ABSTRACT Overweight and obesity in all populations are now realised as worldwide epidemic health problems. The aetiology of these conditions suggests a disruption in regulation of energy at the population level, leading to a positive energy balance and excess adiposityamong others.Overweight and obesity can be defined in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI), which is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2).The aim of this study was, therefore, to measure the B...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken with the aim of providing information on the levels of ability of the students of secondary schools on reading comprehension in English language in Vihiga District in Western Province of Kenya. It was meant to determine the factors that influence reading comprehension, the knowledge they have about reading comprehension skills, reading activities organized for their own reading development and problems they encounter in reading and answering questions in rea...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the contributions of Health Education (HE) to Oral Health Practices (OHP) among the Physically Challenged Pupils (PCPs) in Public Special Primary Schools (PSPS) in Kisumu County, Kenya. The objectives were to; determine oral health practices among the PCPs who study HE in PSPS, establish contributions of HE to Oral Health Practices among PCPs in PSPS, identify Oral Health (OH) challenges faced by PCPs who study HE in PSPS and to determine HE...
ABSTRACT The focus of this research problem was that despite the Government efforts to support the provision of career guidance and counselling in public secondary schools, there was no readily available documented data of what is currently going on in the schools.Further more, during her literature review this researcher did not come across any study that had been carried out on the status of career guidance and counselling services in public secondary schools in Nairobi Province.The purpose...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of subsidized secondary education on access and participation in public secondary schools in Manga district. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine enrolments in public secondary schools before and after implementation of Subsidized Secondary Education(SSE), effects of SSE in Manga district and strategies for improving the implementation of SSE in the district. Literature on financing secondary education in the world, financing ...
ABSTRACT The role of sponsors in the management and operations of schools has changed drastically from the 1960s to date. Currently, sponsors role have been reduced in the management of schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the sponsors on public secondary school administration in six districts within Migori County. Objectives of the study were to determine sponsors contribution in the running of schools; to investigate the expectations of sponsors’ on teach...
ABSTRACT Dual language programmes (DLPs) have continued to show the biggest gains when it comes to language proficiency and academic achievements. Many countries especially in Europe, have adopted this programme to deal with the challenge of immigrants who have limited English proficiency. In Africa, plans of implementing this programme are underway in Maputo. Kenya pioneered this programme at the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa County, with the aim of developing learners who are bilingual and bi...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate on the influence of educational support systems (ESSs) on participation of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in primary schools in Kalama division, Machakos County, Kenya. This was crucial as OVCs‟ school attendance, retention and class concentration was low due to poor educational support. This contradicted the Kenya National policy on OVCs (2005) which stipulates that OVCs have the right to access education. The study was concer...
ABSTRACT Most pupils with physical disabilities enrolled in special primary schools for the physically disabled in Kenya perform below average in total score of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination (KCPE). The purpose of this study was to find out factors affecting performance of pupils with physical disabilities in the KCPE. The research design used was survey design. The population of this study was drawn from the five available special primary schools for the physically disabled in...
ABSTRACT Purpose of this study was to assess the implementation process of Business Studies curriculum. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to find out the training provisions for teacher of Business Studies for their preparation to implement the integrated syllabus, to determine the attitude of teachers of Business Studies towards the secondary school Business Studies syllabus, to determine the teaching/learning resources and strategies used to implement Business Studi...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed at establishing the pedagogic strategies influencing pupils’ learning of algebraic concepts in upper primary school classes in Laikipia West sub-County, Kenya. The three objectives of the study were to establish; (i) the widely used pedagogic strategies in teaching algebra; (ii) the factors influencing the teachers’ choice of pedagogic strategies in learning of algebra; and (iii) the pedagogic strategy that contributes most to pupils’ learning of algebra in...
ABSTRACT Although curriculum is the key to learning in every learning institution, there have been complaints about poor performance in certain schools, subjects and regions every year resulting from ineffective curriculum development and implementation. The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of CDF on secondary school Curriculum implementation in Nyahururu District.The objectives of the study were to find out the; extent to which CDF has addressed the textbooks shortages, infras...
ABSTRACT Performance contracting was introduced in higher learning institutions including primary teacher training colleges in the year, 2008.The government has been carrying out evaluation for the purposes of monitoring the progress of performance contracting implementation (GoK, 2012). Inspite of introduction of performance contracting in the public primary colleges, not all predetermined targets have been achieved. The purpose of this study was to investigate barriers to implementatio...
ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse academic achievement of learners with Down syndrome in special primary schools for learners with Intellectual disability in Kiambu county. The study was guided by the following objectives: To Analyse academic achievement of learners with Down syndrome in special schools; to identify the instructional resources used by teachers to teach learners with Down syndrome; to assess the instructional strategies used in teaching learners with Down syndrome; and to ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence the low transition rates of trainees with intellectual disability from vocational training to employment in Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the effectiveness of learner preparation strategies in line with policy guidelines on transition to employment, to establish the prospective employer’s willingness to offer employment opportunities to trainees with in...