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Education Research Papers/Topics

Gender Influence In Access To Science And Technology In Secondary Schools In Soy Division - Uasin - Gishu District Kenya

The Abstract contains a brief account of what is contained in every chapter in this paper. Chapter one contains the problem and its scope, the theory, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and significance of the study. Chapter two contains the literature review which gives background information on the studies done earlier that highlight similar or related issues to the topic of the study. Chapter three deals with research methodology which involves res...

Teac Er Otivation And Academic Pe Ormance Of P Ils In Un Versal Primary Education Schools In Baitambogwe Sue County, Mayuge Istrict Uganda

This report is a study caffied out in Baitambogwe Sub County, in Mayuge district which aimed at studying the relationship between teacher motivation and academic performance of pupils in Universal Primaiy Education (UPE) schools. Teacher motivation has been seen to be at its lowest in Baitambogwe Sub County, this stemming from a number of variables ranging from personal variables e.g. age, gender, marital status etc. situational I organizational variables, e.g. salary (pay), supervision...

The effect of free senior high school policy on the economic and social lives of parents and their wards in Ghana

The  free  senior  high  school  policy  is  one  of  best  social  and  economic  intervention  policies  that  openly  affect  both parents  and  their  wards  in  senior  high  school.  This  realisation  is  reached  on  the  backdrop  of  the  policy’s  role  in redeeming  parents  from  their  economic  and  financial  burden.  This  study  therefore  looks  at  the  effect  of  introducing the  free  senior  high  school  poli...

The Rei,Ationship Between Transfers And The Motivation Of Teachers In Secondary Schools In North Zone, Kirinyaga District, Kenya

Teachers' transfers, the relocation of teachers are part and parcel of the general school administration. However, the handling of transfers could affect the motivation of the transferred teachers. This study examines the relationship between transfers and the motivation of teachers. The study was carried out in selected schools in Kirinyaga district in Kenya. The researcher used two sources of data namely; primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using a self-administered...

A Study Of The Effect Of Universal Primary Education On Pupils' Performance . In English Language In Rubaga Division, Kampala

A research report establishing the impact of UPE on pupil's perfonnance in English language in Rubaga Division, Kampala District. The objectives of the study were; • Assess the effect of Universal Prima1y Education on learners' achievements in termly or Primary Leaving Examinations (P.L.E). • Identify the suitable methods and materials usually used in English Language lesson in relation to large classes. • Assess the impact of Universal Primary Education on the learners' attitudes...

Effects Of Domestic Violence On Learners' Performance In Kolir Sub-county, Bukedea District

The study examined the effects of domestic violence on learners' performance in Kolir Sub County, Bukedea district. The sample for the study consisted of 50 respondents randomly drawn from the twelve (12) schools of Kolir Sub-County. Data was collected with a questionnaire and interview guides. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) method that helped in effective analysis of data. The results indicated among Seve...

Influence Of School Location On Pupils' Academic Perforl\'Iance In Nairobi Central Business District, Starehe Division, Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher's main aim was to find out the effects of school location on pupils' academic performance in Nairobi Central Business District of Starehe Division, Nairobi North District. In the learning process, many factors affect the pupils' academic performance. These factors may be due to home environment, school environment or even the learner's attitude. The objective of this study was to tind out the relationship that exists between the learners' academic performance and the ...

Teaching Process And Learning Of Pupils In Kiswahili Language Of Selected Primary Schools In Wakiso District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study investigated the teaching process and learning of pupils in Kiswahili language in selected primary schools in Wakiso District, Uganda. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the teachers as to age, gender, marital status, educational qualification and number of years in service and pupils as to age and gender. This study determined the degree of teaching and learning process in terms of attitude, availability of teachers, culture, policies, availabi...

Parenting Dimensions And Pupils' Educational Progress. A Case Of Selected Primary Schools Of Magarini Zone, Malindi District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the causes of drop out among pupils in Magarini zone, Malindi district. The specific objectives of the study were to explore academic-oriented parenting practices, find out School-participation parenting practices find out high aspirations and grade expectations by parents and to find out the level of autonomy and emotional support parents give to the children. The study employed a descriptive research design and the instruments used for dat...

The Attitude of Learners towards the Forced Spoken English in School A Case Study of Mombasa, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the attitude of learners towards forced spoken English in schools in Mombasa County of the coast province,Kenya. The objective of this study is to find out the attitude of learners towards the forced spoken English in schools In Mombasa County. The purpose of the study is to find out the learners opinions towards the forced spoken English in schools. The study used the random sampling techniques. It has fifteen learners and fifteen teachers from three d...

Factors That Influence Motivation Of Members Of St~Ff: Case Study: Maai Mahiu Secondary School11 (Naivasha, Kenya)

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to establish the factors that influence the motivation of the members of staff at Maai Mahiu Secondary School (Naivasha Kenya). Through the literature review several theories of motivation were identified. Ex post facto research design was applied in the study.

Teacher Motivation And Academic Performance In Ober Zone Kasipul Division, South Rachuonyo District Kenya

ABSTRACT A study on teacher motivation as determinant of teacher performance in Omiro Primary School, Ober Zone was carried out with the main objective of establishing the relationship between teacher motivation and teacher performance. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the relationship between teacher motivation and performance, to determine factors that influence teacher motivation, to establish ways of motivating teachers so as improve on their performance, to find o...

Adult Education And The Socio-Cultural Development Of Women In Kjra Sub County, Wakiso District In Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the adult education on the Socio-cultural Development of Women” was carried out in Kira sub county, Wakiso district in Uganda with a view to explore the contribution of adult education to the socio-cultural status of women, problems experienced in adult education and the possible solutions the problems experienced. A descriptive survey design was used using interview guide administered to a sample of 90 respondents who were purposively selected. It was established...

Causes Of Female Pupils' Drop Out Of School In Matete Division Primary Schools, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Acknowledgement ...................................................................... ii Approval .................................................................................... iii Table of contents ....................................................................... iv CHAPTER 1 . . . . . . . . ...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In National Examinations: A Case Study Of Chinato Division, Kuria East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study was intended to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance 111 KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in Kuna East District within Kenya. Relevant literature related to the field of study was gathered and this assisted the researcher get a clear picture of wl1at the e11tIre study was to entail. ;.. descriptive design was viewed relevant for use in this study and together the application of questionnaires and interview guides. the...

2881 - 2895 Of 8072 Results