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Physicochemical Parameters and Microbial load in concrete pond reared with Clarius Gariepinus Fish

Tablea Of Content.  1.Physicochemical Parameters 2.Microbial load 3.Comparative between other standard  4.Result, Discussion and recommendation  5.References


ABSTRACT Fertilizer application in earthen ponds has been used as a low cost method of sustainable aquaculture production.

Design of an Underground Utility Duct Using Trenches Method (Case Study: Kimera Road) Trenchless Method

ABSTRACT Trenchless construction is the use of construction methods to install and repair underground utility systems with minimum open cut excavation. This includes the use of pipe jacking, micro tunneling, horizontal direction drilling, and guided boring systems. This was adopted to replace the aging utility infrastructure and install new facilities, while minimizing disruptions to traffic communities and business, reducing environmental impact and lowering the high costs of pavement remov...

The Role of Unused Swimming Pools as a Habitat for Anopheles Immature Stages in Urban Malindi, Kenya

Abstract: ABSTRACT. We conducted larval surveys in habitats located in urban Malindi, Kenya, in 2005 and 2006 with the goal of determining the productivity of unused swimming pools in relation to other habitats. Of the 250 habitats sampled, 66 were unused swimming pools, 93 were wells, 60 were drainage troughs, and 31 were miscellaneous areas, such as septic tanks, swamps, concrete tanks, fish ponds, car-track depressions, and drainage ponds. Anopheles gambiae s.l. was the only anophelines s...


PREFACE The whole information conveyed in this book has been planned and written for proper understanding of structural detailing of a building.  The approach in this book is to provide the readers sound and basic knowledge in structural detailing in a building. Consequently, I have given more details than is normally given in a book concerning detailing of structural members, which include slabs, beam, stairway and column.  This book will also provide some bases as a prerequisite in detai...

The Effect Of Academic Performance And Counselling On Choices Of Selected Students In Bendel State

ABSTRACT Since some secondary schools are known to offer guidance services to their students in Bendel State, it is logical to expect that certain benefits are likely to be derived by the beneficiaries. Already, there is a growing awareness in Nigeria about the usefulness of these services but there is a dearth of concrete date for assessing the role fulfilled by counselling in the growth and development of secondary school students. It is also known that some Nigerians do not believe in the ...

Estimation Of Evaporation Losses Based On Stable Isotope Composition Of Water In The Calueque-Oshakati Canal, Namibia.

ABSTRACT The open concrete-lined Calueque-Oshakati canal has been operational since the 1970s, carrying raw water from the Calueque Dam on the Kunene River in the Southern region of Angola to the Central Northern region of Namibia. This raw water is conveyed to the purification plants along the canal, where it is purified before distribution to towns and villages through pipelines. This thesis presents the findings on the estimation of evaporation losses using the stable isotopic composition ...


A feasibility study of a conceptual nuclear design of a facility capable of producing high thermal neutron fluxes using isotopic neutron sources in a multiplying medium was carried out. The one-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion equation was solved using the finite difference technique. A computer code SUNDES was written in FORTRAN 77 programming language and used to study the effect of reflectors, shielding materials and strength of isotopic neutron sources on the production lev...

From Palm Oil To Crude Oil: The Impact Of International Trade On Niger-Delta Communities

ABSTRACT This study examines the process of economic transition from palm oil to crude oil and its impact on the Niger-Delta communities from 1895 to 1995. It highlights the dilemma between crude oil exploration and exploitation in the region and the attendant environmental outcomes. The study discusses the Niger-Delta crises within the context of the contemporary global political economy, particularly the imperial permutations of the Great Powers seeking the control of energy supplies the wo...

Planning Implementation and Control in the Public Sector. (A Case Study of Kwara State Bureau of Economic Planning)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction          The main essence at any development planning is to organize the priorities of government in such a way as to quicken the pace of development. With in the last two decades, most countries of the third world nation,  have drawn  up national development plans with the objective at accelerating the economic growth and the rate at which the standard of living of the populace can be raised in addition to sustaining an increased rate of economic grow...

Production and Evaluation of the Impact Strength of Snail Shell Reinforced Epoxy Composite

Particulate-filled polymer composites are becoming quite attractive because of their low cost and wide application. Nowadays shells of arthropods and mollusks are widely used as reinforced materials due to their availability and impact mechanical properties. This study focused on theproduction and evaluation of impact strength of snail shell reinforced epoxy composite and as well given concrete information and recommendation on usage with respect to appropriate filler concentration an...

Climate Change, Urban Degreening And Flooding In Nigerian Cities: Reducing Vulnerability Through Polycentric Planning And Urban Greenery Strategy (PPUGS)

ABSTRACT This paper uses the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework to analyse the missing links in attempts to address the problems of flooding in Nigerian cities. Previous flooding and the recent ones have been attributed to heavy downpour, blockage of water channels and drainages, indiscriminate dumping of refuse and building of houses along channels. Areas that are neglected but pertinent to flood mitigation include: (1) degreening activities that remove green cover; (2) ...

Diagnostic Difficulty-An Elusive Case Of Hansen´S Disease Mimicking Sarcoidosis

Abstract Hansen´s disease (leprosy) is caused by a slow-growing type of bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae). It is an age-old disease that has been around since biblical times yet cases still occur especially in Asia and Africa, despite concerted global efforts to eradicate the disease. Chemotherapeutic agents are available and effective once administered appropriately and adequately. We report an elusive case of Hansen´s disease wherein the only symptom was a nodule on the na...


ABSTRACT Modern form of Co-operative leave their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth Century in Europe. Much of the early interested in co-operative structure seemed from deep regards to the social consequence of industrial capitalism, critics of the new order not simply a framework for business organisation but also as a vehicle for the reutilization of radical social and political goals. However, much concepts of c-operativ...


Building cracks are most common type of problem in any type of building. So, it is important to understand the cause and the measures to be taken for prevention. Though cracks in concrete cannot be prevented entirely but they can be controlled by using adequate material and technique of construction and considering design criteria. Due to some faulty steps during construction or some unavoidable reasons different type of cracks starts to appear on various structural and non-structural parts o...

166 - 180 Of 631 Results