ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to investigate the case of early pregnancy andstudent’s performance in~ selected secondary schools in Jinja District andsuggested possible solution to the problem. The specific objectives of the studyis to investigate the cause’s of early pregnancy and student’s performance inschools. To find the effects of early pregnancy and student’s performance inschools. To get the solutions of early pregnancy and student’s performance inschools. The methods...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................ iiDEDICATION ................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................. ···········...... IVTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... vLIST OF TABLES ...........................................
ABSTARCTThis study investigated impact of family background and school attendance on academic performance , the general objective of this study was to identify how family background and school attendance effect academic performance in secondary school of Kenya, The specificobjectives of this study were to:- examine the relationship between family background and academic achievement of students, establish the relationship between nutrition/illness and student’s performanc...
ABSTRACTThis study set to find out the effects of free secondary education on the academic performance of students in Kitui central Zone, Kitui district .The specific objectives of the study were to determine if Poor Physical Facilities affects the implementation of free secondary education. Determine if Lack of enough Trained Teachers affects the implementation of free secondary education. Determine if high Pupil-Teacher Ratio affects the implementation of free secon...
FABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration.Dedication iiAcknowledgement iiiCHAPTER ON~1.1 Introduction1,2 Background Information 21.3 Statement of the Problem 31.4 Significance of the Study 51.5 Definition of Some Terms 5CHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature Review 72.1 Causes of Hearing Impainnent 72.2 Characteristics of Hearing Impaired Children 142.3 Challenges Faced by Teachers of Hearing Impaired Pupils 152.4 Challenges Faced by Hearing Impaired Leamers 222.5 Effect of the Challenges Educationally to the Leamers ...
ABSTRACTThe impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality andmagnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit pupil, but alsothe physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community andsociety.The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain abetter understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the qualityof special education for the physically ...
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the problems affecting the performance of learners with hearing impairment of Ochii Integrated programme, Baringo District, Kenya.Problems were whether they are high, moderate, low or very low in the following aspects: suitability of the curriculum, Learning resources, attitudes and trained personnel and the profile of teachers in terms of their ages, sex, academic and professional training and experiences.This study employed the descriptive...
ABSTRACTThe study dealt with HIV I AIDS prevention strategies and sexual behaviour of the youth. The research aimed at investigating the HIVIAIDS prevention strategies and sexual behaviour ofthe youth. It involved the total of 100 youths. The sample of respondents will be randomly selected from different divisions in Kampala district, including Kawempe division, Makindyedivision, Rubaga division, Kampala Central division, and Nakawa division.The research will be carried our to find ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of poorrelationship between the teaching staff and the school administrationcould have on students' performance. The investigation was carried insecondary schools in Kitui Central zone, Kitui District - Kenya. Thestudy involved a sample of 50 teacher randomly selected from allteachers in three schools in the Zone. The instruments of research theresearcher used are questionnaires in collecting data from the teachersinclusive of t...
ABSTRACTThe Adult literacy program has been in existence in Uganda since 1964, Implemented by various government-regimes and at one time collapsed. In the face of the development and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, there has been emphasis on the core- development hindrances and on how to abate them in order to improve its global welfare. Among these is to reduce the literacy rate by 2015 through the provision of Universal fee-free education in sign...
ABSTRACTThis paper set out to investigate people's views and attitudes towards wetland reclamation, the factors that tend to predate wetland reclamation as well as the immediate impacts of this scourage to Kampala district in particular and Uganda in general. Field researchwas carried out among the residents of Kinawattaka as the area under investigation. Popular environmentalists were also approached. Respondents of ages between 18 to 60 years were interviewed in due...
ABSTRACTFhis l'f/l(fl· uim~d
ABSTRACTThe study on the causes and effects of girls’ school dropouts was carried out in Budondo subcounty Jinja district. The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes and effects of schooldropout in schools. The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included;finding out the causes of school dropouts in Budondo sub-county, finding out the effects ofstudents school dropouts in the community of Budondo sub-county. The sample size of 60 respondents was got fro...
THE ABSTRACTThis research presents a review on the challenges faced by pupils who are mentally disturbedin primary schools. It provides an interpretive critique of the studies reviewed and focuses onthese areas:-(i) The effects of teachers' attitudes towards teaching mentally disturbed learnershindering educational performance.(ii) The educational challenges faced by mentally disturbed learners.(iii) The relationship between availability of sufficient teaching materials and performanceof ment...
ABSTRACTThis study was set forward to establish the outstanding challenges to UniversalPrimary Education within Mukono Town Council by taking a case study ofsome selected secondary schools. The general object of the study was toestablish such challenges to UPE.Chapter two looked at the review of what other researchers had written on thetheme under study by citing out their concerns over the issue of compulsoryeducation or education for all.In the preceding chapter that is, the methodology, it...