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Education Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Trainees With Visual Impairment Encounter In Learning Orientation And Mobility: Case Of Study, Masaka Rehabilitation Center For The Blind In Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study analyzed the challenges trainees with Visual Impairment encounter in learning Orientation and Mobility at Masaka Rehabilitation Center for the Blind, Kigali, Rwanda. Masaka rehabilitation center is the only existing center in Rwanda which trains people with Visual Impairment in O and M. In fact, the loss of sight has a negative impact on Orientation and Mobility since this is the main sense organ which assist people in their movement. Specific objectives of the study sough...

Predictors Of Academic Locus Of Control Among Form Three Secondary School Students In Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Academic locus of control refers to a learner’s belief of the cause of his/her academic achievement. It is therefore a learner’s conviction that success in academics is either as a consequence of one’s effort or external forces like fate and luck. A Learner’s academic locus of control is either internally or externally oriented. In a learning environment, a learner with internal locus of control orientation has high likelihood of benefiting more from the teaching and learnin...

The Impact Of Internal Efficiency On K.C.S.E. In Nyamache Division, Nyamache District, Kisii County

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyze the impact of internal efficiency on K.C.S.E. performance in Nyamache division by looking at some of the efficiency indicators in secondary schools. The main objective was to establish enrolment trends, determine the measures of efficiency (dropout, survival, graduation and repeater rates), and establish the causes and attempt to provide possible solutions to the problems mentioned above. The sample population comprised of selected secondary schools in th...

Factors Affecting Women Career Mobility In Educational Management: A Comparative Study Of Public And Private Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Women have lagged behind as far as equity in all spheres of life is concerned and their participation in education management relative to men decreases at successive higher levels. World Bank report on gender and development (2003) noted that the number of women holding management positions was lower than that of men. In Kenya traditionally, women were viewed as inferior to men and marginalized in all sectors of development, Chacha (2004). There was need to look at the position of w...

Implementation Of Re-Entry Policy For Adolescent Mothers In Public Secondary Schools: A Case Of Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Each year one in every three school girls drops out of schools in Kenya due to pregnancy. Majority of these adolescent mothers are not able to go back to school after delivery. To address this issue, the Ministry of Education in 1996 released re-entry policy guidelines to ensure the smooth readmission of adolescent mothers after delivery. Years later, it was established that a significant majority of the adolescent mothers were still not attending school. This pointed to a gap or mis...

Family And School Based Determinants Of Access And Participation In Public Day Secondary Schools In Matungulu Sub - County, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenyan government introduced Free Day Secondary Education in 2008 with an aim of increasing access and participation for children from poor households and increasing transition rate from primary to secondary schools. But studies show that enrolment and participation is still low in secondary schools. The study sought to establish family and school based determinants of access and participation in public day secondary schools in Kenya. The main objective of the study was to determ...

Curriculum Barriers To Teaching Orientation And Mobility In Selected Schools For Learners With Visual Impairments, West Pokot And Siaya Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the curriculum barriers to teaching orientation and mobility in selected Schools for Learners with Visual Impairments in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to explore why orientation and mobility was not being included in the school time table, the administrative support available, teacher-pupil ratio, the perceptions of teachers and learners towards the teaching of orientation and mobility. The ecological systems theory developed by Urie B...

Leadership Styles Of Headteachers And Their Impact On Students’ Academic Performance In Secondary Schools, Nyamaiya Division, Nyamira District.

ABSTRACT The nerve centre of this study was that despite the critical role played by the head teacher in secondary school management, students’ academic performance has persistently been poor. Factors leading to this dismal performance have not been adequately investigated and well understood in Nyamaiya Division hence the need for this study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the leadership styles of the headteachers and their impact on the students’ academic performa...

Factors Influencing The Boy– Child Secondary Education In The Rice-Growing Region Of Kirinyaga South District, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study aimed at gaining in-depth understanding of factors influencing the boy– child secondary education in the rice-growing region of Kirinyaga South District, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Factors leading to this limited success had hitherto not been adequately investigated. The purpose of the study therefore was to identify those influences on the boy-child‟s secondary education in this district. The objectives of the study were to determine the boy-child school attendance tren...

Determinants Of Wastage In Public Primary Schools In Starehe District, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education is important to both the individual and the society because it helps one to grow physically, mentally and socially. It also brings developments in the society. In particular the primary education lays the foundation for further education and training. Despite its importance, learners in primary schools seem not to participate fully due to dropout and repetition. This study, therefore, sought to establish determinants of wastage in public primary schools in Starehe District...

Influence Of Maternal Characteristics On Academic Performance Of Lower Primary School Children Aged 8 Years Old In Kosirai Division, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parents being the educators of children play a key role in their learning. Children’s learning from their parents not only forms the foundation of future learning but also has a great influence on their performance. Even though parental involvement in children’s learning has been associated with high levels of achievement. Mother’s involvement is not as anticipated. This has be attributed to emerging issues that include economic inflation, HIV and AIDS and change in family sys...

Face threatening acts in the discourse of the academic clinic in kenyan secondary schools.

ABSTRACT In Kenya today, secondary school students sometimes describe themselves as neglected because they feel they are denied the opportunity to express their views. Considering the many communicative events in schools, this is puzzling. The study posits that the communication may be marred, causing the students neither to enjoy nor benefit from the fora provided. This study, “Face Threatening Acts in the Discourse of The Academic Clinic in Kenyan Secondary Schools” is an attempt at a ...

Influence Of Classroom Management Practices On Students Academic Achievement In Public Secondary Schools In Tharakanithi County; Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of learners in public secondary schools in Tharaka-Nithi County has consistently been low for a long time. There are many factors that may have contributed to the low performance in this County. However, the influence of classroom management practices on the academic performance is a matter that has not been given attention. The study sought to assess the influence of the classroom management practices on the learners‟ academic achievements in public secondary scho...

Effects Of Embossed Picture Technique On Reading Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairments: A Case Of Kambui School For The Deaf

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study was that, despite the critical role of reading in promoting education of pupils with hearing impairments, their performance in reading remained low. The effect of embossed picture technique in teaching reading to the pupils with hearing impairments had not been addressed by the Ministry of education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the effect of embossed picture technique when used in teaching reading to the pupils with hearing ...

Influence Of Teachers’ Competence On Use Of Music To Enhance Pupils’ Language Skills In Lower Primary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Children require language skills to cope with tasks in schools and entire life. In contemporary society, early childhood period has been associated with school completion rate and personal living patterns in future. However, research to show the impact of music in promoting children’s language skills is inadequate despite the notable developments that music sounds encourage listening and develop children’s interests to learn meaning of sounds. The purpose of the study was to es...

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