ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating quality assurance practices in ten private universities in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study involved 268 participants, comprising 168 lecturers, 70 students, 10 Quality Assurance heads, 10 registrars and 10 deans of students. Simple random and purposive sampling technique were used in selecting the respondents. Questionnaires and interview guide were the main instruments used to c...
ABSTRACT Glycemic load and index of local foods is becoming a topical issue in food science. Therefore, determining glycemic load and index of locally consumed foods in is necessary. The aim of this research was to determine the glycemic load of boiled yam, boiled cassava and boiled plantain among the people of Abura. In finding answers to the problem being investigated, three research questions and one research hypothesis were set to guide the study. Theoretical and empirical literature wa...
ABSTRACT Reading plays a vital role in the educational attainment of students. However, poor reading habit among students is a great concern to the society. This habit undermines the educational attainment and career actualization of most students. Literature has focused on the factors precipitating poor reading habit with little emphasis on intervention efforts in Nigeria. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Study Skill Training (SST) and Multiple ...
ABSTRACT Mathematics is a core subject in schools and a bedrock for scientific and technological development. To this end, qualified teachers must be produced at colleges of education (CoEs) in Southwestern Nigeria to teach the subject at basic education level. In recent times, the performance of learners of Mathematics in the CoEs in Southwestern Nigeria has not been encouraging. Most studies focused on instructional strategies for teaching Mathematics to the neglect of influencing factors....
ABSTRACT The scraping of the Teachers Grade II certificate programme places great responsibilities on Nigerian Colleges of Education (COEs) in providing manpower with the minimum entry qualification to enter into the teaching profession in the country. The increasing demands for the Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) have forced COEs to establish part-time programmes with flexible admission criteria. Despite this, there exists low participation of women in these programmes; a situation p...
ABSTRACT Women are now occupying leadership positions regardless of the existing glass ceiling and other barriers. This has however been demonstrated to be having positive impacts on the job performance of the generality of women and especially the print media houses. Previous studies rather than focusing on the psycho-social factors that enhance women‘s performance in the sector, had concentrated more on issues of work-life balancing, leadership and financing. This study, therefore, inves...
ABSTRACT Objective: This descriptive cross-sectional study assessed cancer patients’ use of traditional healers, the association between delay in coming to this clinic and patients’ use of traditional healers, reasons cancer patients use western medicine after trying traditional treatment and the cost of obtaining traditional treatment. Methods: Participants were made of 400 consecutive and consenting new patients in the Department of Radiotherapy, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibad...
ABSTRACT Reproductive Health Education Programmes and Services (RHPS) have been developed to help adolescents acquire knowledge and skills to express their sexuality in life enhancing ways. It is however, noted that the monitoring and evaluation of RHPS have not been done by Delta state personnel to ascertain its effectiveness in curbing at-risk sexual behaviour of in-school adolescents in the State. Studies revealed that 80% of patients with abortion complicated issues are adolescents. Ther...
ABSTRACT Literature have shown that students generally have erroneous knowledge about the transmission of HIV/AIDS which resulted in bad attitude that put them at risk of contracting the disease. There is a need to have instructional strategies that could help to increase the knowledge, attitude and perceived risk of HIV/AIDS in order to reduce the spread of the disease. There are dearth of studies on the importance of cooperative instructional strategies in changing secondary school student...
ABSTRACT Adolescents in Borstal remand centres, even though in a highly restrictive environment are typically identified with risk-taking behaviours which increase their vulnerability to HIV infection with an attendant socio-economic impacts on the larger society. Hence, evidence has shown that the prevalence rate of HIV is higher among those in correctional settings than those in the larger society. However, previous studies have focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV amo...
ABSTRACT Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and accompanying learning difficulties in mathematics experience considerable degree of helplessness as a result of their inability to successfully solve mathematical problems. The effects of ADHD on learning difficulties may become overwhelming on these pupils. This is probably caused by some personal, psycho-social and environmental factors distractive enough to negatively affect their concentration in class and achieve...
ABSTRACT This study investigated occupational stress as related to psychosocial variables of job satisfaction and psychological well-being of teachers in the first generation Nigerian Universities. Also the study assessed the differences in occupational stress experienced by the. teachers with respect to career variables such job status and years 'of teaching experience as well as biographical characteristics namely, age and sex. The research method was a cross-sectional survey design. Cluste...
ABSTRACT The failure of past anti-poverty initiatives during the pre-Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and post-Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) eras in Nigeria motivated the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the federal, state and local governments, to jointly take a pragmatic step of initiating the Integrated Community Development Programme (ICDP), a participatory poverty reduction intervention. Literature has shown the extent to which the UNDP/ICD...
ABSTRACT English Language is the most compulsory subject in school curricular in Nigeria. As an important subject at secondary school, success or failure in it determines the extent to which learners would advance in their educational and career pursuits in life. However, records from public examination bodies reveal that students’ performance in the subject has been below average. This has been traced to their poor performance in and attitude to essay writing aspect of English Language ex...
ABSTRACT MicroFinance Banks (MFBs) were established as an intervention to serve vulnerable groups, such as women, who were not served by commercial banks in Nigeria. With the array of these banks in the country, there is an expectation of a corresponding impact on women‘s socio-economic activities in the informal sector, just as it is in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Sri-Lanka. However, contrary to these expectations, the impact of MFBs on women‘s socio-economic status is scantily documented ...