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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Computer Based Instruction On Students' Attitude, Perception Of Classroom Environment And Achievement In Rural Secondary Schools In Kenya

ABSTRACT It is a government policy that all institutions of learning in Kenya embrace Information Communicationand Technology (lCT) in all operations including the curriculum as the world moves towards knowledge based economy. The evidence in literature reveals positive effects of computer technology in instruction. However, such studies have concentrated in urban settings. The Effects of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) on Students' Attitude, Perception of the classroom environment and Achie...

The Influence Of Kemi Principals’ Diploma In Education Management Training Course On Management Practices Of Public Secondary Schools In Matungulu Sub County

Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of KEMI principals’ diploma in education management program on management practices of public secondary schools in Matungulu Sub County, Kenya. The study was guided by four objectives that is; to determine the influence of KEMI diploma training on principals’ financial management practices in Matungulu Sub-county, to establish the influence of KEMI diploma training course on principals’ Human Resource management practices...

Management Of Institution-Based Co-Curricular Activities And Students’ Academic Performance In Public Primary Teachers Training Colleges, Kenya

ABSTRACT Students’ academic success is a function of several factors that affect one’s ability to stay connected, motivated and thrive in college. Attempts to address the place of co-curricular activities in colleges and schools have failed to isolate or explore on the implications of institution-based co-curricular factors on student academic performance. The study sought to investigate the influence of institution-based co-curricular factors on students’ academic performance. Specific...

Influence Of Child-Headed Families On Socio-Emotional Development Of Pre-School Learners In Musengo Zone, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Families provide conducive environments which necessitate acquisition of self-esteem, selfconfidence, self identity, self awareness and self-efficacy amongst learners in ECDE centers. However, Pre-school learners, in Musengo zone have manifested and continue to manifest low intrapersonal skills, low interpersonal skills and poor leadership skills thus; this research aimed at investigating the influence of child headed family formations on social emotional development of learners in E...

Factors causing poor performance in english among grade two students at inkosikazi central cluster and the effects this could have in teaching and learning.

ABSTRACT  This study sought to find the factors causing poor performance in English among grade two learners and the effects this could have in teaching and learning. This research study was qualitative in nature. Data generating instruments included interview and observation guides as well as document analysis. These instruments were chosen because they allowed the researcher to get immediate feedback and non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, voice projection and tone could be noted. ...

Burnout Behaviour And Its Influence On Productivity Of Secondary School Teachers In Bungoma South Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Burnout is persistent physical, mental or emotional exhaustion caused by long term stress, usually as a result of excessive workplace and/or personal responsibilities. Since burnout cannot coexist with engagement it's a serious problem for institutions like schools that rely on teachers for good academic performance of the learners. Literatures reviewed indicate that teachers in secondary schools burn-out in the course of their working. However no scholarly research pertaining to bur...

Factors Influencing Teachers’ Involvement In Cocurricular Activities In Public Secondary Schools In Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Education should ensure the development of an all-around person. Co-curricular activities are a very important and essential part of education. It prepares learners to be holistic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing teachers‟ involvement in co-curricular activities in public secondary school in Matungulu sub-county, Machakos County, Kenya. The study focused on the following objectives: to investigate the influence of motivation, workload, level of ...

Integration Of The National Goals Of Education In Early Childhood Development And Education In Kenya A Case Study Of Kalundu Zone Kitui County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to investigate the integration of the national goals of education in early childhood education in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to examine the influence of financial resources, to establish the significance of the teaching and learning resources, to identify the influence of socio-economic factors and to investigate the influence of teacher-child ratio on the integration of the national goals of education in early ch...

School Based Factors Influencing Level Of Implementation Of National School Health Strategic Plan In Public Secondary Schools In Kitui West Sub County Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate School Factors Influencing Level of Implementation of Kenya National School Health Strategic Plan in Public Secondary Schools in Kitui West Sub County. Descriptive survey research design was used to conduct the research. The researcher carried out the research in ten (10) schools. Ten(10) principals and sixty (60) teachersparticipated in the research as respondents, making a total of seventy (70) respondents. The researcher used a questionnaire for t...

Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Female Principals’ Participation In Managerial Duties In Public Secondary Schools In Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County-Kenya.

ABSTRACT In Kenya, available information show that most schools are headed by male teachers. At Kathiani Sub County in Machakos County, 14 schools are headed by female principals out of the 31 public secondary schools. The purpose of this study was therefore to establish the influence of socio-cultural factors on female principals’ participation in managerial duties in public secondary schools in Kathiani Sub- County. Specifically the study sought to establish the influence of: gender stere...

Institutional Factors Ininfluencing Communication By Principals In Publicsecondary Schools In Kitui Centralsub-County,Kitui County, Kenya

v ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate on the institutionalfactors influencingcommunication by principals in public secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-County, Kitui County. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of 254 respondents which comprised of 31 School principals and 223 teachers. Stratified random sampling method was used to select schools and then simple random sampling method was used to select respondents from vario...

Influence Of Teacher Characteristics On Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching In Ict Champion Schools In Machakos Sub- County.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher characteristics on ICT integration in teaching in ICT Champion schools in Machakos Sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the influence of teacher’s demographic factors, teacher attitude teacher’s subject specialization, teacher’s level of training and teacher’s teaching experience on ICT integration on teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub –County. Th...

Assessing The Epidemiology Of Sharps Injuries Amongst Nursing Students: A Case Of Selected National Health Training Centers

ABSTRACT Sharps Injuries (SIs) are a major occupational health and safety issue facing health care professionals today. According to Shiao, McLaws, Huang and Guo (2002), nursing staff are at greatest risk, especially nursing students due to their limited clinical knowledge and lack of experience. Literature on sharps injuries amongst HCWs shows extensively varying numbers of 1.4 up to 9.5 per 100 HCWs per year worldwide (Elseviers, Arias-Guillen, Gorke & Arens, 2014). According to the Nation...

A Study Into The Effectiveness Of The Intervention Approaches Being Used In Behavior Modification Among Ece Learners: The Case Of The Tshabalala Cluster In Mzilikazi

Abstract Children are experimental beings who rely on their environments. Through active interaction with their surroundings, they are able to make sense of their actions. According to Karcher (2004) this is mostly seen in kindergarten where children learn by touching, seeing and tasting objects so that they become aware of meanings derived from the objects they interact with. Piaget was of the opinion that the educational environment should promote learning through mediums that allow the chi...

Teachers’ Relational Factors Influencing Timely Syllabus Coverage In Public Secondary Schools Within Migwani Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which teachers‟ relational factors (communication, conflict resolution, coordination and attitude) influence timely syllabus coverage. The objectives of this study were: to establish the influence of communication on timely syllabus coverage, to establish the influence of conflict resolution on timely syllabus coverage, to establish the influence of coordination on timely syllabus coverage and to establish the influence of at...

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