ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that contributed to girls' dropout in primary schools in Matisi location. Specific objectives of the study were to: To determine girls enrolment in primary schools in Matisi location, to establish the factors that contribute to girl's dropout in Matisi location, to establish methods of overcoming girl's dropout rate in Matisi location, to examine the role of the Ministry of Education in curtailing primary school girls dropout i...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted of the impacts of early marriages on girl child education achievement. Lubaga Division was taken up as a case study. The purpose of the study was to examine the impacts of early marriages on girl child education achievement in Lubaga division. The objectives of the study were: to find out the magnitude of the problem of early marriages in Lubaga Division; to examine the causes of early marriages in Lubaga Division and how it can be reduced; and to find out whe...
The Hidden Ojrriojlum And Equnable Educanon Achievement For Boys And Girls: A Case Study Of Selected Mixed Public Secondary Schools In Usain-Gishu District, Kenya
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the effect of combustion of fossil fuels on the environment a case study ofKisumu City. The objective of the study were to find out the end products of automobile and industrial combustion of fuels, to device ways of reducing amount of pollutant emissions fuel sources with low pollutant emissions. The study used both the qualitative and quantitative approaches using the deliberate sampling method since only specific categories of people were co...
ABSTRACT The study is centered on the importance of the provision of early childhood education to the disadvantaged children in Kira Town Council, Wakiso District. It thought to determine the trends in enrolment of disadvantaged children in various early childhood education centers. To find out the benefits of early childhood education program to the disadvantaged children. To find out the challenges faced by disadvantaged children in ECE centers and finally to suggest possible interventions ...
ABSTRACT The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children of ages between infancy and 15 years of age in SOY Division Eldoret West District Kenya The objectives of the study were; to find out factors that lead to malnutrition in the division, identify the correct nutritional requirements for children and to examine the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children. A sample of 40 head teachers, 50 parents and ...
Abstract The study was carried out in Nyalenda estate in Kisumu to find out the contribution of skittles to pre-school attendance by children. The issues raised were availability of physical facilities, Gender parity in the game, inadequate learning and play equipment, feeding programmes in the centers and school fees cost. The researcher used questionnaires for teachers and pupils to obtain information, focus group discussions with parents of pre-school children and review of written materia...
TABLE OF CONTENT 3.4 Data collection methods .20 3.5 Validity and Reliability 21 3.6 Research Procedure 21 3.7 Data Analysis 22 3.8 Limitations of the study and their solutions 22 3.9 Ethic considerations 23 CHAPTER FOUR 24 DATA PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINI)INGS 24 4.0 Introduction 24 4. 1 Respondent’s particulars 24 4.2 The effect of family background on the educational performance of students 28 4.3 Effect of parents’sociO-ecOflomic status on their students’ aca...
ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS has been a long time problem to the entire humanity. People have always leaved in fear for this menace. The learners with special needs are not by only means left not out in these problems. It is for this reason and purpose that the researcher set out to carry out this study to establish the extent to which HIV/ AIDS has eroded the academic performance of learners with special needs in the society. Education being so important a too in mans life, it's important to cater for...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the factors responsible for drug abuse in Bwaise. The main objective of the study was to find out the major types of drugs and alcohol being abused by the youth in Bwaise, The study used a descriptive research design to describe issues relating to factors contributing to drug abuse and alcoholism among the youths. The study population included the local people, community leaders and youths in the area. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling procedures we...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence on learner's absenteeism on their academic progress in Kabarnet division, Baringo district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; to establish the prevalence and causes of absenteeism, to establish the relationship between absenteeism and poor academic performance and to find out if absenteeism affects the children's retention in school. The respondents were teachers since they were the people with fi...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to find out factors affecting students academic performance in Luganda Language and was guided by the following objectives finding out the influence of socio-econOmic status, teaching methods and instructional materials on students performance in Luganda Language in secondary school in Busujju Sub Country Mityana District. Across sectional survey research design was applied and a qualitative research approach used. A systematic random sampling technique was ap...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to find out the effects of child abuse towards children's academic performance in Katojo Primary school, Rukungiri District. The questionnaires were administered on samples of teachers. parents. students and law enforcers. Interviews were also used as a method of data collection as well as focused group discussion. The data was analyzed using tables and percentages to deterrnine the effect of child abuse towards children's academic performance. There fore the...
ABSTRACT The researcher in this research intended to investigate the impact of free primary education on enrolment, quality, access and retention in Lagdera district, north eastern province, Kenya. The researcher was motivated into the study of this topic because of the government's interest of wanting to educate this population through UPE, but interest to find out its impact up on the enrolment, access and retention. The researcher used two types of respondents and those include teacher and...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the problems faced by primary school head teachers in implementing illV/AIDS programme in schools in Kamukunji Division, Nairobi North District. The research questions focused on the methods and techniques used in teaching HIV/AIDS programme implementation, head teachers' and pupils' attitude towards HIV/AIDS programme implementation, and the problems the head teachers face while implementing HIV/AIDS programme in primary schools. Literatu...