TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalDedication iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of Contents vList of Figures ixList of TablesList of AcronymsAbstractCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the Study 11.1.1 The concept of food security 21.1.2 Food Security in Tanzania 31.1.3 Women as food producers 41.2 Statement of problem 61.3 Objectives 71.3.1 Main objective 71.3.2 Specific objectives 71.4 Research questions 71.5 Significance of study 71.6 Scope and Delimitation of study 81.7 Operational Def...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the contribution of rice farming to household income and food security in the Doho sub-county Butalejja District. The cross-sectional method was used in the study. The survey sample consisted of 50 respondents all of who hailed from rice growers. These were selected using a random sampling method. The primary data for the study was collected using questionnaires administered to the respondents that were selected for the study, tables, graphs, a...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICATION ii APPROVAL iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ACRONYMS xi CHAPTER ONE 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introductions 1 1.2 Background of the study 2 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 3 1.4 GENERAL OBJECTIVE 3 1.5 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 4 1.6 Research questions 4 1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 4 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Literature Review 6 2.1 Climate Change in Perspective 6 2.2 Adaptation strategies towards the impacts of climate change 6 2.3 Agriculture and food secur...
The Determinants of Rural Households Food Security and Coping Strategies: The Case of Meta District, East Hararghe Zone of Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia ABSTRACT An understanding of the major determinants of food security is important for interventions aiming at minimizing food insecurity. Therefore, this study was carried out in Meta district of East Hararghe Zone, the objectives of this study were to assess status of household food security, to analyze the determinants of foo...
Abstract Food security is indispensable prerequisite for the survival of mankind and his economic activities including food production. Food is different from other commodities because of its inevitability for survival and existence. Food is different from other commodities because everybody needs it for survival, and it is an indispensable factor in nation’s quest for economic growth and development. Unfortunately, most of the food need in Nigeria is produced b...
Squealing to the discovery of petroleum, Nigeria has rapidly grown into a major food importing nation as the government has become neglectful of the agricultural sector since petroleum is considered a more viable resource for economic development. This situation quickly polarized the nation into high and low income groups. Unfortunately, while only small fraction of the population benefited from the oil wealth, the population suffered the misfortune of food insecurity as they can hardly affor...
The study focused on the effect of prolonged drought in Napak district in North-eastern Uganda. It was noted that the cause of droughts is easily understood, but hard to prevent. Depending on the location, crop failures, famine, high food prices, and deaths can occur. One of the scariest parts of a drought is the onset time. The findings noted that the measures of prolonged drought was; It was noted that prolonged drought has several impact on community welfare; Drought can have serious healt...
National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) is a semi-autonomous public agency in the ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. It is responsible for public agricultural advisory or extension services. The NAADS programme was created in 2001 to enable rural poor farn~ers’ access agricultural information, knowledge and improved technologies. NAADS is currently being implemented in all districts, municipalities and sub counties of Uganda (New vision, Wednesday, May 28, 2014 ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the Impact of climate change on food security in central Uganda, a case study of Lwamagwa sub-county in Rakai district. Issues of climate change depends on various factors but this study specifically focused; on indicators of climate change in Lwamaggwa sub county; assess how climate change affect food security in Lwamaggwa Sub County; to examine the challenges of climate change in Lwamaggwa Sub County and to identify possible measures that can be taken to impro...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the determinants of food security in Magoro Sub County. Katakwi district. It was guided by three objective; (I) examining the food security situation. (II) finding out the determinants of food security, and (III) examining the significance of the determinants of food security on food security in the study area. The study was quantitative guided by cross sectional as well as correlational designs. The target population was 100 households of whom oniy 88...
In Kenya, the high level of food insecurity is related to poverty and a reduction in agricultural production. HIV/AIDS reduces a household’s ability to produce and purchase food. Adults with HIV/AIDS are less able to work on their land or earn income from other livelihood activities. Increased healthcare costs decrease household food purchasing power and the coping mechanisms reduce household resilience. Kenya National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005/6- 2009/10 has recommended for impa...
The study sought to find out the climate change effects on food security, and the community coping strategies in Gikindu Division in Murang’a County. The study was in response to the profound climate change effects over the years leading to depressed rainfall and increased temperatures exposing the farmers to the risk of diminished returns from the production activities. Gikindu area sits on a low agro-ecological zone five and six which is prone to persistent crop failure attributed to the ...
Despite being a culture-centred livelihood activity, pastoralism alone has not guaranteed food and nutrition security for households in Turkana, Kenya. The frequency of droughts and their negative impact on livestock production in the County translate into reduced purchasing power of the pastoral households; causing perennial food insecurity and consequent human indignity. As a growing response to this perennial situation, rain-fed crop production has been introduced in the County at sub...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of farming methods on food security in Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives that were to investigate the forms of farming in Nyakwea Sub-county, to find out the relationship between farming and food security in Nyakwea Sub-county as well as to investigate the measures to address food security in Nyakwea Sub-county. Literature review was done by reviewing related literature on study variables as put forward by diff...
ABSTRACT Food insecurity remains a major problem in poor households, and its implications worsen in disease states including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS. More than 10 million Kenyans are chronically food insecure and 1.6 million have HIV. A synergistic relationship exists between food insecurity, HIV, and AIDS. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS cause an imbalance of the four fundamental elements of food security: food access, availability, utilization, and stability. Ther...