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Co-wife Bonding in Sue Nyathi’s the Polygamist (2012) and Lola Shoneyin’s the Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives (2010)

Abstract/Overview This paper explores the portrayal of co-wife bonding and its impact in polygamy in Sue Nyathi’s The Polygamist (2012) and Lola Shoneyin’s The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives (2010) (hereafter referred to as Polygamist and Secret Lives respectively). The identity of women in polygamy, particularly that of the junior wife, often has a sense of inadequacy and inferiority. This often results into unending jealousies and co-wife rivalries. However, this paper argues t...

Low Completion Rates of Secondary Schools Students in Central Division, Garissa District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION: ................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................

Psychological And Socio-Cultural Effects Of Forced And Coerced Sterilisation On Women Living With Hiv (Wlhiv) In Namibia: Implications For Intervention

ABSTRACT  The forced and coerced sterilisation of women living with HIV (WLHIV) is one of the serious forms of fundamental human rights violations, which has occurred, the world over. In Namibia, cases of forced and coerced sterilisation were first reported in 2007 to 2008. With the support of civil society organisations; these cases have gone through litigation. The litigation of Namibia?s forced and coerced sterilisation cases has been successful and considered a best practice, with the co...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Vulnerable Youth Towards Sexual and Reproductive Health (Report for the Community Survey on Vulnerable Youth in Calabar South, Cross River State)

Adolescence is a pivotal time in a child’s life and a gateway to adulthood. This stage of life presents a  very critical point in life because the child is transiting into adulthood, decisions made at this stage  certainly does affect the child in life. There are 1.2 billion adolescent in the world today and nine out  of ten of these lives in Asia and Sub Saharan Africa. Despite increasing insights into the opportunities  that education and literacy can offer to children especially girl...

Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting cattle in coastal Kenya harbor a diverse array of tick-borne pathogens

Abstract: Ticks and the microbes they transmit have emerged in sub-Saharan Africa as a major threat to veterinary and public health. Although progress has been made in detecting and identifying tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) across vast agroecologies of Kenya, comprehensive information on tick species infesting cattle and their associated pathogens in coastal Kenya needs to be updated and expanded. Ticks infesting extensively grazed zebu cattle in 14 villages were sampled and identified based o...


Weed infestation is one of the major biotic constraints in wheat production. Wheat is infested withdiverse type of weed flora, as it is grown under diverse agro climatic conditions, different cropping sequence, andtillage and irrigation regimes. For controlling weeds in wheat, growers mostly rely on herbicides due to cost and timeeffectiveness. For control of diverse weed flora in wheat combination of herbicides or as sequential, if not compatibleare required. However, sole dependence on herb...

Trends And Determinants of Household Use of Financial Services in Ghana

ABSTRACT  Access to and use of formal financial services, namely savings, credit and insurance products, have far-reaching benefits for households and the economy at large. However, there is limited use of formal financial services and rather, a dependence on informal institutions of saving, borrowing and insurance in developing countries. In order to increase demand for formal financial services by households and micro-enterprises, financial sector reforms were carried out extensively in th...

Larval Habitat Dynamics and Diversity of Culex Mosquitoes in rice Agro-ecosystem in Mwea, Kenya.

Abstract: Introduction of irrigation projects in developing nations has often been blamed for aggravating the problem of mosquito-borne diseases by creating ideal larval habitats for vector mosquitoes. However, whereas several studies have demonstrated the relationship between malaria vectors and irrigation, little work has been done on culicine mosquitoes despite their potential in transmission of filariasis and arboviruses and their significant biting nuisance in these areas. This study ex...

The Role of NGOs in Advocating the Rights of Women in Nigeria

  This study is concerned with the evaluation of the roles played by Non-governmental organizations in the advocacy for women human rights in Nigeria. The objective of the study includes identification of the specific objectives and programmes of the NGOs towards advocacy for women's human rights and the impacts of NGOs towards discrimnation against women and also the challenges faced by the NGOs in achieving their women's human rights advocacy. The data collection instrumenta include questi...

Parental Alcohol Abuse And Children Detachment To The Streets In Kabale Municipality, Uganda

This study investigated how parental alcohol abuse influences children leaving their homes in Kabale municipality, Uganda. The child‟s life journey was traced from home through the streets. Four research questions guided the study: How does parental alcohol abuse influence children leaving their homes? What challenges are faced by the street children? What survival strategies do children use to face the challenges on the street? What interventions would control parental alcohol abuse? ...

Parent – Adolescent Communication On Sexual Health And Behaviour In Anfoega – North Dayi

ABSTRACT Background: Adolescents who are active sexually involve themselves in acts that are risky to their sexual health including an increasingly premature age of sexual growth, the absence of sex information, decreasing cultural and religious impacts, urbanisation and growing numbers of early marriages. The purpose of this study was to examine parent – adolescent communication on sexual health and behaviour in Anfoega in the North Dayi District of the Volta Region. Methodology: A quantit...

Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality in Nigeria: Evidence from the Core Welfare Indicator Survey Data

Abstract This study carried out an analysis of multidimensional poverty and inequality in Nigeria. Five specific objectives were achieved in the study. The Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire (CWIQ) survey data of 2006 by National Bureau of Statistics was used for the study. The sample was made up of 77,400 (seventy-seven thousand, four hundred) housing units drawn from the 36 States and Federal Capital Territory-FCT. The welfare indicators were categorized into ten poverty groups- Housing; ...

The Church And Harmful Traditional Practices Against The Rights of Women Among The Nsukka People of Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work has its thrust as the harmful traditional practices against the rights of women among Nsukka Northern Igbo people and the role of the church in solving these problems. There are lots of problems which women encounter in a patriarchal world. These problems have caused a great havoc among them. They are generally detrimental to the health, psychological and social well being of our women whose fundamental human rights are also violated. These practices are widespread among m...

Spiritual Beliefs And Self-Esteem As Predictors Of Attachment Among Married Adults In Oyo State

ABSTRACT Attachment is a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care and pleasure. However, in Nigeria, low level of attachment has led to many separations of many marriages. This study aims a( exploring spiritual beliefs and self-esteem as predictors of attachment among 300 married adults in Oya State. Using Ex-post facto survey research design • whereby Data were collected through the use of Belief and Value scale by Michael King et al, Morris Rosenberg...

Value Chain Development And Women Empowerment In Tanzania: A Case Of Onion Value Chain In Northern Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Women play critical roles in agricultural value chains in developing countries. However, their participation in value chain development activities does not always result into their empowerment. The main objective of this study was to examine the impacts of women participation in onion value chain development activities on their empowerment. The study was conducted in Simanjiro District and adopted a cross-sectional research design. Qualitative and quantitative data were co...

526 - 540 Of 959 Results