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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effectiveness Of Assistive Technology On Teaching Mathematics To Learners With Visual Impairments In Special Primary Schools In Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been a problem in Mathematics of learners with VI as a result of inadequate AT and reluctance of teachers to apply appropriate teaching strategies when teaching Mathematics using AT in special primary schools. To address these problems, four objectives were formulated to identify types of AT that were available, teaching strategies, their role and factors that had influenced their use of the AT. Therfore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate on effectiveness of Assist...

Influence Of Disability On Access To Hiv And Aids Information By Students With Disabilities In Institutions Of Higher Education In Rwanda

ABSTRACT This is a descriptive survey research design which sought to investigate influence of disability on access to HIV and AIDS information by students with disabilities in institutions of higher education in Rwanda. The sample size purposely included 154 students with disabilities, 5 deans of students, 5 medical doctors and 5 heads of HIV and AIDS clubs. Questionnaire focusing on objective of the study was used to collect data from students with disabilities. An interview schedule was u...

Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Preparation To Teach Integrated Hiv/Aids Awareness Curriculum In Kenyan Primary Schools

ABSTRACT Globally, the impact of Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the major challenges to all sectors of the society. In Kenya, HIV and AIDS was declared a national disaster in 1999. By 2004, the pandemic was given special attention by the Ministry of Education and the school curriculum was reviewed to integrate AIDS education. This study intended to find out what preparation pre-service teachers are given to teach integrated HIV an...

Exploration Of Mathematics Teaching Strategies To Learners With Dyscalculia In Public Day Secondary Schools In Kericho County

ABSTRACT Mathematics all over the world plays a pivotal role in individual or learner’s lives, it is a bridge to science, technology and other subjects offered in any formal educational system. Mathematics has long been recognized worldwide as important in the understanding of other subjects like chemistry, biology, and physics. Learning disability is a dynamic and expanding condition that is found across all ages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mathematics teaching strat...

Gender Policies And Advancement Of Women Into Leadership In Public Secondary Schools In Kisauni And Likoni Sub-Counties, Mombasa County Kenya

ABSTRACT Advancement of women into headship positions in many institutions has been an issue of concern globally. Consequently, many bodies including sitting governments have put in place policies that ensure that women are able to access such posts. The purpose of this study hence, was to analyze various gender policies for the progression of women into leadership positions in public secondary schools in Kisauni and Likoni sub-counties, Mombasa County, Kenya. The objectives of the study was...

Influence Of Selected Teaching Behaviors On Development Of Reading Skills Among Pre-School Pupils In Malindi, Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of selected teaching behaviours on development of reading skills in pre-primary in Malindi Sub-County. The selected teaching behaviours included: use of teaching/learning resources, teacher-pupil interaction and language of instruction. This is because reading has been a challenge in many countries around the world in spite of many resources that have been directed towards improving the situation. Further, reading is an elemen...

The Persistence Of Iweto Marrriage Among The Akamba Christians Of Kangundo District, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT For centuries, a woman marrying another woman has globally been practiced. This study has focused on woman to woman marriage among the Akamba Christian of Kangundo district, Machakos County. This form of marriage is referred to as Iweto marriage, (plural Maweto). It is observed that Iweto marriage is contrary to Christian teaching where marriage is between man and woman thus exclusively monogamous. The purpose of the study was to establish the factors behind the persistence of the I...

Teachers Perception Towards Head Teachers Instructional Supervisory Practices In Integrated Primary Schools In Tharaka South Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the teachers’ perception towards head teacher’s instructional supervisory practices in integrated public primary schools in Tharaka South sub-county, Kenya. Specifically the study sought to; find out teachers perception regarding policy supporting supervision of instruction, establish the aspects of instructional supervision teachers want practiced by head teachers, determine the systemic challenges likely to affect supervision of instructi...

Determinants Of Effectiveness Of Peer Tutoring On Academic Performance Of Standard Four Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to analyze the determinants of effectiveness of peer tutoring on academic performance of standard four pupils with learning disabilities in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya Literature was reviewed according to the objectives of the study. The study was premised on Vygotsky‟s social development theory as the theoretical underpinning. The study adopted descriptive survey research design utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The targ...

Governance And Management Of Public Secondary Schools By Boards Of Management In Maara, Tharaka Nithi

ABSTRACT  Board of Management (BoM) is an important organ for school governance or leadership and management structure. Kenya like any other African countries which have undergone decentralization, has only been directing its efforts into devolving the fiscal and physical material entities, while forgetting the people who in reality are meant to assume the management responsibilities at schools. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of Boards of Management in ...

Teaching And Learning Biology By Smasse Project Among Secondary Schools In Mbeere South District, Embu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Dakar conference of 2000 was concerned with the quality of education and emphasized education for all by 2015 since the UN had declared education a human right. With the increased demand for in-service education and training, SMASSE project was launched in 1998 as a joint technical co-operation between the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education and Japan through JICA. Despite the enormous resources geared towards in-servicing of Biology teachers to apply the ASEI ...

Assessing Effective Management Of Decentralization Of Teaching & Learning By Teachers Service Commission In Public Primary Schools In Mombasa Sub- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the recent past all over the world, there has been a lot of interest in decentralization of government functions all over the world and Kenya has not been left behind as a way of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness and taking governance to the people. Despite decentralization of education functions through delegation and deconcentration of functions, there are still concerns of ineffectiveness in service delivery especially at the local level. The purpose of this study was to a...

Availability And Utilization Of Instructional Resources Used For Teaching History In Secondary Schools Of Hodan District In Mogadishu - Somalia

Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to find out how teachers of history utilized various instructional resources. It also focused on availability of instructional resources for teaching history in some secondary schools of Hodan District in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Hodan was chosen as the location of the study because it has the highest number of schools in the district of Banadir region. In the study, only private secondary schools were used as there has not been single...

Constraints On Pupils Transition From Primary To Public Secondary Schools In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess constraints on pupils’ transition from primary to public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya. The objectives of this study were to determine trends and performance of national examination and gross enrolment rates in primary schools so as to establish the transition rates from primary to public secondary schools before and after the introduction of secondary school tuition waiver in Bureti sub-county, Kericho County,...

Factors Impeding Teaching Performance Of Teachers With Visual Impairment In Public Primary Schools In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rights and responsibilities of students who have disabilities have received much attention but the staff members who have disabilities have received far less attention. In the scholarly context, there has been a steadily growing body of literature which addresses issues related to the education of young people with disabilities leaving out teachers with disabilities. This study therefore sought to determine factors that impede teaching performance of teachers with visual impairm...

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