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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Utilization Of Physical Resources On Performance Of Students In The Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education In Public Secondary Schools In Marani Sub-county, Kenya

The excellent performance of students in school is determined by various factors, which includes human resources and physical facilities among other things. This study sought to establish the effect of physical resources on student’s academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Education in public secondary schools in Marani sub-county, Kenya. Performance of students is measured through the administration of examinations. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary education ex...

Influence Of Strategy Implementation On The Performance Of Agribusiness Firms In Nyanza Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural value chain development programs must result in lasting change in order to be deemed effective. The programs initiated either by public or private organizations may meet their objectives while in operation by improving agricultural development in terms of increased crop or animal productivity, improved competitiveness, performance of agri-food chains and poverty reduction. However, sustainability of these development initiatives for impact over time has been a challenge...

Assessing The Relationship Between Resource Access And Youth Involvement In Agricultural Value Chains In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2020 economic survey, 75 % of the total population in Kenya is youthful 36% of this are between 15-34 years and 38.1% of them are unemployed. Agribusiness has a huge potential in offering employment to the youth considering its wider labor absorptive capacity. Despite this, youth involvement in agribusiness is low due to existing inequalities in the value chain. In Kakamega County, there is a large percentage of unemployed young p...

The Effect Of Farmer Chacteristics On Entrepreneurial Behavior Of Beekeepers In Kibwezi West Sub County, Makueni County

ABSTRACT Agriculture plays a major role in the Kenyan economy through its significant contribution to the GDP, a foreign currency earner, supplier of raw materials to the processing and manufacturing sector as well as contributing to the food security in the country. In addition, the sector supports rural livelihoods through farm entrepreneurship and farm-generated employment thereby alleviating poverty levels in the rural population. Beekeeping is an important form of farming especially in ...

Historiography by Objectives: A new approach for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century School of Historiography

The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography across the ages starting from ancient times. It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography. This paper proposes a stakeholderfocussed approach towards historiography and encompasses a wide range of topics from research and definition...

Enhancing Andragogy Methods And Outcomes In Adult And Non Formal Education: Design Of Photograph - Based Geography Instructional Materials (Pbim)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to support andragogy centred teaching and learning methods and outcomes in adult and non-formal education programmes in Dodoma city through designing adult learner supportive Photography-based Instructional Materials (PBIM) in Geography subject. This was a mixed approach developmental study guided by three objectives which were to (i) design the PBIM lessons, (ii) assess the practicability of designed lessons‟ materials and (iii) assess the effectivene...

The Influence Of Artisanal And Small Scale Mining On Primary School Pupils’ Learning Achievements: A Case Of Biharamulo District - Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study is about the influence of Artisanal and small scale mining on primary school pupils‘ learning achievement. It was conducted in Biharamulo District located in Kagera region. The respondents were head teachers, primary teachers, primary school pupils, and ASM leaders. The study employed a cross sectional survey design. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, documentary review and Focused Group Discussion. Data were presented and analysed through tables an...

Investigation Of The Opportunities And Challenges Facing Pupils With Disabilities In Implementing Inclusive Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Igunga District

ABSTRACT This dissertation is about the opportunities and challenges of the implementation of inclusive education facing pupils with disabilities in Tanzania public primary schools. The study was conducted in Igunga District to investigate the opportunities of pupils with disabilities in implementing inclusive education, explore the challenges facing pupils with disabilities in the implementation of inclusive education, and examine the strategies used to overcome the challenges facing pupils...

Introducing Anthropological Pedagogy as a Core Component of Twenty-first Century Anthropology: The Role of Anthropological Pedagogy in the fulfilment of Anthropological and Sociological ob

This paper proposes the creation of Anthropological Pedagogy as a distinct field of study within the framework of Anthropology, interfacing traditional Anthropology and Pedagogy with some pre-defined principles and objectives, chiefly designed to promote Anthropological goals and objectives through the medium of education. This paper proposes to lay the groundwork for what we believe will be an exciting and promising field, and we hope other researchers, scholars, Anthropologists and Pedagogi...

Testing Practices In Inclusive Primary Schools: Experience Of Pupils With Disabilities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the testing practices in inclusive primary schools for pupils with disabilities in Tanzania. The study focused on four specific objectives; to examine the techniques of testing pupils with disabilities in inclusive schools, to investigate classroom environment and structure of testing pupils with disabilities, to explore behaviours of teachers in testing pupils with disabilities and to investigate problems facing teachers in testing pupils with disa...

Assessing The Utilization Of Capitation Grants In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Iringa District In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study assessed the utilization of capitation grants in public primary schools in Iringa District. Specifically, it examined the disbursement procedures of capitation grant from Central Government to schools, to understand how capitation grants are utilized in schools, the study was extended into exploring the challenges facing school management in utilizing capitation grants and its implications to quality education and finally suggested strategies to rectify the situation. The ...

Roles Of Heads Of Schools To Teachers’ Professional Development At Work Place In Public Secondary Schools: The Case Of Kilombero District In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to examine roles of heads of public secondary schools in teachers‟ professional development (TPD) at workplace in Tanzania, focusing on Kilombero district. The study had two research objectives; exploration/ examination of heads of secondary schools‟ roles; for TPD at workplace and ways of professional development of secondary school teachers at their workplace. The challenges faced by teachers and secondary school leaders due to professional develo...

Influence Of Teacher’s Knowledge And Skills Of Competence Based Assessment Practices On Student’s Achievements In Commerce: A Case Of Selected Secondary Schools In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of teacher‟s knowledge and skills on Competence Based Assessment (CBA) practices on students' achievement in Commerce. The study also investigates teacher‟ assessment, behavior as well as to propose the best ways commerce could be taught following CBA. The sampled schools were seven. The study was a mixed research approach that used samples of 74 respondents; 7 academic masters, 13 Commerce teachers and 54 commerce students. Data were collec...

Assessment Of Success Of The Training Of Head Of Secondary Schools That Was Conducted In June, 2011 A Case Of Sengerema District

ABSTRACT This study addresses the issue of effectiveness of the training of head of schools that was provided to heads of secondary schools on June 2011. It examined the effect of a management training program on management effectiveness and efficiency in selected schools in Sengerema district. The theoretical framework of the study is behaviorists who assume that learning constitute an observable change of behavior after learning. They assume that learners or trainee must demonstrate what h...

Creating Community Of Learners Through Teacher Resource Centres And Strategies For Teachers’ Professional Development: A Case Study Of North Unguja Region, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study addressed the question of how Teacher Resource Centres are used as a strategy to create a community of learners among teachers in North Unguja Region. Creating a community of learners among teachers is understood to be a promising strategy towards teacher professional development. The study has been triggered by concerns on underutilisation of the facility on one side and extremely demand of TRCs on the other part. The study employed a case study design for its focus on a...

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