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Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors Contributing To The Dropout Of Girls In Primary Schools In Boro Division Siaya District

ABSTRACT The study focused on some basic factors contributing to the dropout of girls in primary schools of Boro division, Siaya district. It was across sectional survey which involved head teachers and teachers as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews plus observation. The findings revealed that poverty, limited community mobilization, cultural factors, institutional factors and political factors contribute to girls dropout. There is need to adopt alternative st...

Effects Of Drug And Substance Abuse On Academic Performance Of Students At Bondo Teachers Trainingcollege In Bondo District, Nyanza Province Kenya.

Oxford advance learners dictionary define drug as an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject etc to give them pleasant or exciting feelings. Kenya scout magazine (Jan 2002) define drug as a chemical substance that causes changes in mind and / or body of the person using them. They can be legal or illegal or can be medical or non medical. Drug abuse is the repeated non medical use of potentially addictive chemical and organic substances. It includes the use of chemical in excess of no...

Gender Ckdmistry Concepts Perception And Its Effects On Students Academic Performance In Selected Secondary Schools Of Ndundu Division, Gatundu District Kenya

The major purpose of the study was to determine Gender chemistry concepts' perception and its effects on academic performance of students in selected Secondary schools of Ndundu Division, Gatundu District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to Investigate the relationship between girl's attitude and performance in chemistry , Investigate the relationship between teachers attitudes and girls performance in chemistry , Determine the relationship between the curriculurn and performa...

Factors Responsible For School Dropout Among Girllin Lagdera District, Northern Kenya.

ABSTRACT The causes of dropping out of school in any population are manifold and complex. The economic and social consequences of dropping out of school cause global concern, as they affect not only the individual who abandons school, but also his/her family and friends as well as the wider community and society. Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out of schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to co...

The Problem Of Stress In Primary Education Centers, Teachers Awareness And Intervention Measures Adopted By School. A Case Study Of Five Primary Education Centres Kanyuambora Zone Eastern Pro

ABSTRACT This study assessed the problem of stress in primary education centers with a focus on the following; establishing the prevalence of stress, identifying the common stressors of children in primary_ education centers, assessing the teachers knowledge to deal with stressed children and the intervention measures adopted by schools to help stressed children. The study was undertaken in Kanyuambora zone which is in Mbeere north district Eastern province Kenya. The population used f...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Mathematics Among Children With Hearing Impairment In Mainstream Schools In Maseno-Kombewa Division, Kisumu West District-Kenya

This study focused on the causes of poor performance in mathematics among children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools. Interviews and questionaires were used as research tools to collect data from respondents. Random and purposive sampling techniquues were used to select schools and the respondents. The findings revealed that teachers in the mainstream experienced some challenges which among others included; lack of training in special needs education among teachers, inadeqaucy of ...

The Adolescents Sexuality Among Secondary Schools Students Causes And Interventions Adopted A Case Study Of Rubaga Divisl~N Kampala Di~Trict Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish the cause of sex1:1ality among the adolescents stage in Rubaga Division. Kampala District, this was after realizing the negative effects resulted from sexuality. This chapter presents the result of the analysis of data according to the objectives of the study which were; To find out the causes of sexuality among adolescents, to determine background characteristics of adolescents which have bearing an sexuality and to find out the possible soluti...

Impact Of Hiv/Aids On Students Education In Selected secondary school Of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the Impact Of HIV/AIDS On Students Education in Selected Secondary School Of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, KenyaSpecific objectives of the study were to: Determine the impact of HIV/AIDS on the enrolment and attendance a/learners in Selected Secondary School of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya. Investigate the Psychological effects of HIV/AIDS on students in Selected Secondmy School of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya and Determin...

Inclusive Schools And The Perforn4anace Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Lærá District. The Case Of Lira Municipality

There are number of the schools in Uganda that have taken the initiative to provide education to the children with special needs (CWSN) including those with hearing impainnent (HI). These include both government and private schools. Among these the researcher has developed interest in the educational provision by the inclusive schools to children with Hearing impairment (CWHI). According to Opira, C (2011) inclusive schools refer to those schools that address the learner's needs within the "m...

Stress Management And Conflict Resolution Among Secondary Schools In Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of stress management and conflict resolutions in I selected secondary schools in Kampala district. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; i)to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, marital status, educational levels and age classes in secondary schools in Uganda, H) to determine the levels of stress management among secondary schools Kampala district, Hi)to determine the level of conflic...

Work Environment And Performance Of Teachers In Masinga Girl’s Secondary School In Machakos District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the extent to which factors within the work environment affected the performance of teachers in Secondary schools in Kenya. It was guided by a number of objectives which were; to determine the profile of the respondents, to determine the factors within the work environment of teachers and to determine the significant relationship between work environment and performance of teachers. It was undertaken in Masinga Girls Secondary School in Machakos Distric...

Parents' Attitudes Towards The Universal Secondary Education In West Budama County Tororo District

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out parent's attitudes towards the USE programme in Uganda The study was carried in West Budama county in Tororo District. A sample of four secondary schools under the USE programme was used. These schools included Kiyeyi High School, Mulanda parents secondary school, Katerema secondary school and Mahanga secondary school. The parent's attitudes on USE was investigated under three research questions and these are: I. What is the effect and relationship...

Pre-Marital Sex And School Drop Out In Secondary Schools A Case Study Of Nyantungo & Butiiti Sub Counties Kyenjojo District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between pre marital sex and school drop out in Nyantungo and Butiti sub counties Kyenjojo district, Uganda. The specific objectives of this study were to establish the respondents profile, investigate effect of pre-marital sex on school drop out; to suggests ways on how the problem can be redressed or solved. The findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objectives and research questions. While linking...

The Imp Act Of Sales Strategies On Low Sales A Case Study Of Heritage Insurance Company, Tanzania

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................

Impact Of Free Primary Education To The Academic Performance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools In Moyale District, Kenya.

According to Drucker 1993, Allis etal, 1996, education is defined as key to future economic prosperity. According to Drever, education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, character and behaviour of the young are shaped and modified" According to Rodden "Education is the deliberate and systematic influence exerted by the mature person upon the immature, through instruction, discipline and harmonious development of physical, intellectual, social and spiritual powers of the human b...

2941 - 2955 Of 8072 Results