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Education Research Papers/Topics

Teacher-Parent Partnership In Enhancing Student’s Academic Performance: A Case Of Selected Community Secondary Schools In Tunduru District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study, was to find out the extent to which partnership between teachers and parents, could enhance an academic performance of students in secondary schools in Tanzania, with a reference to Tunduru District. Four community secondary schools and 90 respondents were involved in the study, categorized into 4 heads of schools, 2 DSEOs, 4 WECs, 20 teachers, 20 parents and 40 students. Respondents and schools were selected through a random sampling and purposive sampling...

Assessment Of The Implementation Of Learnercentered Teaching Approaches In Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Bahi District

The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of learner-centered teaching approach (LCTA) in Tanzanian rural secondary schools. The specific objectives were: to determine teachers‟ and students‟ perceptions on the implementation of Learner-Centered Teaching Approaches in secondary schools; to identify the strategies used by teachers in implementing Learner-Centered Teaching Approach in rural secondary schools and lastly was to find out the constraints hindering the implement...

Is Fathers’ Involvement In Young Children’s Development And Learning In The Early Years Important? Experiences From The Caregivers In Tanzania

Abstract There has been an increased interest among researchers and policy makers on fathers’ involvement and its implications for children’s wellbeing and learning. Existing empirical evidences from developed countries have documented fathers’ essential role that it successfully improves children’s development and learning. However, there is dearth of evidence from developing countries especially from Sub-Sahara African contexts. This study was designed to establish Tanzanian experie...

Issues In Provision Of Pre-Primary Education In Tanzania: A Situation Analysis Of Selected Government Pre-Primary Schools In Arusha Region

ABSTRACT This study focused on exploring issues in provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the current practices in the provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania, investigate the challenges that encounter provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania and then suggest appropriate strategies toward provision of pre-primary education in Tanzania. The study used both qualitative and quantitative paradigms in data collection and dat...

Observations Onteaching Practices Based Among UDOM Student Teachers: Experiences And Way Forward

Abstract This paper reports the findings of a study that was conducted in Moshi Urban secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. The study observed the student-teachers from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) during their 2017/2018 Teaching Practice (TP) to establish their common mistakes during classroom teaching, determine reasons behind such teaching mistakes and suggest possible solutions to improve the preparation of teachers as well as teaching and learning practices. In all, 69 un...

The Relationship Between Leadership Styles Demonstrated By School Heads And Students’ Academic Achievement In Community-Based Secondary Schools: A Case Of Musoma District

ABSTRACT This study examined the relationship between leadership styles demonstrated by school heads and students‟ academic achievement in community-based secondary schools in Tanzania. The objectives of this study were: (1) To explore dominant leadership style demonstrated by school heads in community-based secondary schools in Tanzania.(2) To examine students‟ difference in academic achievement in relation to leadership styles demonstrated by school heads in community-based secondary sc...

Educating Children With Intellectual Disabilities In Pre-Primary Education, Tanzania

Abstract This study investigated the issues of educating children with intellectual disability at one Primary School in Lindi Region, Tanzania. The data were collected using in-depth interviews and thematically analyzed. The findings indicated that children with intellectual disability were integrated in primary school. Adaptive skills like how to eat, use toilet, dress, sit on chair and academics were offered. There was minimal parents support. Parents lacked the capacity because of their p...

Vocational Guidance Needs Assesment At Primary School Level In Chato District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the needs for vocational guidance in primary schools in Chato District of Tanzania. It employed mixed methods with cross-sectional survey design together with the use of purposive sampling for DEO, head teachers, and parents, as well as stratified sampling approach for pupils from the 13 sampled primary schools. Semi-structured interviews, questionnaire and documentary review were used for data collection. The sample of the study comprised a total of 273 responde...

Exploring The Status And Impact Of Adult Information Literacy In Tanzania: The Case Of Babati District

ABSTRACT This study was intended to explore the status and impact of adult information literacy in Tanzania taking Babati District as the case. Specifically the study was meant to: identify sources of information in empowering adult information literacy; determine the extent to which adults are information literate; explore barriers for adult information literacy; examine the impact of adult information literacy programmes on welfare of the Community and to seek stakeholder’s opinions on t...

University Students’ Participation In Sports And Its Implications For Academic Perfomance

ABSTRACT The study was on university students‟ participation in sports and its implications on academic performances. The study had four following objectives; firstly to explore rationale of introducing sports among university students, secondly to investigate the perceptions of university about participation in sports ,thirdly to find out the extents to which university students participate in sports and lastly to establish contributions of students‟ participation in sports on academic ...

The Role Of Parents In Influencing Academic Perfomance Among Community Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbozi District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the role of parents on influencing academic performance in community secondary schools. The reason behind doing this study was the persistence of two ways traffic blames between parents and teachers. Parents have been blaming teachers because their children fail examinations without knowing that even them are also responsible in the performance of their children. The study was done in Mbozi District in Songwe Region. The approach used to undertake th...

Decentralization Of Secondary School Education And Effectiveness Of Inspection In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate decentralization of secondary school education and effectiveness of inspection in Tanzania. The study specifically examined the changes that have occurred in the inspection after the decentralization of secondary schools, challenges facing school inspection, and explored possible initiatives that the Government can undertake to conduct proper and effective secondary school inspection, drawing references from Dodoma Municipality. The study em...

School Committees’ Views On Persistent Use Of Physical Punishment In Primary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbarali District

ABSTRACT This study explored the views of school committee members on the persistent use of physical punishment as disciplinary measure in primary schools. The study focused on three research questions which were: (1) to what extent was physical punishment practiced in primary schools as disciplinary measure? (2)What were the views of the school committee members on the use of physical punishment in primary schools? and (3)What were the alternative strategies for maintaining discipline in sc...

Conflicts Management Strategies Used Between Heads Of Schools And Teachers In Secondary Schools: A Case Of Kondoa District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies used in conflict management between the heads of secondary schools and teachers in secondary schools in Kondoa District. The objectives of the study were: to find out the major sources of conflicts between heads of secondary schools and teachers, to identify effective conflict management strategies that are used in resolving conflicts between heads of secondary schools and teachers and, to examine the challenges encountered in t...

The Status Of Girls’ Hostel Services In Rural Community Secondary Schools: A Case Of Igunga District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main focus of this study was to assess the status of girls’ hostel services in rural community secondary schools, a case of Igunga district in Tanzania. The study was guided by General Systems Theory and Chaos Theory. It was a cross-sectional survey conducted through a mixed research approach, mainly dominated by qualitative research approach and complemented by quantitative elements. A total of 84 participants were purposively and randomly selected from four sampled schools. ...

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