Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing novice teachers: the case of selected schools in the Zambezi region. Qualitative research study was carried out and a case study approach was used to select six schools. The study used unstructured or semi-structured techniques in data collection. A non- probability sampling technique namely purposeful sampling was used. The researcher purposefully selected informative rich participants in order to get more informati...
ABSTRACT In 1990, when Namibia gained independence, about 43000 exiled Namibians were repatriated back home from different countries. Included in this number were soldiers and refugees including children who were born during the liberation struggle. These children have been called “Exiled Kids,” “Returnees Children,” Ex-War Children,” SWAPO Children” and so on. However, later on they were officially called Children of the Liberation Struggle (CLS) after they had come to prominenc...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate factors hampering grade 5 learners’ reading comprehension in English Second Language in the Oshana Region. The study employed mixed methods of both qualitative and quantitative research designs. The study also used a triangulation procedure during data collection. A simple random sampling procedure was used to select 40 schools from 88 schools with grade 5, 25 teachers and 60 learners from selected schools. A criterion purposeful s...
ABSTRACT This study explored the support rendered by education stakeholders to teachers of learners with visual impairments. This study was conducted at an inclusive secondary school in the Oshana region. The purposeful criterion sampling technique was used to select seven teachers who were teaching learners with visual impairments at the time of research to participate in the study. The interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data from the participants. With the permission of t...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the academic writing challenges experienced by Bachelor of Education undergraduate students in using English at the University of Namibia, Katima Mulilo Campus. The study focused on the following research questions: what challenges did students face in academic writing at this campus? What were the students’ and lecturers’ perceptions of the possible causes of these academic writing challenges; were there any differences in writing challenges faced accord...
ABSTRACT In Namibia, Omusati Region is one of the poorly performing regions in Physical Science Grade 12 national examinations (Omusati Regional Advisory Services (ORAS), 2015). Despite the poor performance, there are few schools in this region which have been ranked among the top six performing schools in the country. These schools are located in the same geographic region with other schools with a poor performance record. Therefore, this study investigated practices that could help improve...
ABSTRACT The current Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. cultivars in Namibia have overall poor performance and this poses a threat to the nation's food security because this crop is staple for over 70% of the Namibian population. The crop suffers from a range of undesirable production traits such as; susceptibility to diseases, low yield and prolonged reproductive cycle due to lack of genetic diversity. This study was aimed at understanding the genetic diversity of the crop in Namibia by means o...
ABSTRACT In Kwara. State and in many other States of the Federation, students’ poor acadejnic performances were usually blamed on poor scho'ol management by principals and bad teaching by teachers respectively. The final output in terms of General Certificate of Education or West African School Certificate Examination results had älways been used as yardsticks for assessing the failure or success of schools. Critics wpre not mindful of "the process" to the final output. This study had take...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the quality of educational standards in Namibian Vocational Education and Training (NVET) with the purpose to provide a benchmark model aimed at improving the educational standards in Namibian Vocational Training Centres (NVTCs). The study addresses the issue of poor educational standards in NVTCs based on complaints from the society, the media and politicians that the NVET is unable to meet the job market requirements. The triangulation m...
ABSTRACT Activity-based instructional strategies have been identified as being effective in the delivery of rulegoverned subjects such as Mathematics. Two of these strategies are the Pupil-centred Activitybased Instructional Strategy (PAIS) and Teacher Demonstration Activity-based Strategy (TDAS). However, research findings have shown that a large number of primary school mathematics teachers trained in colleges of education in Nigeria have difficulty in developing lesson plans and delivering...
ABSTRACT Limited data on child-rearing practices and beliefs exist in Namibia. The data that exist are outdated and covers a limited number of ethnic groups in the country. Because of this paucity of data, little research information on child-rearing practices is available to guide culturally sensitive intervention programmes for young children in many Namibian communities. To begin ameliorating this state of affairs, this study was conducted to investigate child-rearing practices and belief...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the challenges experienced by Grade 3 teachers when teaching mathematical problem solving skills in 5 selected rural farm schools in the Kunene region of Namibia. The study adopted a qualitative approach following the case study design in order to elicit the views of Grade 3 teachers and Junior Primary Heads of Department about their experiences of teaching mathematical problem solving skills in rural farm schools. Purposive sampling was used ...
Abstract Technology has become a vital tool in teaching and learning, realising a paradigm of learner centred instruction for diverse learners. The use and integration of ICT into education, which is the focus of this study, is stated as one of the five distinct development areas in the use of ICT (MoE, 2005). In order to meet the requirements of Level 2 according to ICT policy for education, NAMCOL adopted a strategy to enhance ICT integration in teaching to this effect. NAMCOL invested res...
ABSTRACT The study involves Family Literacy graduate parents who completed the programme in Oshana Region. It examined the (1) type of support Family Literacy graduate parents render to their 1st graders of formal school (2) impacts of Family Literacy Programme on parents to support children in their learning (3) strategies to help improve the implementation of Family Literacy Programme. The study conceptualised parents’ educational participation, programme influences on parental support a...
ABSTRACT The results of learners at the end of the academic year are one area in which the general public expects to see an improvement. This is not so in Namibia, when one looks at the results from the Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) and the International General Certificate of Secondary Examinations (IGCSE) for the year 2004. It is this lack of significant improvement in some subjects that has caused concern among parents and the general public. In fact, this concern has motivated many ...