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Education Research Papers/Topics

Perceptions Of School Managers On Role Of Information And Communication Technology In Educational Management In Public Secondary Schools In Kakamega County, Kenya

Kenya is among those countries that have adopted the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a vehicle for educational change and improvement. Use of ICTs is known for transforming the quality of management of educational institutions worldwide. The government has encouraged investment in ICTs through the provision of grants to selected secondary schools to acquire computers. Secondary schools in Kakamega County have been beneficiaries of these grants. However, infor...

Efficiency In Production By Smallholder Rice Farmers Under Cooperative Irrigation Schemes In Pwani And Morogoro Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Low price competitiveness of Tanzania produced rice driven by high production costs calls attention to developing ways of improving efficiency in production. This study was conducted to analyse production costs and factors influencing choice of inputs provider in smallholder irrigated rice production. Specifically, it focused on comparing costs of production, determining factors influencing smallholder irrigated rice farmers’ choice of inputs provider and analysing production cos...

The Level Of Hiv/Aids Awareness Among Secondary School Students And Their Perception Of Selected Kipsigis Cultural Practices In The Spread Of Hiv/Aids In Belgut Division, Kericho District

ABSTRACT. HIV/AIDS has continued to ravage the human population and Kenya has felt the brunt of the scourge. The situation has become more threatening as more youth are infected daily and others die. The upsurge of HIV/AIDS among school going youth is not only alarming but poses a serious threat to human resource development and economic growth of this country. The economy of a country depends on the productivity of its citizens. With a healthy population the country can realise economic grow...

Factors Influencing Adoption Of Improved Cassava Production Technologies In Mkuranga District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of this study was to assess factors influencing adoption of improved cassava production technologies in Mkuranga District. The specific objectives were to: examine technologies used by cassava smallholder farmers, identify extension services provided to cassava smallholder farmers and cassava production constraints as well as identify factors leading to adoption of improved cassava production technologies. One hundred twenty respondents were randomly selected from ...

Effects Of Selected Factors On Girls’ Enrolment And Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Kericho West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The issue of girls’ secondary school education has become a real concern in all nations of the world especially the developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya included. Girls’ education worldwide provides benefits to the family, the girl and the society at large, thus issues affecting it should be addressed to avoid affecting the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on universal education and gender equality. This study was designed to investigate the effe...

Performance Of Interventions Under Asdp In Tanzania: The Case Of Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted in Temeke Municipality. The general objective of this study is to assess the performance of the existing interventions implemented by small scale farmers under ASDP through the O&OD participatory planning process. A cross-sectional research design was applied for this study. A representative sample of 100 respondents (52 DADPs participants and 48 non-DADPs participants) was drawn from the sampling frame. The study revealed that there was no difference in l...

Influence Of Selected Maasai Cultural Practices On Internal Efficiency In Public Secondary Schools In Narok South Subcounty Narok County Kenya

ABSTRACT Education forms the basis upon which economic, social and political development of any nation is founded. As a basic human right, it is universally proclaimed by many countries of the world. Despite the efforts made by the government and other stakeholders to achieve Education For All (EFA), there are challenges of dropouts, repetition and low transition rates. The study was carried out in Narok South Sub-County as it was reported to have cultural practices that affect internal effi...

Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Influence Of Selected Factors On The Implementation Of Physical Education Curriculum In Public Secondary Schools In Nyandarua County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Physical Education (PE) is an important subject in the school curriculum because it helps students develop the competencies and beliefs necessary for incorporating physical activities in their lives. Despite its importance, most schools countrywide and more so in Nyandarua County are faced with critical issues of finances, availability of facilities, time allocated to PE and teachers proficiency. This study examined teachers’ perceptions of the influence of finance, facilities; ti...

Contribution Of Selected Psychological And Social Factors To Relapse Among Recovering Alcoholics In Asumbi And Jorgs Ark Rehabilitation Centres, Kenya

ABSTRACT Drug abuse is a major global problem and in Kenya there has been increasing drug and alcohol abuse with serious negative effects. Treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholism is expensive and in many cases non-conclusive. Treatment not only strains the national resources allocated to health but it drives families to poverty. Deaths from alcoholism are also a major loss to families and to society. Thus this study sought to find out the contribution of selected psychological and social ...

Influence Of Peer Counselling On Students’ Behaviour Change In Secondary Schools In Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT Peer counselling has become an important and integral part of secondary schools in Kenya owing to the dynamism of education and the many problems facing secondary school students. The need for peer counsellors is one that cannot be overlooked owing to the fact that the teacher counsellor is either one or non-existent in most schools. While researchers, educationists and other concerned parties have come to recognise the role of peers as primary socialisation agents among adolescents...

Recruits’ And Officers’ Perception Of The Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Programme In The Paramilitary Establishment: A Case Study Of The National Youth Service Training College, G

ABSTRACT Since 1970s, there has been a tremendous growth of counselling services in Kenya. The National Youth Service (NYS) is a department in the Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Youth Affairs. The Basic Paramilitary Training Programme exposes recruits to psychosocial problems hence need for counselling services. Recruits‟, servicemen/women‟s and officers‟ perception of the effectiveness of guidance and counselling programme determines it‟s implementation and success in ...

Effects Of Collaborative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach On Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Motivation To Learn Biology In Nakuru North Subcounty, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Biology is a key science subject in the Kenyan Secondary School Curriculum. However, evidence available indicates that students’ achievement in the subject has been poor. One of the factors attributed to this poor achievement is the teaching approaches used by teachers, with teacher-centered approaches being pre-dominant. This study sought to address the problem of ineffective instruction by teachers by investigating effects of Collaborative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach (CCMT...

Causes, Consequences And Management Strategies Of Gender Based Domestic Violence: A Case Of Central Division Of Kitui District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Gender based domestic violence is prevalent in both developed and developing countries. It is in fact a major constraint to development in many parts of the world. However, it seems that the causes, consequences and management strategies used in different places vary. In Kenya, surveys on gender based domestic violence have been done in areas such as Nairobi and Kisii. In effect, there is need to study this vice in other parts of the country. This study was therefore carried out in ...

Evaluation Of Cassava Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers And Its Effect On Household Income: A Case Of Siaya And Kilifi Counties

ABSTRACT Improving household income as a poverty eradication strategy has been a matter of great concern in Kenya. This problem has been more rampant in Arid and Semi-arid (ASAL) regions especially in Kilifi and Siaya Counties, where the poverty levels are higher than the national average. These counties have high potential for cassava commercialization as a result of favourable climate. Intervention measures have been undertaken by both the government and non-governmental organizations to p...

An Analysis Of The Determinants Of Diffusion Of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices In A Maize-Legume System In Kenya

ABSTRACT The adoption and diffusion of sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) practices remain a major concern in the development-policy agenda for Sub-Saharan Africa. This will solve the problem of land degradation, low agricultural productivity and poverty. Despite the benefits such as increase in yields and improved soil fertility that SAI offer, it is unclear why smallholder farmers report low adoption levels. Further, gender roles in decision making on farm productivity remain l...

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