ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an important tool in modern management of universities because of its ability to facilitate acquisition, use and management of information that is crucial for decision-making. In Kenya, despite the many efforts and initiatives that have been put into place by the government, the private sector and the institutions themselves to leverage the use of ICT in public universities, little is known on how this integration has enhanced...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between selected students’ background characteristics and academic performance in biology. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The target population included; 22 principals and 1288 form 4 biology students in public secondary schools in Nandi East Sub County. A sample of 12 principals and 296 students were selected using purposive and proportionate stratified random sampling respectively. ...
ABSTRACT Kiswahili is one of the most widely used languages for communication in the world. It is a lingua franca for Eastern Africa and the neighbouring countries. In Kenya it is the national language of communication. It is also one of the core subjects taught in secondary schools’ curriculum. However, the performance has not been good. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ perception on the influence of selected factors on students’ performance in Kiswahili language ...
Guidance and counselling programme in Kenyan secondary schools is critical because of the psychological, social, educational and economic problems the youth face arising from the rapid changes in the society. In 1977 the Kenya government through the Ministry of Education institutionalized a policy for the implementation of guidance and counselling programme to provide personal, academic and career advice to assist the students. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of the ...
Learning correct pronunciation of words is essential for effective communication in any language. However, this has been a big challenge to most learners of English as a Second Language. Perhaps it is the teaching methods used by instructors or the phonological difference between English and other L1 languages that is responsible for this problem. This study investigated the effects of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on secondary school learners’ achievement, motivation and ...
Biology is one of the science subjects taught in Kenyan secondary schools. It provides a foundation subjectfor the health sciences, agriculture, biotechnology and environmentalscience. However, secondary school students in Kenya have continued to perform poorly in Biology in the KCSE national examination. This is an indication that most students do not acquire requisite knowledge and skills during Biology lessons. This is partly attributed to the instructional approaches used. The purpo...
AIDS scourge has put to test the capacity of Kenya’s health delivery system to meet the ever increasing number and needs of AIDS related illnesses and complications for equitable and humane treatment. This has led the government to rely on home-based care to fill the gap. Home-based care giving is well-recognized as the majority of care work due to illness takes place in the homes for a number of reasons, including the lack of a coordinated public policy addressing care needs, limited ...
The central aim of agricultural education at secondary school level is to train students in basic principles of agriculture and develop their skills. Although most schools offering agriculture subject have the school farm, few teachers often use supervised practical lessons. The study sought to determine; the availability of school farm, the level of secondary school students’ access to the school farm, and the influence of class size and teachers’ practical experience on students’...
Domestic violence is a paradox because it occurs in the family, a place where people are expected to maintain intimacy and experience greater emotional support in their relationships. It is ironical therefore, that this very supportive social unit is also the arena where violence is experienced especially in urban slums with untold suffering to the partners involved and also on their children. Children who witness violence between their parents face increased risk for such emotional and ...
Abuse is an extremely complex phenomenon, deeply rooted in gender-based power relations. In the Abagusii community, women abuse has been and is still taking place. Quite a number of women are left either physically injured or some die out of the same. This has brought a major set-back to development within this society. Abuse includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse. This study was descriptive survey which was meant to find out the forms of abuse, the causes of abuse a...
Management of discipline among students in tertiary colleges is one issue that many college administrators are grappling with almost on a daily basis. Cases of sexual pervasion, drug abuse, prostitution, bullying, vandalism and examination malpractice among others have become prevalent in learning institutions in Kenya. Administrators are known to be applying more of the traditional methods than guidance and counselling to ensure effective management of discipline with very minimal succe...
ABSTRACT Orthodox medical practice has brought about access to diagnosis and modern healthcare through the palliative care system to treat the terminally-ill, thereby improving their quality of life. This treatment of the terminally-ill utilises medical diagnostic interventions with little or no consideration for psychosocial supports and family integration which are at the core of the palliative care system. This study, therefore, investigated the psychosocial supports (diversional, behavio...
With gradual recognition of diversity among learners by teachers and school administrators‘ world over; diversity in education remains key in managing learners. Although policy guidelines on elimination of discrimination in schools are available, implementation of diversity management in practically oriented subjects across Africa and particularly in Kenya is not well researched and documented. The purpose of this study was to examine how selected demographic characteristics of teachers...
ABSTRACT The Kenya Government has invested resources on Free Primary Education in improving academic performance of primary schools. Despite the high investment by government through Kenya Education Management Institute in training school heads, the performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in many schools is still low especially in Tindiret Sub-County. This may be attributed to influence of headteachers leadership styles among other factors. This study investigated the inf...
Early childhood is a stage of human development between birth and eight years of age. Statistics in Koibatek Sub-County Directors’ Office reveal that less than 30% of school going children accessed pre-school education in the past seven years in the Sub-County. This study examined parental income, parental perceptions and school learning environment influencing provision of pre-school education as perceived by teachers in Koibatek Sub-County. The research was guided by the following ob...