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Social, Cultural And Economic Causes Of Secondary School Girls Pregnancies: Implication For Counselling In Pokot South Sub County Of West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Pregnancies among secondary school girls are on the rise globally and in Kenya. As a social problem, it has adverse effects on the girls‟ academic performance, and career development as it results in girls dropping out of school and some are forced to early marriages. Despite efforts to prevent girls dropping out of school due to pregnancies, there is still evidence of high prevalence of pregnancy among girls in secondary school. This study therefore sought to establish social, cul...

Assessing The Effectiveness Of The Community Child Care Workers (Ccws) In The National Case Management System In Child Protection. Case Of Zhombe Ward 9 And 10..

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Community Child Care Workers in child protection case management. The study interest cropped up after realizing some diversion of the CCWs from meeting the set goals; increased frequency in unreported cases of child abuse in form of sexual, physical, psychological/neglect and emotional; unreported cases of child marriages, child labor, out of school and school dropouts as well as increased child headed households and increased prevale...

The Psychosocial Resources Applied By Co-Wives In Coping With Stressful Polygamous Environments: A Case Of Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the psychosocial resources co-wives apply in coping with the stressful polygamous environments. Studies on the area of the psychosocial effects of polygamous marriages have highlighted on the negative effects of the practice on women. However, these studies fail to outline if there are any workable intervention measures (strategies) which co-wives can apply to cope with the polygamous environments. There was need to address the plight of co-w...

Domestic Violence And Women's Participation In Community Development Initiatives In Western Uganda A Case Study Of Mbarara Municipality Mbarara District

ABSTRACT 'he study on how domestic violence affects women's pai1icipation in community development 1itiatives in Mbarara Municipality aimed at establishing the forms and nature of domestic violence existing in homes, the causes of domestic violence, the effects of domestic violence on 10men's participation in community development initiatives and to identify mechanisms put in lace to address the question, gaps existing and suggest the way forward. 'he study targeted women and men in fami...

Economics Analyses Of Cassava Production Among Smallholders Farmers In Ondo, Nigeria

                                                           ABSTRACT The study examined the economic analysis of cassava production among smallholder farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were: to examine the socio-economic characteristics of the cassava producers, determine the factors influencing the level of profitability accruable to the cassava producers, determine the cost and returns of cassava production, also to identify the...


ABSTRACT Infertility is a social and cultural problem that makes People Living with Infertility (PLWI) to seek solutions through different means. The 2007 - 2010 clinic records at General Hospital, Ijebu-Ode, a secondary health care facility that serves several communities in Ijebuland, have shown that the prevalence of infertility is on the increase. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a major breakthrough or innovation for the treatment of infertility. In Nigeria, previous studies ha...

Relationship between Father-Daughter Relationship Quality and Fear of Intimacy among Female Students of United States International University – Africa, Nairobi County

Abstract: The role of fathers in the lives of their children has recently become a topic of interest in research since most of the parenting research has focused on the mothers’ relationships with their children. The studies that have been done on fathers are mostly on father-son relationships, and considerably less have focused on fathers and daughters. Increasing numbers of divorce cases and non-committal relationships in the contemporary society raises curiosity on the nature of intimat...


A surrogate, which is synonymous with words such as “deputize,” “foster,” and “substitute,” is not a strange word for many persons, even in Africa. It explains the condition that births a person or animal acting as a substitute for the social or personal role of another, such as a surrogate mother. However, commendable as this sounds, the problem of surrogacy in today’s world reached apogee as a result of the misconstrued preconception of familyhood. This growing misinterpretati...

Factors Affecting Girls’ Participation In Primary Education In Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Female education, especially at primary school level, is increasingly being realised to provide immense social and economic benefits for the developing countries. However, the participation of girls in education is more often constrained in these countries. As a result, gender gap persists in education despite the research evidence that girls‟ formal education is the key determinant of women‟s involvement in development for the above nations. In Kenya, the government has articula...

An Integrated Luo-Maasai Traditional Religious Model To Conflict Resolution

ABSTRACT The human quest for harmony of man is the quest for “conflict Resolution”. African people understand conflict in the life of a community of both the living and the living dead. The study is about an Integrated Luo-Maasai Traditional Religious Model to Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya. The study concentrated on developing an integrated LM traditional conflict resolution model to conflict resolution. The general objective of the research was to investigate...

Dual Contraception Among Sexually Active Females For Protection Against Pregnancy And HIV/STI

ABSTRACT  Dual contraception or dual method refers to the use of condom with hormonal contraceptives or an intrauterine device to ensure enhanced protection and prevention of both unintended pregnancies and STI/HIV. When used consistently and correctly, it is capable of ensuring healthy sexual life devoid of the challenges of morbidity and mortality associated with unprotected sex. Notwithstanding, the extent of the use of dual contraceptives method use in Ghana is not known. The overarching...

Teenage Pregancy In Kisozi Subcounty, Kamuli District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research report was to assess the effects of increasing teenage pregnancy on girls in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; to identify the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District; to assess the causes of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub-county, Kamuli District; to establish the effects of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli district and to come up with possible ...

The Performance Of Girl Child Education In Primary Schools In Njeru Town Council, Mukono District, Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study looked at assessing the performance of girl child education in selected primary schools in Njeru town council, Mukono district.There are direct and opportunity costs of education which has strong negative effects on female educational opportunities. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing performance of girl child education in relation to access, participation andcompletion rates pri111ary schools in Mukono district.The objectives of th...

Causes Of High Drop Out R.A.Te Of Girls In Upper Primary In Nagongera Sub County Tororo District Uganda

ABSTRACT During the research on "Causes of high dropout of girls in Upper Primary", much was discovered, which indicated to the research to the research that since the Universal Primary Education programme, parents send boys and girls to school. The problem of school fees which used to limit them was no longer there. However, it has been found out that as girls grow towards adolescence stage, the parents begin to discourage and even retain them at home to do domestic work. They begin prepar...

The Effect Of Socio-Economic Status On Acadeiviic Performance Of Children In Upe Schools. Case Study Of Imanyiro Sub-County, Ma Yuge District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Declaration .......................................................................................... i Approval ............................................................................................ ii Dedication .......................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement ................................................................................. iv Abbreviation ................................. · ........

781 - 795 Of 959 Results