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Education Research Papers/Topics

Radio Ownership, Programme Sponsorship and Language of Delivery as Predictors of Citizens’ Participation in Community Development Projects in Oyo and Ogun States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Low communal and individual participation in community development (CD) programme has become worrisome to development planners and stakeholders. This situation has been attributed in part to inappropriate usage of the radio in mobilising the people for CD, though there are several studies on the use and importance of radio in development generally. This study, therefore, examined the extent to which radio ownership, programme sponsorship and language of delivery predicts citizens‟...

Pre-School Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Influence Of Selected Instructional Factors On Pupils Competency Skills In Public Pre-School Centres In Keiyo South Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Statistics shows that majority of learners are unable to cope with the primary school demands in Keiyo South Sub County due to challenges related to literacy and numeracy skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of pre-school teachers of the influence of selected instructional factors on pupils‟ acquisition of competency skills in public pre-school centres in Keiyo South Sub County in Elgeyo-Marakwet County. This study was guided by Piaget cognitive develop...

Effect Of Social Media Marketing As A Competitive Strategy On Sales Performance For Small And Medium Enterprises In Nakuru Cbd

The importance of social media in enhancing positive relationships between customers and business cannot be ignore since they offer new and innovative ways to communicate and network via the internet. Currently, there are various platforms provided by the social media networks such as Facebook, Google plus, LinkedIn, YouTube, Skype, WhatsApp and Twitter which are used as tools for marketing. Social media has opened a new perspective in the way business is conducted. Technology acceptance mod...

Factors Influencing The Integration Of Pupils With Special Needs In An Inclusive Setting: A Survey Of Primary Schools In Tinderet Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The debate about inclusive education has been lessened in many parts of the world and the society in Kenya is trying to digest into the education system the integration of pupils with special needs in an inclusive setting. Despite all these efforts there are still some challenges that affect inclusive education in our society from international level to local level. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence the integration of pupils with special needs in an...

Effects Of Cooperative E-Learning And Conventional Teaching Approaches On Secondary School Students' Achievement And Attitude Towards Chemistry In Koibatek Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study of Chemistry at secondary school level help students in developing basic scientific skills, knowledge and competence required in problem solving in their environment. However, this might not be achieved unless teachers employ effective methods of techniques during instruction. Performance of students in Chemistry in Kenya at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations is poor. The poor performance may be partly attributed to teaching methods used by te...

Psychosocial Challenges And Counseling Interventions For Learners With Special Needs In Selected Inclusive Primary Schools In Njoro Sub County Of Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, challenges facing learners with special needs and their counseling interventions have been of great concern to educationists and other well wishers. The Kenya government and education stakeholders have joined the world in defending the rights of persons with disabilities. In the process, they have come up with strategies for dealing with the learners’ special concerns although the issues of psychosocial challenges and counseling remedies are still impending. The purpose ...

Influence Of Community Indigenous Knowledge Of Science On Students’ Performance In Chemistry In Secondary Schools Of Samburu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT African communities have a relatively rich body of indigenous knowledge and related technology. This is embodied in the continent’s cultural and ecological Indigenous Knowledge Systems and has been used by the African people for thousands of years to solve their specific developmental and environmental problems. According to Kenya National Examinations Council report, Secondary School students’ performance in Chemistry has been poor for many years. This has been attributed to ma...

Characterization, Propagation And Management Of Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis L.) In Semi-Arid Areas Of Voi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Jojoba is a dioecious desert shrub which produces oil of high quality equivalent to that of sperm whale. It is used mainly in the cosmetic and lubrication industry. Currently, there is low production of jojoba globally mainly due to high male to female ratio in the plantations since they are mainly established from seed. To overcome this problem, five experiments were set up with the aim of characterization, propagation and management of jojoba in semi arid areas of Kenya. The exper...

Mothers Perceptions Of Selected Factors Influencing Awareness Of Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission Of Hiv (Pmtct) Services In Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru.Kenya

ABSTRACT Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV services is very essential in this era of HIV/AIDS. In effect, the Ministry of Health through various organizations and donors have come up with a comprehensive PMTCT service package to combat transmission of HIV to infants and also keep the mothers healthy. However, there are still very high rates of HIV infection among women and young girls that has resulted to high number of deaths among infants. This study therefore was to establ...

Relationship Between Cost - Sharing And Access And Equity In Education In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education is critical for the development of a country. Governments invest in it and prioritize it as a service to its citizens. However, due to the huge resources needed for provision of education, many governments, including the government of Kenya, have introduced the cost-sharing policy to reduce budgetary allocated to the education sector. The average government spending on education , excluding the share by households had risen between 5 and 7 percent of the GDP by 2005 (GOK,2...

Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling As An Alternative Discipline Method To Corporal Punishment: A Case Of Kirinyaga District Primary Schools, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Government outlawed corporal punishment as a means of instilling discipline in schools in 2001, and guidance and counselling was introduced as a best practice in its place. The culture of the use of corporal punishment is deep rooted in many communities around the world. However, efforts are being made to introduce alternative methods to corporal punishment (Save the Children, Sweden 2003). This research aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the alternative positive met...

Effect Of Reflective-Reciprocal Teaching Strategies On Pre-Service Teachers’ Achievement In Integrated Science And Science Process Skills In Nigerian Colleges Of Education

ABSTRACT The low level of performance of pre-service teachers in Integrated Science has been a recurrent problem in science education. Poor instructional strategies employed by lecturers in colleges of education have been adduced as one of the reasons for this low level of performance in Integrated Science. Previous researches have focused on collaborative teaching and self-regulation strategy without considering opportunity for reflection before, during and after lessons which the Reflectiv...

Assessing Information Sharing Strategies To Address Milk Losses Among Dairy Farmers In Peri-Urban Bamako, Mal

ABSTRACT Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have been used as one of the intervention strategies in the reduction of loss along the agricultural value chains in the developing countries. ICT has been used in Malian agriculture in general as an intervention strategy to acquire information in agriculture sector, but not necessarily in dairy sector alone. In recent years, there has been an improvement in the dairy sector due to the development of peri-urban dairy farming. This has res...

Effects Of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy On Students’ Achievement In Secondary School Mathematics In Laikipia East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Secondary school students in Kenya have continued to perform poorly in mathematics in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) national examinations. This raises concern for all stakeholders in education due to the importance they attach to mathematics. The factors that are attributed to the students‟ dismal performance in the subject include; inadequate facilities in the schools like the text books and qualified teachers, poor attitude towards the subject by the stu...

Access And Utilization Of Agro Meteorological Information By Smallholder Farmers In Perkerra And Lari-Wendani Irrigation Schemes, Kenya

ABSTRACT Weather and climate variability are the major production risks and uncertainties impacting agricultural systems performance and management. This study investigated the access and factors that influence the utility of agro meteorological information by smallholder irrigation farmers in Lari Wendani and Perkerra irrigation schemes in Kenya. A systematic random sampling procedure was employed to select 255 farmers from a total population of 776 farmers. In Lari Wendani 33 farmers were ...

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