ABSTRACT This study focused in examining the significance of stakeholders´ awareness and participation in the implementation of 2014 Education and Training Policy in Karatu district council. A case study was used with a sample of four Head Teachers (HTs), two Ward Education Officers (WEOs), and one District Educational Officer (DEO). Data were collected using observations and interviews. The findings revealed that, Free Basic Education (FBE) policy has had increased access to schooling for...
ABSTRACT This phenomenological case study documents teachers‟ perception and practice of inclusive education and the barriers they encounter in twelve public secondary schools in Tabora municipality. The study is framed with socio-cultural theory and paradigm shift model. Questionnaires, structured interview schedule and focus group discussions with teachers elicited data on: teachers‟ perception; strategies they use; and the challenges they encounter as they practice inclusive education...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify challenges facing Beginning Primary School Teachers (BPST) in Mvomero District, Morogoro region in Tanzania. This was a survey research in five public primary schools done mainly through qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The study was guided by Theory X, Theory Y and Symbolic interactionism Theory. A total of 32 participants were selected through purposive sampling and convenience sampling techniques. Data were collected thro...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate students‘ perception of teachers‘ use of code-switching in teaching the English language in secondary schools. The research questions that guided the study were: One, What are teachers‘ code-switching practices in teaching English language in secondary Schools? Two, How does code-switching practice influence students‘ mastery of English language skills in secondary schools? Three, What are the students‘ perceptions on code-switc...
ABSTRACT Since the Government of Tanzania has decided to empower Ward Education Coordinators to supervise secondary schools, this study sought to assess the skills of WECs in relation to effectiveness in supervising secondary schools, problems facing WECs in supervising secondary schools, and the strategies to address those problems. This study employed descriptive research design and used mixed research approach. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze data co...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to find the contribution of school inspection in improving teachers’ work performance in secondary schools in Tanzania. The study employed the Scientific Management and Human Relation Theories. The study was conducted in 7 secondary schools in Pangani by involving 57 informants where 14 were students, 28 teachers, 7 heads of schools, 2 District Education Officers (DEOs), 3 Zonal School Inspectors and 3 District School Inspectors. Data were collected using question...
ABSTRACT This study examined an assessment of practices of heads in community secondary schools that influence new teachers to remain in their career in Nyamagana District, Mwanza Region. The study was guided by two theories, Hertzberg‟s motivation-hygiene theory of job satisfaction and the expectancy theory. Qualitative approach was used in this study. Its design was cross-sectional survey. Purposive sampling technique was used to select study samples whereby three schools, three heads of...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore how the teacher resource centres (TRCs) were used to improve the teaching of English language in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study addressed three objectives which were (i) to examine the content and purpose of the English Improvement Programme for primary school teachers; (ii) to investigate how the programmes helped the primary school teachers of English language in the actual classroom teaching; and (iii) to assess the challenges encounter...
ABSTRACT This study examined the perception of education stakeholders on the implementation of Fee-free Educational policy in public secondary schools in Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative approach. Furthermore, the study employed an exploratory case study design in data collection. The Goal-setting theory founded by Locke (1968) was adopted to guide the study. Data was collected from 65 respondents through questionnaire, interview, and Focused Group Discussion. The data was analyzed...
ABSTRACT The study explores the capacity of community participation in enhancing students’ academic performance in ward secondary schools in Tanga district. The study was guided by three objectives including the perceptions of the community on poor students’ academic performance, the contributions of the community in enhancing students’ academic performance and the best ways community can participate in enhancing students’ academic performance. The study used Epsteins’ theory of ov...
ABSTRACT The study investigated Influencing Factors on Pregnancy among Secondary School Students in Tanzania in Bahi district, in Dodoma region. The study was guided by three objectives and questions. The study employed cross-sectional design while mixed research approach was used. The data were collected through questionnaire, focus group discussion and interview. A total sample size of one hundred (100) respondents was used for the study that included 17 teachers, 60 students, 20 parents, ...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at finding out the influence of the leadership style adopted by the heads of schools in managing public secondary schools in Dodoma municipality. The study was guided by three specific objectives which were to; investigate the forces that led the heads of schools to adopt a certain type of leadership; to identify the actual types of leadership style adapted by the heads of schools and to explore the constraints faced by the heads of schools in adopting leadership st...
ABSTRACT The study examined the implications of students’ indiscipline cases for teachers’ work and their professional culture: a case of Rungwe district, Tanzania. The study was carried out at Rungwe district in Mbeya region. This study was purely qualitative with a case study design in which 31 participants participated. Of 31 participants, 23 were teachers, 4 discipline masters and 4 heads of schools. Participants were selected through purposive sampling techniques whereby the criteri...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of teachers moonlighting on teaching in Tanzanian Secondary Schools. The study was conducted in 18 public secondary schools of Ubungo and Kigamboni municipalities of Dar es Salaam city. The study also involved 6 heads of school, 10 academic masters/mistresses, 137 classroom teachers, teachers- moonlighter 10, and 3 WEOs. The study further involved 2 district TSC officials and 1 zonal SQA. Heads of school, WEOs, district TSC, and zonal SQA were s...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and pedagogical competencies of pre-primary class teachers. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research approaches in which qualitative approach began, followed by quantitative research approach. Besides, the study employed exploratory sequential research design in which phenomenological design was used in qualitative phase while the ex-post factor design was employed in quantitative phase. In qual...