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Relationship Between Selected Motivational Factors And The Performance Of Public Secondary School Agriculture Teacher’s In Imenti South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teacher motivation is very important as it directly affects the students’ performance. The performance of agriculture teachers in Imenti South District has been low compared to other districts. This has been characterized by a decline in the agriculture subject results. This might have been contributed by inadequate teacher motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between selected motivational factors and the performance of secondary school agricultur...

Relationship between Selected Motivational Factors and the Performance of Public Secondary School Agriculture Teacher’s in Imenti South District, Kenya

Abstract Teacher motivation is very important as it directly affects the students’ performance. The performance of agriculture teachers in Imenti South District has been low compared to other districts. This has been characterized by a decline in the agriculture subject results. This might have been contributed by inadequate teacher motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between selected motivational factors and the performance of secondary school agricultu...

Impact of Petroleum Industrial Degradation on the Yield of Agricultural Produce

Abstract The study focused on the impact of petroleum industrial degradation on agricultural produce in Ilaje Local Government of Ondo state. Four research questions were developed in conformity with the purpose of the study. The study adopted survey research design. Questionnaires were administered to elicit information on crop productivity, livestock productivity, forest and aquatic organisms and therefore the strategies to cope with the impact of petroleum industrial degradation. A total o...

Effects Of Credit Subsidy On Smallholders Maize Productivity And Farm Income In Chókwè District, Mozambique

ABSTRACT Credit constraints hinder development of agriculture in developing countries, yet access is mainly associated with increased farm productivity and crop incomes. For over a decade, Mozambican smallholders have accessed a decoupled credit subsidy under the seven million program for agricultural development. However, little is known about the influence of the program on crop productivity and farm incomes in rural areas. This study therefore, examined whether there are productivity and i...

Effects Of Socioeconomic And Environmental Variables On Renewable Resource Degradation In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria is faced with many environmental problems. Available data indicate that Nigeria is losing her renewable natural resources (including arable land, forest, pasture/rangeland and water resources) beyond sustainable limits. Economic and environmental systems interact in many important ways and hence the need to understand these interactions and develop effective public policy. While economic systems derive many invaluable inputs (some commodified, others free) from environmental...

Land Ownership Arrangements, Food Security And Food Consumption Patterns in The Agro- Ecological Zones of Rural Ghana

ABSTRACT Food insecurity remains a global health challenge especially for poor areas in developing countries. One of the ways through which access to food can be boosted for the rural dwellers is through access to land, as agriculture is the leading source of income for agricultural-based economies. Little attention, however, has been given to how land ownership arrangements of rural dwellers can affect their food security in Ghana. The study therefore examined the relationship between land ...

Effect Of Women Access To Land On Household Nutritional Outcomes Among Small Scale Farmers In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture plays a vital role in the Kenyan economy. It helps in poverty mitigation and ensuring food security. In agriculture, women constitute the majority of small-scale farmers in Kenya, providing 89% of subsistence farming labor force and 70% of the cash crop labor force. However, they have limited access to land which hinders them from making the most constructive use of their time and energy in the agricultural sector and thus affecting household nutritional outcomes. Therefo...


ABSTRACT  The study was done to ascertain the role of commercial banks in financing small-scale agriculture in selected areas of enugu agricultural zone. The aim was to determine the extent to which commercial banks have given out loans for small scale agriculture in comparison with other source of credit, and to look into the problem faced by both the small holder farmers and the banks as regard credit flow to farmers.     The problems of loans repayment and reasons for loan default were...

Achieving a Climate-Change Resilient Farming System through Push–Pull Technology: Evidence from Maize Farming Systems in Ethiopia

Abstract: Building climate-resilient farming systems is important to promote the sustainability of agriculture at the global level. Scaling-up agroecological approaches in main staple crops, such as maize, is particularly important in enhancing the climate resilience of millions of smallholder farmers in developing countries. In this regard, push–pull technology (PPT) is an ecological approach to a farming system that aims to improve the climate resilience of maize producers in a smallhold...

Vulnerability And Adaptation of Farming Households to Climatic And Non-Climatic Stressors in Semi-Arid Ghana

ABSTRACT Since the latter part of the 20th Century to date, climate change has received considerable global attention due to its threats on all sectors of the global economy, particularly agriculture. Sub-Saharan Africa, for which Ghana is part, is considered as most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and variability due to its low adaptive capacity and dependent on predominantly rain-fed agriculture. Farmers in Ghana and beyond are not only prone to climatic stressors but also to n...

Social norms and cultural services - community belief system and use of wildlife products in the Northern periphery of the Korup National Park, South-West Cameroon

Abstract In many traditional societies, beliefs and taboos influence human behaviour towards the natural environment. Such beliefs and taboos are informal institutions where norms rather than official laws determine land use and nature protection in general and wildlife in particular. The present study on beliefs and taboos of the people of the northern periphery of the Korup National Park is an attempt to reveal how norms influence their relation to the environment. A total of 195 household...

Tile Efficacy of the Law and Policy on the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF CASES vABBREVIATIONSABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 General Introduction 11.1 Introduction1.2 Background 31.3 General Economy 61.4 Statement ofthe Problem 61.5 Scope ofthe Problem 71.6 Significance ofthe Study 71.7 Objectives ofthe Study 71.9 Methodology 81.10 Literature Review 8CHAPTER TWO 122.0 Analysis ofthe Regulatory and Institutional Frame Work for Foreign Investment 2.1 Introduction 12ix2.2. The FDI R...

The viability of urban agriculture in reducing food insecurity in Gweru, Mkoba 19 surburb

ABSTRACT The paper examined the viability of urban agriculture in reducing food insecurity in Gweru, Mkoba 19 suburb. The study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of urban agriculture, its effects on food security and the challenges to its practice. A questionnaire was administered to 107 household heads engaged in urban agriculture. The study revealed that urban agriculture had been widely adopted by the households in the suburb. It provided a variety of foods to households such a meat, veget...

Factors Affecting Multiple Climate Change Adaptation Practices of Smallholder Farmers in lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract The study investigated the socioeconomic and institutional factors influencing uptake of multiple climate change adaptation practices among smallholder farmers in lower Eastern Kenya. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 384 small-scale farmers. Percentage and regression were used in the analysis. Among the socio-economic factors, gender positively and significantly influenced adoption of conservation agriculture and water harvesting at 5%, respectively. Among the instit...


Despite several researches in Ghana's agricultural sector, little has been done on the investigation of non-traditional vegetable production, particularly with respect to its profitability. The study was conducted within the context of non-traditional agriculture and in particular, the profit maximization behaviour of smallholder vegetable farmers. The present study is about the assessment of the factors that influence the profitability of non-traditional vegetable crop production in the Nort...

661 - 675 Of 986 Results