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Human Rights Violation In Kenya: An Analysis Of Domestic Violence In Kilifi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................ v APPROVAL. ................................................................................ vi DEDICATION .............................................................................. vii ACKNOWLEGEMENT ..............•......................................•.......•.... viii CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ............................. ] I. I Introduction .......................

Evaluation of Knowledge and Use of Oral Contraceptives Among Women Aged Between 18 To 35 Years Attending Antenatal Clinic at Lira Regional Referral Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iSUPERVISOR'S APPROVAL ....................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................

Women and Community Development In Rural Africa: Deconstructing Dominant Narratives

Although women’s critical roles in rural community development in Africa is undisputed, its recent discursive appeal in development policy raises questions regarding the ways in which the women living in rural contexts have been mis/understood, mis/appropriated and marginalized. Arguing that two narratives emerge: rural women as victims and rural women as agents of change, this chapter examines the ways in which African women’s experience in rural community development has been framed to ...

Abundance of immature Anopheles and culicines (Diptera: Culicidae) in different water body types in the urban environment of Malindi, Kenya

Abstract: In this study we 1) describe the abundance of Anopheles and culicine immatures in different water body types in urban Malindi, Kenya, 2) compare Anopheles immature density in relation to culicine immature density, and 3) identify characteristics that influence the likelihood of water bodies being co-colonized by Anopheles and culicines. Entomological and environmental cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2001 and 2002 were used in the analysis. A total of 889 Anopheles and 7,217 cu...


ABSTRACT E-r. year at least half a million women die from pregnancy related causes of which., 99% come from developing countries. The root cause of this situation IS due to the fact that the decision-making power women regarding the right to decide on how many children to have and when (whether) to have them, the use of contraceptives and the right to refuse sex with their husbands have been circumcised by socio-economic conditions within which they live. The study data were based on primary ...

Abuse And Its’ Psychological Impact On Women Among Abagusii Community Of Kenya.

Abuse is an extremely complex phenomenon, deeply rooted in gender-based power relations. In the Abagusii community, women abuse has been and is still taking place. Quite a number of women are left either physically injured or some die out of the same. This has brought a major set-back to development within this society. Abuse includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse. This study was descriptive survey which was meant to find out the forms of abuse, the causes of abuse a...

An Investigation Of The Causes Of Drop Outs Of Learners \Vith Special Needs In Education In Marigat Division, Baringo District, I(Enya

TABLE OF CONTENTPageDECLARATION ............................................................................................................... ISUPER VISOR'S APPROVAL ........................................................................................ 11DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. 111ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................

Identification and Tissue Localization of Olfactory Proteins in the Antenna and Head of Glossina Species

Abstract: Tsetse flies use olfaction in search for food, mates and larviposition sites. Olfactory proteins [(odorant binding proteins (OBPs), pheromone binding proteins (PBPs), chemosensory protein (CSPs), odorant degrading enzymes (ODEs) and odorant receptors (Ors)], located within the antennae, play key role in this process. In this work, presence of olfactory proteins was investigated by constructing and sequencing cDNA libraries from Glossina pallidipes Austen, antennae; Glossina palpali...

Technological Change And Its Effect On Traditional Religious Beliefs: The Tiv Experience

ABSTRACT The research was motivated by the need to review traditional beliefs of the Tiv currently undermined by the significant impact of technological change. The Tiv now put more emphasis on technology and its benefits, resulting in an erosion of traditional values within family and clan structures. The work is based on primary sources, including oral interviews with Tiv in positions of leadership, retired elders and chiefs, as well as average citizens. Secondary sources include materials ...

Engaging the regime of comedy: An analysis of the representation of “blackness” and “whiteness” in Leon Schuster’s: There is Zulu on My Stoep (1993) and Mr. Bones 1 (2001).

ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a multimodal discourse analysis of the representation of the fact of “blackness” and “whiteness” in Leon Schuster There is a Zulu on My Stoep (1993) and Mr Bones 1 (2001). By examining the interplay of the multiple modes engaged in the regime of comedy, the study examines how the two dichotomies are represented in the film narrative of comedy. What need to be recognized is the notion that film as text is divorced of meaning. Meaning is constructed by the...

Seroprevalence And Comparison Between Methods Of Syphilis Detection Among Blood Donors In Khartoum State/Sudan

Abstract This study was conducted among blood donors in Central Blood Bank of Khartoum. On a total of ninety tow samples were collected, during the period from March to May 2018, to demonstrate the frequency of syphilis and to compare between different diagnostic methods for detection of syphilis. All samples were tested from ELISA, ICT and RPR. The seroprevalence of syphilis revealed from ELISA method was 7(7.6 %), which was equal to ICT but was slightly increase in RPR 8 (8.7%). The high f...

Factors Influencing Sexual Risk Behaviours Among Rural Adolescent Girls . The Case Of Lower Gwelo, Bafana Ward8

ABSTRACT Adolescent girls between the ages of 14 and 19 are at higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections including human immunodeficiency virus, unintended pregnancies associated with early and unsafe sexual habits. This has resulted in the researcher attempting to identify factors leading to sexual risk behaviors in Bafana ward 8 which can assist in coming with new strategies that can reduce the in withprevalence of high risky sexual practices and reductions in the spread of...

Factors Influencing Language Shift: A Case Of Iraqw

ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate factors influencing language shift from Iraqw to Kiswahili. The study was conducted in Hanang district at Measkron ward. Three villages were selected within the ward to get the respondents for answering the research questions. These are: Measkron, Getaghul and Mara. This study was guided by Gaelic Arvanitika Model under Causality based perspective. In order to fulfill the aim of the study, specific objectives were set. These are: to examine the domains...

The Impact Of Formal Education On The Level Of Civilazation In Karamoja Region Acase Study Of Napak District In North Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT Despite of the importance of Formal education as a foundation for the country’s development for increased number of literacy people in the country, the Ministry of Education spends less than three percent of its budget on this sub—sector 1he General objective of the study was to determine the impact of formal education on the level of civilization. The research study was conducted between March 2015 and may 2015. The study was carried in Napak district in northern parts of U...

Aspects Of Migili Verb Phrase

This research is aimed at discussing the general overview of verb phrase in Migili language. This research work is divided into five chapters which are relevant aspects of the theory of syntax. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page          i Certification          ii Dedication          iii Acknowledgements          iv Table of Contents         vi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0 General Background of the Study      1 1.1 Historical Background of Migili      2 1.2 Socio-C...

601 - 615 Of 959 Results