ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the determinants of food security in Magoro Sub County. Katakwi district. It was guided by three objective; (I) examining the food security situation. (II) finding out the determinants of food security, and (III) examining the significance of the determinants of food security on food security in the study area. The study was quantitative guided by cross sectional as well as correlational designs. The target population was 100 households of whom oniy 88...
In Kenya, the high level of food insecurity is related to poverty and a reduction in agricultural production. HIV/AIDS reduces a household’s ability to produce and purchase food. Adults with HIV/AIDS are less able to work on their land or earn income from other livelihood activities. Increased healthcare costs decrease household food purchasing power and the coping mechanisms reduce household resilience. Kenya National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005/6- 2009/10 has recommended for impa...
Despite being a culture-centred livelihood activity, pastoralism alone has not guaranteed food and nutrition security for households in Turkana, Kenya. The frequency of droughts and their negative impact on livestock production in the County translate into reduced purchasing power of the pastoral households; causing perennial food insecurity and consequent human indignity. As a growing response to this perennial situation, rain-fed crop production has been introduced in the County at sub...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of farming methods on food security in Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives that were to investigate the forms of farming in Nyakwea Sub-county, to find out the relationship between farming and food security in Nyakwea Sub-county as well as to investigate the measures to address food security in Nyakwea Sub-county. Literature review was done by reviewing related literature on study variables as put forward by diff...
ABSTRACT Food insecurity remains a major problem in poor households, and its implications worsen in disease states including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS. More than 10 million Kenyans are chronically food insecure and 1.6 million have HIV. A synergistic relationship exists between food insecurity, HIV, and AIDS. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS cause an imbalance of the four fundamental elements of food security: food access, availability, utilization, and stability. Ther...
ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for food security assessment in the wake of today’s challenge of climate change and variability. This study aimed at assessing the impacts climate change and variability on food security in West Pokot County for the period 1980-2012. Objectives of the study were to: characterize rainfall and temperature data for the specified years, evaluate spatial variability in relation to climate change and variability in the county using remote sensing and Geograph...
ABSTRACT The HIV and AIDS prevalence in Kenya is 7.2%. HIV and AIDS affect the livelihoods of the PLWHA and consequently their food security status. The country’s food security relies heavily on its agricultural production. Food insecurity that influences dietary practices affects about 12% of Kenyans in urban households and the presence of HIV and AIDS worsens the situation. There is limited data available on the magnitude of food insecurity among PLWHA in Kenya and the effect on dietary p...
ABSTRACT Women play a vital role in food production, however, little has been documented about their role in food security for their households despite their efforts in food production. The purpose of the study was to assess the role of women in household food security in Mpeketoni Location, Lamu County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to identify the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of women farmers; to determine farming inputs used by women farmers; to establish the fa...
ABSTRACT Underutilized cereals and tubers can contribute to food security and in addition provide nutritional balance in the diet as they form a ready source of essential nutrients yet they have been neglected as the dependence on maize, rice and wheat as main cereals increases. The objective of this study was to assess the consumption of underutilized cereals and tubers in urban households and their contribution towards household food security and dietary diversity. A cross sectional analyti...
ABSTRACT Household food security has been the subject of many studies, majority of them focusing on members of the household other than women. The purpose of this study was to investigate household’s food security status and dietary micronutrient intake. It targeted mothers. The study was carried out in dry and wet seasons in Kangai and Mutithi locations of Mwea West Sub County, Kenya. Data were collected on socio demographics/ economics characteristics of the mothers as well as their food...
ABSTRACT Climate variability is among major threats to food security in many agricultural based countries in Africa. In particular, it affects crop production due to temperature and rainfall changes, and more extreme weather events. Erratic rainfall and temperatures are said to reduce crop yields through shortening growing seasons, exaggeration of water stress and promote invasion and intensity of weeds, pests and diseases. Food security in Kenya is uncertain and communities in arid and semi...
ABSTRACT Kenya holds a huge honeybee population and the ability of honey production is high due to different ecological conditions. Beekeeping therefore has the potential of promoting economic development by supplementing household incomes from selling of honey and other products from the hive. Investment in bee farming contributes to environmental conservation because it helps reduce pressure cropping exerts on agricultural land. Many dry areas of Kenya usually face acute food and nutrition ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the interface between neoliberal reform and food security in Ebonyi State, between 1999 and 2013. While observing that agriculture had in the past contributed to both national and state prosperity and food security, the study also noted sharp decline in the performance which coincided with the Nigeria’s implementation of neoliberal policies under civil rule in 1999. Most of the policies targeted the agricultural sector, include: deregulation of agricultural...
ABSTRACT The study identified strategies for ensuring food security in Taraba State. Specifically, the study was designed to identify the determinants of food security; examine the production patterns of food by farmers, identify the factors responsible for food insecurity: and determine the strategies of ensuring food security. The study was carried out in Taraba State of Nigeria in the year 2011. The population of the study comprises all heads of households in Taraba State. A multi stage s...
ABSTRACT Food insecurity is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Despite several research attempts to alleviate food insecurity in Kenya, estimates indicate that approximately 50% of Kenyans are food insecure with 10% in constant need of food relief. One of the causes of food insecurity as it has been reported by other scholars is gender inequality. Women, especially in developing countries have been reported to significantly contribute to food production compared to men while in deci...