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Education Research Papers/Topics

Orphans And Performance In Primary School, Solai Zone, Bahati Division In Nakuru North District Of Rift Valley Province -Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was to investigate the performance of orphan learners in all primary school in SOLAI Zone in Kenya The researcher used quantitative approach for the study. The method involves collecting of the data using questionnaire. The researcher chose this tnethod because it was easy to analyze in table. The researcher collected information from groups off people. The group of people was selected to represent the total population. The researcher used survey design. This is commonly ...

Academic Performance Of Mentally Impaired Learners In Some Selected Regular Primary Schools In Kegonga Division Kuria

ABSTRACT The lthe government tries to provide to all Kenyan citizens includinJ those with special need education for all (A.F.A.) in the year 2015. The policy created ~''opportunity to the mentally disable children who were perceived incapable academically to go to school, so the researcher's interest was to investigate theacademic performance of these mentally challenged learners, in some selected regular primary school in Kegonga Division, Kuria District.During the research, she formulat...

Factors Leading To Poor Performance In Science Amongst Primary School Students Of Kakuzi Zone Thika District Central Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the factors leading to poor performance in Science amongst primary school students of Kakuzi ZOflC Thika district central province. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between social economic background and poor performances in sciences amongst students in Kenya, to investigate the relationship between attitudes and poor performances in sciences amongst students in Kenya, to investigate the relationship betwe...

Assessment Of Parents Support And Students' Performance; A Case Study Of Kia Wanda Primary School, Ndeiya Zone, Limuru Division, Kiambu West District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of parent's involvement in education on the academic performance of the mentally retarded children in public primary schools of Kenya. specifically the study intended to: determine whether cultural beliefs among the parents affects the enrolment of mentally retarded children in the zone; determine whether the parents teach their mentally retarded children adaptive skills; To establish whether the parents of mentally retarded children play their role ef...

Visual Impairements and Learning in an Inclusive Educational Setting. A Case of Selected Primary Schools in Kamasian Zone Kipkelion Division, Kipkelion District of Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The impact of free pnmary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal visually fit pupil, but also the visually challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the visuall...

The Effect of Teaching & Learning Materials on Academic Performance of ECDE Learners in Mau-narok Zone, Molo District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The Kenya government through Free Primary Education (FPE) has provided teaching/learning resources (curriculum guide, course books, reference books, teachers' guides, relevant materials and equipment) to enhance teaching and learning in all public schools. In many ECDE centres, these materials are scarce if any. This study sought to determine the effects of teaching/learning materials on the academic performance among ECDE learners in Mau-Narok Zone, Molo district. Data was collect...

Universal Primary Education Fun Ding And Management Of Primary Schools In Amolatar District The Case Of Agikdak Primary Schools

ABSTRACT  This study was specifically designed and conducted to investigate the influence of Universal primary education funding on the management of primary schools in Arnolatar District. The study focused on how capitation grants infrastructures teachers’ salaries and enrolment affect the management of schools. The researcher adopted the case study research design using quantitative approach to derive meaning from the data generated. The main research instrument used was questionnaires a...

School Facilities And Academic Performance Of Students Upper Nyakach Division, Nyando District, Kenya: (A Case Study Of Saka Primary School)

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between school facilities and students performance. Specific objectives were to find out some of the effects of inadequate facilities at school on the academic achievement of learners. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the pupils. The findings from the study indicated that lack of physical facilities which was supported by 80% inadequate facilities, 50% miss use of the available facilities are...

School Influence On The Learning Of Mathematics In Selected Primary Schools Komothai Location, Githunguri Division Kiambu District Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematic is an important subject in ctmiculum it improves the ability of students to solve problems and communicate ideas in everyday life. Primary level it is a compulsory subject and is allocated more coverage hours in a week compared to other subjects. Performance of students in mathematics at Gathiru-ini Primary School and other parts of the country has been below average. This trend has persisted inspite of intervention measures taken to alleviate the problem. The objective o...

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Teaching Science To Children With Hearing Impairment In The Mainstream Schools In Magarini Division, Magarinidistrict Kilifi Province-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the causes of poor performance in science among children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools. This study was carried out in Kabale District Kashambya Subcounty. Interviews and questionaires were used as research tools to collect data from respondents.Random and purposive sampling techniquues were used to select schools and the respondents. The findings revealed that teachers in the mainstream experienced some challenges which among others included; lac...

An Investigation On The Management Of Ecde Centres And Its Impact On Academic Performance In Kaptel Zone, Nandi Central District

ABSTRACT  The prupose of this study was to highlight the major factors that affect the management of ECDE centres and its impact on learning in Kaptel zone Nandi Central District. Specifically the study aimed at the finding out how academic performance in the centres is influenced by; Parents attitude, financial constraints, low capacity in management skills and lack of clear ECDE guidelines and policy framework. In the study, a sample of 20 respondents including ECD teachers, headteachers, ...

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Students Behaviour A Case Study Of Kabiyet Division Nandi District

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the relationship between drug abuse on students behaviour and was driven by three objectives: To assess the types of drugs used by the students at school and its effect on academic performance, to establish the various types of indiscipline problems experienced in academic performance and to identify the ways in which school management authorities deal with indiscipline students. To achieve these objectives the researcher sampled 60 respondents from v...

Teachers' Perception Of Pupils With Low Vision And The Performance Of Learners In Kenyan Primary Schools A Case Study Of Chavakali North Zone, Vihiga District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Chavakali North Zone, Vihiga District, Kenya, and is used both qualitative and quantitative collection methods. The research was conducted in line with the research questions of the study that guided the researcher effectively. The first research question was "What is the depth of teachers' knowledge on handicapped pupils?" The findings revealed that many teachers had deeper understanding of children with low vision. The second research question was "Wh...

Assessment Of The Motivation Of Secondary School Teachers In Mukono Town

ABSTRACT This was an exploratory study about the motivation of secondary school teachers in Mukono town. This was after the realisation that many Ugandan teachers were suffering from low morale due to the hard working conditions [i.e. lower salaries, unsupportive parents, lack of career development, job insecurity, undisciplined pupils, lack of stipends, etc] and this was bound to affect the teaching-learning process. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to find...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In Physics In Kisii South District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting the performance in physics in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kisii South district. The specific objectives were to examine the endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the performance in physics in Kisii south District. Questionnaires were the main method used for data collection .They was of two types, the students' questionnaires and the teachers' questionnaires. The findings were presented in tabular fm...

2806 - 2820 Of 8072 Results