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Education Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Factors Influencing Women Participation In Off-Farm Income Generating Activities In Mkuranga District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study presents findings on the assessment of factors influencing women participation in off-farm income generating activities Income Generating Activities in Mkuranga district, Coast region. The overall objective of the study was to assess factors influencing women participation in off-farm income generating activities in the study area. The specific objectives were: To identify types of off -farm income generating activities undertaken by women in the study area, to identify s...

Selected Factors Affecting Girls’ Participation In Primary School Education In Barwessa Division Of Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The issue of girl child participation in primary school has become a real concern in all nations of the world particularly the developing countries like those in sub-Saharan Africa, East Africa and Kenya included. Girl child education worldwide provides benefits to the family and the society at large thus issues affecting it should be addressed for the sake of human development. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting girls‟ participation in primary schools i...

Effects Of Problem-Based Learning On Learners’ Acquisition Of Core Critical Thinking Skills In Heating Effect Of Electric Current In Nakuru County Secondary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT Physics is recognized today as a fundamental part of both science and society. Knowledge of physics provides solutions to many of the problems that occur in today’s world. Deficiency in linking physics knowledge to real-life context of problem-solving by learners is however a major problem in the Kenyan education as evidenced by results in KCSE Physics national examinations. Progressive research recognizes the importance of teaching thinking skills through appropriate methodology a...

Influence Of Counselling Services On Behaviour Change Among Adult Recovering Alcoholics In Uasin Gishu County Kenya

ABSTRACT Since the escalation of alcoholism in Kenyan, many families are wrestling to cope with the costs of addiction because addiction is often defined as chronic, relapsing disorder that require comprehensive detoxification and psychosocial intervention. Alcoholism severity and relapse complexity process that involves the mental, physical, emotion and behavioural component of a person disables recovering alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influe...

The Relationship Between Selected Factors And The Use Of Information And Communication Technologies (Icts) In Classroom Instruction By Secondary School Agriculture Teachers In Nyamira County,

ABSTRACT Research studies in the past decade have shown that ICTs are effective means for widening educational opportunities. However, their use in classroom instruction by most teachers in Kenya is limited. Some of the factors influencing teachers’ use of ICTs in teaching have been extensively studied but scanty information exists on their influence on secondary school agriculture teachers’ use of ICTs in classroom instruction. The purpose of this study was; to determine the relationshi...

Effects Of Advance Organizers On Students’ Achievement, Perception And Attitude Towards The Learning Of Narratives In Literature In English In Secondary Schools In Kilifi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Oral literature is poorly performed in Kenyan secondary schools. It is evident from research that this is due to the conventional methods of teaching commonly used by most teachers of literature. Oral literature therefore requires appropriate teaching methods so as to attain the intended instructional goals. Research on the use of advance organizers on various subjects supports its usefulness in improving students‘ achievement, perception of the classroom environment and attitude t...

Factors Influencing Sustainability Of Micro-Projects Under The District Agricultural Development Plans (Dadps): A Case Study Of Songea District, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The main objective of the study was to assess factors that influence sustainability of DADPs micro projects in selected villages of Mletele and Mwanamonga in Songea district, Ruvuma region. Specific objectives of the study were to: identify and describe the factors that influence sustainability of DADPs micro projects, assess the perception of farmers on the sustainability of DADPs micro projects and propose sound strategies that will enhance sustainability of DADPs micro projects....

Influence Of Selected Factors On Students’ And Teacher Counsellors’ Perception Of Guidance And Counselling In Bungoma County Public Secondary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT Guidance and counselling is an important component of education that helps students to successfully cope with challenges of life. Students with maladaptive behaviour are assisted to correct and overcome difficulties facing them. Students are encouraged to identify and avoid risky situations through acquisition of life skills, attitudes and living values that can help them manage their problems. This is contrary to what is being observed in Bungoma County as students still show maladj...

Effectiveness Of Farmer Field Schools In Improving Agricultural Productivity In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Smallholder Rice Farmers In Mvomero District, Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT Farmers field schools (FFSs) provide farmers with an opportunity to experiment new technologies which help them to make informed decisions that eventually lead to increased agricultural production and productivity. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in terms of improving agricultural productivity in selected villages of Mvomero District, Morogoro region. Effectiveness was conceptualized as the performance of FFS graduates meeting the g...

The Effectiveness Of Outreach Programme As Experiential Learning For Training Students As Livestock Extension Workers In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a weekly outreach programme as experiential learning for students trained as livestock extension workers in Livestock Training Agency (LITA) in Tanzania. About 80 students who graduated in Morogoro and Mpwapwa campuses from the year 2006 to the year 2013 were sampled for interview. Interviews were also made with instructors. The focus was on four key areas; the process of organizing and implementing outreach programme, p...

Assessment Of Use, Attitudes, Constraints And Impact Of Cattle Manure On Maize Farming By Smallholder Farmers In Njombe Tanzania

ABSTRACT Maize is the most important staple food and cash crop in Tanzania. Cattle manure has become an important as a source of soil nutrients in situations where use of inorganic fertilizer is not affordable. In view of the apparent decline in soil fertility, deliberate efforts are required to promote utilization of cattle manure for crop production. The Main Objective of the study was to assess the use, attitudes, constraints, and impacts of cattle manure in maize farming in Njombe Distri...

Slt 371 Dna Fingerprinting And Forensic Analysis Laboratory Manual.

The electrophoretic resolution of DNA is carried out on a gel matrix of agarose or polyacrylamide. Agarose is used for horizontal electrophoretic procedure while polyacrylamide gel is used in vertical procedures. Agarose gels are used and cast by boiling agarose in a suitable dilute buffer, pouring into a mould and then allow it to solidify to form a matrix. The porosity of the formed matrix decreases with an increase in agarose concentration. When the DNA samples are loaded in an applied ele...

The Effects Of Hiv/Aids On The Social, Economic And Psychological Status Of Infected Women In Nakuru Municipality

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS continues to have social, economic and psychological effects among infected and affected persons and their households. This has been further complicated by the negative perceptions and attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS as a result of social stigmatization, isolation and discrimination. Women infected with HIV/AIDS have disproportionately been the main victims of the negative perceptions and attitudes and thus face and shoulder the biggest burden of the effects ass...

Role Of University Education In Fostering National Values Among The Youth In Private And Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT The trends in national universities in Kenya reveal that all is not well with regard to education that is offered and and values acquired by the students. There are cases of manifestation of breakdown of law and order, and an outright neglect of moral values by university students on issues such as human dignity, national unity, sharing and personal responsibility. This study therefore sought to ascertain the role of university education in fostering national values among the youth i...

Relationship Between Head Teacher’s Leadership Styles And Teachers’ Commitment In Public Secondary Schools In Makueni Sub-County, Makueni County

ABSTRACT Teacher commitment has been identified as one of the most important factors for the success of schools. Teacher commitment is closely connected to their work performance, their ability to innovate and integrate new ideas in their practice, absenteeism, staff turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ achievement and attitudes toward school. Ignoring the connection between teacher commitment and leadership style of head teacher can be considered dangerous. This ...

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