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Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Academic Performance Of Public Primary Schools In Makuyu Division, Murang’a South District, Kenya

Performance in national examinations is embraced as an indicator of quality in education systems that are examination oriented. Learners who perform well are perceived to have received high quality education. Despite the Government of the Republic of Kenya commitment to provide high quality primary education, pupils‟ academic achievement remains a challenge in the public primary schools in Makuyu Division, Murang‟a South District. The available statistics indicate that the division has co...

Examination On Costs Of Inclusion Faced By Students With Disabilities Enrolled In Public Universities: A Case Of Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Despite the fact that inclusion of SWDs spread over decades, their access and retention to completion in the mainstream higher institutions of learning is very limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the cost of participation in public university incurred by students with disabilities enrolled in public universities with a case of Kenyatta University. This study was based on social model of disability and human capital theory which emphasize on appropriate accommodation including ad...

Determinants Of Children’s Engagement In Outdoor Play: Case Of Ecd Centres In Kwale County, Kenya

Outdoor play is a basic element of child’s holistic development. And because children spent most of their time in ECD Centres, educators should understand how to provide them with sufficient play opportunities. In Kenya, there are many studies documented on outdoor play, but these studies failed to explain the school related factors that influence children engagement in outdoor activities. Thus, this study sought to investigate personal and material factors that determines children outdoor ...

Nature And Prevalence Of Learning Disabilities Among Standard Three Primary School Pupils In Starehe Division Of Nairobi Province, Kenya

Despite government efforts to enhance Free Primary Education (FPE) programme in Kenya so as to meet the international commitments such as Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), there are still many children who are not in school globally, with some of them dropping out early or not reaching the minimal learning class. Limited research has been done to find out the nature and prevalence of learning disabilities (LD), the extent and their distribution in Kenya (MOE...

Decisiveness In Career Choices Among Secondary School Students In Kiambu West District-Kiambu County, Kenya

Despite the fact that career development process is life-long, choices made during the secondary school years are particularly important in setting the foundation for future professional choices to students. Selecting a career can be a daunting task for many students, who must balance a) their own personal interests, abilities, talents and dreams with, b) what is available in various accessible universities and tertiary institutions in a rather very dynamic global society, as well as with, c...

An Investigation Of The Quality Of Secondary Education In Nkuene Division Of Imenti South District, Meru County

Development of education in Kenya is guided by the education Act of 1968 which empowers the education minister to promote education at all levels both quantitatively and qualitatively .This implies that any educational development and expansion should strike a balance between the two aspects. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate into the quality of secondary education in Nkuene Division of Imenti South District, Meru county. The main objective was to propose strategies and pol...

Challenges Students Face In Learning Essay Writing Skills In English Language In Secondary Schools In Manga District, Nyamira County, Kenya

The ability to achieve communicative competence in writing is a major facet of language development and academic success among students at all levels of the education system. However, learning to master essay writing skills is a problem students face in secondary schools. This has been consistently shown by the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination results in English, as noted by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) reports.  The purpose of this study was to i...

Parents Balancing Between Insecurity And Schooling Needs Of Children With Disabilities In Pokot North District, West Pokot County, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges the parents of children with disabilities from the pastoral communities face in conflict zones. The area of study was Kacheliba Mixed Integrated Primary School for the Physically Handicap (PH) in Kacheliba Division. The study was guided by two theories; Humanistic and Rational Choice Theories. The two theories testify on the “real self” and ability to choose between wants and goals respectively showing how parents are confronted w...

Principals Perception Of Factors Contribution To Students Poor Performance In Chemistry In Public Secondary Schools In Wajir County, Kenya

This study sought to assess principals’ perception of factors leading to poor performance in chemistry in Wajir County in the Kenya certificate of secondary education (KCSE). Data available indicates that performance of students in chemistry at KCSE has continued to be poor over the years. The poor performance both at the County and national levels in chemistry persists despite of the pre and  post interventions measures administered by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Educ...

Status And Challenges In Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Public Secondary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

Strategic plans have recently gained popularity in both public and private institutions including schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and challenges in implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Kiambu District, Kiambu County. The objectives of the study were (i) to identify the number of secondary schools with strategic plans as per the government directive, (ii) to establish the process used to develop the strategic plans in public seconda...

Influence Of Parental Child Neglect On Education Wastage Among Grade Two Children In Muvuti Sub- County, Kenya

Education is fundamental for human development and economic growth. All children have a right to quality education. Education is key to every government both globally and nationally. However, much of the resources invested in education have been wasted due to many factors. This study sought to investigate the influence of parental child neglect on educational wastage among grade two pupils. This was achieved through the assumption that Physical, emotional and educational neglect by parents ma...

Factors Affecting Acquisition Of Adaptive Behavior Skills Among Learners With Intellectual Disabilities In Selected Primary Special Schools And Units In Thika Subcounty, Kiambu County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting acquisition of adaptive behavior skills among learners with intellectual disabilities in selected primary special schools and units in Thika Sub-County, Kiambu, Kenya.Learners with intellectual disability have a low IQ (below 70) and cannot cope with the regular curriculum. They need a specialized curriculum that includes skills meant to help them cope with day to day activities. However, teaching of these skills is faced by m...

Psycho-physical Dimensions Of Coaching Female Athletes In Teacher Training Colleges In Central Region Of Kenya

Female athletes have a unique way of responding to coaching behaviour. In addition, there are physical and psychological factors that influence the coaching of female athletes. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to assess the psycho- physical dimensions of coaching female athletes in teacher training colleges in central region of Kenya. The study assessed the extent to which the concern for body shape, the coach athlete relationship and coach leadership behaviour influences coaching of...

Learner Support Systems In Enhancing The Delivery Of Distance Learning Programmes For In-service Teacher Education In Uganda: The Case Of Kyambogo University.

The focus of this research study was on learner support systems in enhancing the delivery of distance learning programmes for in-service teacher education in Uganda: the case of Kyambogo University. The study recognizes the development of distance learning in Uganda in general and the use of distance learning in improving the training of teachers in particular. The study stresses the need for better trained teachers whose roles are changed from being expositors to that of facilitators of lear...

Prospective Teachers’ Preparedness To Facilitate Chemistry Instruction At Secondary School Level In Nairobi Teaching Practice Zone- Kenya

Teacher preparation institutions in Kenya are currently facing challenges in science education that are emanating from low levels of student performance at secondary school level. The poor student achievement in Chemistry is perceived to be partially resulting from poor classroom instruction among practicing teachers that may be as a result of teacher preparation programmes offered at the teacher training colleges and Universities. The purpose of this study was to establish the preparedness o...

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