The present study aimed at investigating English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ level of reflection and the barriers to their reflection. To do so, based on an experimental research method, 98 EFL teachers were recruited and the English language teacher reflection inventory (ELTRI) was distributed among them. To consolidate the findings of the inventory, 20 volunteers from the same pool were interviewed. As the next phase of the study, to investigate the barriers to the teachers...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of discipline of students on their academic performance in public secondary schools. The study was conducted under three research objectives. These were; to establish how the management of school rules influences students” academic performance, to establish how time management influences students” academic performance, to establish how the administration of punishments influences students” academic performance. The study em...
ABSTRACT The study on the impact of strikes on the academic performance of students was carried out in the selected secondary schools in Kabarnet division, Baringo iistrict-Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to find out the effects of strikes and academic performance of secondary School students in selected schools of (abeyit secondary schools-Kibeyit division, to examine the causes of strikes in ,elected secondary schools of Kabarnet-Kabarnet division and to establish the ·emedies of...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Rukiri Ibanda, District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout andart establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Rukiri Ibanda, District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnaires for teachers and ...
ABSTRACT The problem of the study is to find out and compare the causes of dropout among boys in secondary schools in Namutumba District, Namutumba Central Kangulumo Warc4 and recommend intervention measures and further studies to emulate the same. The phenomenon has severe negative consequences on boys and society in terms of economic, social, political, and psychological dimensions and the problems are differentiable among the boys. Namutumba Districts have a high secondary school dropout ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate on low enrolment in preschool in Sikhendu Zone, Kimilili Division, Kimilili District in Kenya The objectives were: 111 To establish causes to low enrolment in pre-schools. 111 To establish contribution of the government on low enrolment in me-schools. 111 To establish the strategies put in place to ensure increment in preschools. The data was collected by means of questionnaires, observation and interviews. The information was got from the...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to examine the effects of teachers' attitudes towards learners in the teaching and learning of sciences. The study was guided by a number of objectives which were to identify teachers' behaviors or actions that encourages learners to pursue sciences, to establish Teachers' behaviors or actions that discourages learners from studying sciences and to examine effects of the different teacher behaviors/ actions on the teaching and learning process. The study us...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out at Ntinda School for the deaf to find out parental involvement in the education of Deaf children. Most often, parents of Deaf children don't bother at all to get involved in the education of their children. When they take these children to school, they believe it's the end of the story on their part. All responsibilities for they provision of these children's education therefore are left to the school administration to perform. The instruments used in th...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the contribution of rice farming to household income and food security in the Doho sub-county Butalejja District. The cross-sectional method was used in the study. The survey sample consisted of 50 respondents all of who hailed from rice growers. These were selected using a random sampling method. The primary data for the study was collected using questionnaires administered to the respondents that were selected for the study, tables, graphs, a...
ABSTRACT This study was concerned with the challenges facing secondary schools teachers and students in the use of instructional technologies. The rationale was based on the view that properly designed, learning materials inspired by instructional technology and delivered by technology add value to a teaching environment on which contact hours are limited. This is because the curriculum needs academic standards and the development of digital age skills for the 21st century learners. The lite...
Abstract The study was based on the effects of automatic promotion on performance of learners in primary schools in Mubende district Objectives used in the study were: o To identify the problems as a result of automatic promotion policy o To establish the response of teachers on automatic policy • To establish the appropriate measure to correct automatic promotion policy The research design used was purposive sampling technique where the sample selected was based on characteristic of the p...
ABSTRACT In the first child labor was practiced all over the world, and children were overburdened animals of the burdens. It was common in some parts of the world and can be factory work, mining prostitution, querying, agricultural helping in the parents, business, having ones own small business e.g. selling food, or doing odd jobs. Some children work as guides for tourists, sometimes combined with bringing in business for shops and restaurants where they may also work as waiters other chil...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate teachers' motivation and the academic performance of students. To establish the types of motivation used in Kamuyange Parents' primary school. To determine whether the methods of motivation used to contribute to academic performance in the school. From the research study, it was evident that there existed a notable relationship between teacher motivation and the academic performance of students in the subject handled by the same teacher. It ...
ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to find out of school facilities on the academic performance of students in Kiswahili subject in Kariaini secondary school. The study used teachers and learners of the above-mentioned school. This book is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introductory part of research. It talks about the background of the study, the theory, hypothesis, objectives, and significance of the study. This is the chapter that gives the general background of...
ABSTRACT This study is about remuneration and its impact on the performance of teachers in private secondary schools in Eastern Division in Tororo, District. Poor academic performance of students in Uganda has been linked to negative attitude to work and poor teaching habits which have been attributed to poor motivation (Ofoegbu, 2004 and Olatundun, 2007, Lockhead and Dkomenan, 1988) The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of remuneration on the performance of teachers in p...