ABSTRACT:This study investigated the impact of reading on academic performance of English language in primary schools in Narok No1th District.The researcher used both open ended and closed ended questionnaire and an interview· guide to get the relevant information (data) and the data collected was analyzed by use ofdescriptive statistics that included measures of central tendency (mean, mode, median) measures of dispersion (i.e. range, standard deviation, variance) distributio...
ABSTRACT The research was concerned with some factors affecting school administration in primary schools in Lwandeti location in Matete Division, Lugari District. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples employed in the study were got from the secondary schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The data was categori...
ABSTRACTThis study see/cs to investigate the challenges faced by Lean1ers with disabilities in inclusive settings in Ndarawetta Zone B01net Central Division - Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; Assess the quality of teachers who teach LDs in an inclusive setting; to establish if any effort has been made by educators, to identify the categories of learners with LD in order to offer them appropriate support; to ascertain socio-economic challenges the...
ABSTRACTThe study was carried out in Kimulot Division Bureti district of Kenya. Tl1.e aim was to ascertain why the performance in English subject in Kimulot Division Primary schools was very poor. This was done by collecting data from deferent respondents using different methodologies. Data was collected from 8 head teachers, 8 English teachers and 24 pupils from the selected schools in Kimulot Division.Data was analyzed both qualitatively and qualitatively and presen...
ABSTRACTThe study was guided by one general objective which was to identify effects of Post Election Conflicts on academic performance of pupils in Kenya,To identify effects of Post Election Conflicts on academic performance of pupils in Kenya, Thika district. Three specific objectives were drawn from which three research questionswere derived to guide the study.(i) To examine how the Post Election Conflicts have affected pupils' academic performance in standard schools.(ii) To...
ABSTRACTThe study was an investigation into the roles of women and men in community development in MURORA Sub County , Kisoro District. The study had a number of objectives , to assess the roles of women and men in communitydevelopment ; to find out who is the 'heart' of the home and to investigate the extent to which women are allowed to owe property. The research was carried out due to the continued low status of women in the community.The research was organized into fiv...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the topic titled “Teachers’ Culture and Learning Outcome of Students in Secondary Schools of Wakiso District.” The objectives of the study included; to find out the demographic characteristics of respondents as to Teachers and students’, establish the relationship between teachers’ culture and students’ academic performance; and assess the contribution of work environment and secondary students academic performance in Schools in Wakiso District. The...
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE I 1 .0 Introduction 1.1 Background to the study 1 1 .2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3 Purpose of the study 5 1 .4 Objectives of the study 5 1 .5 Research questions 5 1.6 Significance of the study 6 1.7 Scope of the study 6 Definition of Key terms 7 1.9 List of Acronyms 8 CHAPTER TWO 9 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.0 Introduction 9 2.2 Historical perspective of students discipline in Kenya 9 2.2 A legal perspective of students discipline in Kenya 12 2,3 Effective of disci...
ABSTRACT The study was on an assessment of factors affecting the academic performance of a girl child education in single sex schools. It investigated the perceptions of girls in single sex schools, the learning challenges facing girls in secondary schools, which discussions where statistical methods and matching of information were employed as tools for data analysis. Findings have shown that girl’s perceptions include; increased confidence, decreased relationship with boys and feel more c...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to The overall objective of this study was to examine whether people living with HIV/AIDS in Bunyaruguru county Bushenyi District are subject to discrimination and if so, what influence does it have on their possibilities to enjoy their human right to health. The objectives of the study were determine if the HIV/AIDS-positive people in Tororo District are discriminated in their closest social context, determine the ways in which HIV/AIDS-positiv...
ABSTRACT The research topic was on the impact of strikes on the academic performance tJ,J.1.(i the research was conducted in Naguru parish, Nakawa division-Uganda. The topic of the study was on the causes of moral decay in secondary schools. A total of 60 respondents took part in the study and these respondents included; twenty (20) students, twenty (20) teachers, fifteen (15) parents and (5) five head teachers who were selected to represent the entire population of approximately 800, 000 res...
ABSTRACT The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the phys...
ABSTRACT The researcher was drawn into conducting this study following the report which revealed that Kiswahili was the worst performed subject in the national examination in Home -Bay District- Kenya and more particularly, in Riana Zone. The poor performance in the subject affected both boys and girls alike. The report further revealed that girls' performance was low as compared to that of boys. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of gender on Kiswahili performance in the Keny...
ABSTRACT This research study has been on the causes of poor performance m science subjects in secondary schools. The study was conducted m Mukungwe Sub County Masaka district but raises a theory and recommendation that could apply in others areas in Uganda. The research had specific objectives as to: - Analyze the impact of up grading courses on the teaching and motivation of science teachers. Weigh the relative performance in sciences to other academic subjects in secondary schools in relati...
ABSTRACT This study was purposely designed and conducted to exmnme the influence of psychosocial education on the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Lira District. The study was focused to find out the influence of sensitization, counseling and palliative on the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Lira District. The researcher applied descriptive study design approaches to derive meanmgs from the data generated. The research instmments used to obtain data during this study ...