ABSTRACT In an attempt to investigate on the problem, the researcher identified Nyando District from which he objectively selected the special schools as the research environment. The study was guided by research objectives which included determining the health problems of the Multiply Handicapped; to identify therapeutic, medical and nutritional services provided to these learners with Multiple Handicap. To gather more information on the issue related literature was reviewed on areas ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out the factors hindering the academic performance of orphaned learners in primary schools in Nandi east district. The study involved quite number of respondents from teachers, pupils from upper classes were, selected in a gender conscious manner, The instruments employed in this study were mainly questionnaires, and observations accompanied by interview guides. Data was analyzed by the use of statistical packages where by the responses were coded ...
ABSTRACT The essence of this study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Soy Division , Uasin Gishu West, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners in Kiobatek district and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in Soy Division . The methods used for data collection were face to face inter...
ABSTRACT The study set out to determine the relationship between mc4ivthon and academic performance of students: of Owimbi zone in Rarieda district Kenya. A number of schools were motivating their teachers and students to stimulate the performance in National Examinations. Despite this, the performances of some schools in national exanimations were extremely very poor.The research information was on the characterized personal information of the teachers, subjects taught and grade attained. T...
ABSTRACT This study looked into job design and organizational performance and the purpose of the study was to find out whether job design affects organizational performance. The objectives of this study were; to determine whether job design affects organizational performance, to find out the indicators of job design and to determine the factors that affect organizational performance. The researcher adopted a casual comparative research design because the study has a cause effect relation...
ABSTRACT Mathematics is one of the major subjects especially when it comes to career choice, most of the careers in our economy demands that one joining them must not only have basic knowledge in mathematics but also have better knowledge in this important subject. It has been noted with great concern that there is general poor performance in this subject to both boy child and girl child in all levels of education. Researcher has tried to carry out studies aimed at redirecting their scenario....
ABSTRACT This research was based on Teacher-pupil relationship and academic pe,formance of students in six schools of Limuru Zone of Kiambu district of Kenya. Namely Limun, Mission, Ngarariga, Limuru Town, Manguo and Limum model Primary schools. Its objectives were to (i) Ident!fa practices teachers engaged in which would have positive or negative influence 011 the learning process (ii) Ident!fa the efforts that are put in place to enhance learner's self-worth and dignity, (iii) examine...
ABSTRACT The study was set to find out the effects of guidance and counseling in relation to ECDE. The researcher looked into the implementation of guidance and counseling programme, behavioural change and challenges encountered by the teacher counselors. The study was carried out in Kocholwo Zone, Metkei Division, Keiyo District. It involved lower primary pupils, headteachers, teachers and parents. The researcher reviewed relevant literature related to the study. The study was designed ...
ABSTRACT fhe purpose of this study was to determine the impact ofIDV/AIDS on the education of 5elected primary schools of Mwingi District Eastern Province Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to, determine the effect of HIV/AIDS on the enrollment of children in school, determine the relationship between HIV/ AIDS and school drop out, determine the challenges teachers face in regards to the HIV/ AIDS pandemic, determine the Impact of IDV / AIDS on teachers' participation in ed...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes of early marriages among school going pupils in Mpumudde Division in Jinja district. The objectives of the study were the following; it was aimed at: 1. To establish the causes of early marriages among school going pupils. 2. To examine the impact of early marriages on the pupils who engage them selves in this practice. 3. To come up with measures and strategies that can be adopted to reduce the high rate of early marriages a...
ABSTRACT The study aims at investigating on how location (physical environment) affect the enrolment of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools in Riana zone, Homabay district, The objectri es of the study included among others the state of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools, categories of learners with physical impairment, methods used to support learners with physical impairment and the effects of location on the enrolment of the physically impai...
ABSTRACT The researcher report is about the Effect of hearing impairment on the academic performance of learners with specific learning difficulties in mathematics in Kiptoim zone of Koibatek District. The statement of the problem was identifying major problems facing learners with hearing impairment and the solutions to these problems. The content of this report consists of five chapters. Chapter one details out the background information of the research environment, purpose of the study, st...
ABSTRACT The research was concerned with some factors affecting School Administration under Free Primary Education in Likuyani division, Lugari District, Western Province - Kenya. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples employed in the study were got from the F.P.E Schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The data...
Abstract It is a fact that all people need food and cannot live long without eating enough of it. It is this fact that the researcher has decided to establish the Impact on Health and Nutrition on the Performance of Pre-Primary School in Rangwe Zone, Homa Bay District; the research is based on finding out the relationship that exist between feeding and the academic performance of the ECE children. The researcher basing his research in children in Rangwe Zone randomly selected schools and one ...