Abstract This study examines the nature and direction of causality in Tanzania between economic growth and agricultural exports along with some selected variables such as labour force and domestic investment. The analysis for this study was carried out using time series data for the period of 1980 to 2013. The data series were tested for stationarity using Phillips-perron test and the results revealed that they were all stationary and integrated of order one I(1). The Johansen test of cointe...
Abstract Over the past five decades Tanzania has hosted over two million refugees, about 200,000 of whom have been naturalized as Tanzania citizens. Children from this group face numerous challenges within the mainstream educational system. This paper considered education policy in Tanzania, with a specific focus on access to quality pre-primary education for children of naturalized refugees. It analyzes relevant policy documents published from 2006 – the year before Tanzania started its l...
Abstract Background: Plasmodium falciparum resistance to anti-malarials is a major drawback in effective malaria control and elimination globally. Artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) is currently the key first-line treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Plasmodium falciparum genetic signatures at pfmdr-1, pfcrt, and pfubp-1 loci are known to modulate in vivo and in vitro parasite response to ACT. The objective of this study was to assess the distribution of these resistance gene m...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of non-subject specialist teachers in the classroom teaching and learning processes on students‟ performance in Chake Chake secondary schools. The study employed case study design and data were collected through interview, documentary review, questionnaires and observation. Respondents were selected through purposive and simple random sampling and made a total number of 53. The sample composition included 47 teachers, 5 heads of secondary scho...
ABSTRACT This study assessed teachers’ perceptions in the use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in enhancing English language fluency among secondary schools in Tanzania basing on the experience from Moshi municipality. The study adopted descriptive case study design which included mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches. A total of 24 respondents including heads of schools and English language teachers were included. Purposive and random sampling techniques were used to obtain respo...
ABSTRACT A study on the effects of divorce on the academic performance of pupils in primary schools was carried out in Dodoma municipal. The general objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions of teachers and community members on the effects that broken marriage has on children‟s academic performance and their role in minimizing those effects. Questionnaire and interview were conducted to 41 research participants involving teachers, parents, pupils, and influential community...
ABSTRACT The study intended to identify the role of Head Teachers (HT) in monitoring teaching and learning (TL) in private primary schools in Mtwara Municipal Council. The study was mainly qualitative and supported by some quantitative data. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. The study used a crosssection design. Samples were drawn using purposive and stratified random sampling techniques that contained four private primary schools, MEO, 4 HT, 4 AT...
Abstract The study focuses on the different approaches used by indigenous practitioners, Johane Masowe church and AFM in the management and treatment of nhova in Zvishavane. It is a comparative study that seeks to impact and interrogate the convergences and divergences among the Christian churches and indigenous practitioners. The study was guided by Afrocentricity particularly Karenga (1993)‟s ideas on multiculturalism. Utilising interviews questionnaires and focus group discussions, the s...
Abstract A variety of researches have been carried out on education of the special needs children, and little have been done to find out the perceptions of teachers towards the implementation of the Inclusive policy of special needs learners ever since the introduction of the inclusive education. This research specifically focused much on the teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of the inclusive policy of special needs learners in Gweru District primary schools. The research met...
ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the contribution of Teachers‟ Resource Centers in improving teaching and learning in primary schools in Shinyanga rural district. The study employed qualitative research approach with descriptive research design Data collection methods involved the use of questionnaires, interviews and researcher‟s personal observation of the TRCs in the area of study. Qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis The findings from the study indicated that TRC...
Abstract This paper is based on a study carried out in three rural-based primary schools in Dodoma, central Tanzania to investigate opportunities and challenges head teachers face during the implementation of school Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) programme. The qualitative study used interviews, focus group discussions, observations and documentary review in a triangulation fashion to collect the requisite information. It established that the WASH programme benefits include constructio...
ABSTRACT This study examined the factors for job satisfaction among public secondary school teachers in Tanzania using Kongwa District as a case study area. The researcher used purposive sampling strategy to get eleven schools involved in the study as well as convenience sampling strategy to get the required sample. Participants were 180 public secondary schools teachers. Mixed methods of data collection were employed. The data for the study were analysed using multiple statistical procedure...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the role of career guidance and counselling services in enhancing employability skills among students in higher learning institutions in Tanzania based on experience from The University of Dodoma (UDOM) and St. Johns‟ University of Tanzania (SJUT). It employed a descriptive research design using qualitative and some aspects of quantitative research approach. A total of 123 respondents including lecturers, wardens and students from UDOM-CoED and SJUT were involv...
ABSTRACT The study examined truancy to illuminate the aspects of its causes, educational effects to students, and intervention strategies in four selected government secondary schools in Tanga City. The study sought to answer three research questions that aimed at identifying causes of truancy, educational effects of truancy to the students, and intervention strategies practised in the four selected government secondary schools. 136 participants were involved in the study. These included eig...
ABSTRACT This study investigates teaching and learning methods that enhance reading among pre-primary children in Tanzania. The specific objectives of this study were: to identify the common teaching and learning methods used by teachers to enhance reading skills among pre-primary children, to explore when teachers assess the ability of pupils and help them and to examine the challenges encountered by preprimary teachers in teaching reading skills. The study was conducted in Chamwino Distric...