decision for mitigatingvarying degrees of risks and uncertainties which surround agricultural production, and also has a benefit of stabilizing or increasing income. Diversified agriculture is widely practicedin Konoin district but smallholder farmers earn low incomes asevidenced by poor living standards amongst the smallholders. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role of on-farm diversification in poverty alleviation amon...
Abstract This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study and the objectives of the study, the scope of the study and the justification of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The Group’s headquarters are located on Mukwano Road in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The coordinates of the company headquarters are:OO 18 50N, 325923E (Latitude:O.3 137; Longitude:32.5923) The group has manufacturing facilities and assets in Masindi District, Li...
Abstract/Overview Today, many herbal preparations are being prescribed as analgesics. In the past decade, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional systems of medicine which has become a topic of global interest. Indeed, many important drugs in the market have been obtained directly/ indirectly from natural sources, for example: morphine, pilocarpine, quinine and artemisinin among others. Lonchocarpus eriocalyx (Harms) belongs to the family Fabaceae and is used traditionally ...
Abstract Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic growth and wheel that pedal the vehicle of economic development and has been recognized for its importance in the area of job creation, revenue generation, poverty alleviation and wealth creation [1-3] Following this, it is now identified as the central element in the theory of economic development and it makes up the largest business sector in economies [4,5]. It involves a willingness to rejuvenate market offerings, innovate, risks taking...
INTRODUCTION For effective Local Community Development in Nigeria, various Successive governments have embarked on several programme such as: 1. Agricultural Development Project 2. Poverty Alleviation Societies 3. Co-operative Societies 4. Credit Scheme and Micro Finance In Nigeria today Community development has been given some serious attention for the first time only during the third National Development Plan (1975-1930) it was the beginning...
Abstract: Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demand in Ethiopia. Small-scale irrigation has been identified as an excellent way to augment rain-fed agriculture while also assuring food security, particularly in places with limited rainfall. Small-scale irrigation is a policy priority in Ethiopia for rural poverty alleviation and growth, as well as climate adaptation. This study was intended to evaluate the impact of small-scale ...
PROPOSAL Proposal on the importance of Equitable Allocation of Revenue Resources in Nigeria. Equitable Allocation of Revenue are allocation given to air economy to reduce inequalities among them, as regard to the financial resources available in the country.The factors that should be considered to ensure rational allocation of revenue are population, size, wealth and level of development. The allocation of revenue based on these factors above will help the economy to attain economic growth a...
AbstractThe civil society and civil society organizations, have sacrificed their existence, goals and objectives to the course of the fight towards socio-political development in Nigeria. To this effect, they have made relentless effort and provoking arrangements, to ensure that the goals and objectives for which they are set up are achieved to a considerable extent. Hence in the course of their activity towards achieving this goal, they discovered that there are lots of factors undermining s...
ABSTRACT Community participation (CP) is emphasized in the planning and implementation of various projects and sectors. The Renewable energy (RE) sector just like other sector requires community participation for its effectiveness and efficiency. This review aims at exploring the community participation in the renewable sector in Tanzania. A seven-step model was used to review various kinds of literature and five identified themes were analyzed: (i) access to information on RE resources; (ii...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vABBREVIATIONS! ACRONYMS viiiLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 51.3 Purpose of Study 51.4 Objectives to the Study 51.5 Research Questions 51.6 Scope of the Study 61.7 Significance of the Study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Definitions 7Definition of poverty 72.2 Causes of Poverty 82.3 The Impact of Pover...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between poverty and domestic violence in Mayuge District: A case study of Baita-Bogwe Sub-County. The study objectives were; to identify the causes Dfpoverty in Mayuge District particularly in Baita-Bogwe Sub-County, to establish factors influencing ~lomestic violence in Mayuge District particularly in Baita-Bogwe Sub-County and to examine relationship between poverty and domestic violence in Mayuge District particularly in Baita-Bogwe Sub...
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABBREVIATIONS vTABLE OF CONTENT viLISTOF TABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: 1INTRODUCTION 11.0. Introduction 11.1. Background to the Study 11.2. Historical Perspective1.3. Contextual Perspective 51.4. Conceptual Perspective 61.5. Statement of the Problem 71.6. Objectives of the Study 71.6.1. General objective 71.6.2. Specific objectives 71.7. Research Questions 81.8. Significance ofthe Study 81.9. Scope of the Study 81...
The resilience of religion in developing countries is now plain to see. In Afiica and Uganda in pa1ticular, religion shows no sign of disappearing or diminishing in public importance, as development theorists have generally supposed. The objective of the study was to investigate the role of religion in the stability and development of Uganda. The main research instrument was a questionnaire with the employees of Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The results from the questionnaire were tri...