The study was made to obtain findings on the implementation of continuous assessment in Kole district. The case study of Alito Sub County. The objectives of the study were:- Challenges teachers are facing in the implementation of continuous assessment in a primary school in Alito Sub County. Factors hindering the implementation of continuous assessment in a primary school classroom. Intervention for improving continuous assessment in a primary school classroom. In chapter two related literatu...
The study investigated the effects of learning materials on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; determining different kinds of learning materials, to identify the effects of learning materials on performance and to assess the relationship between learning materials and performance in schools. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature, chapter three consists of the methodo...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Pathways through which Drought has impacted the educational attainment ofpupils, in Mwingi Zone, Central Division, Mwingi District. The following objectives guided the study. To investigate the relationship between drought and attainment ofpupils in Mwingi Zone, Central Division and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating drought and improving primary school pupil's attainment in Mwingi zone. The methods for data collection was ...
ABSTRACT The role of guidance and counseling is gaining increasing importance in educational institutions. It is now well recognized that the many problems in schools and colleges point to the serious ineffectiveness of Guidance and counseling services. The present study therefore recognizes that one factor in the provision of Guidance and counseling services is how effective the programmes are. The study will find out the impact on these programmes in selected secondary schools in Ron...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between teacher college education pupils performance in primary schools. The study was guided by three specific objectives; 1. To identify the teaching and reading skills that are teacher college education 2. To assess the skills that can improve pupil performance in school. 3. To analyze the institutional facilities necessary to conduct pupil education The data collection methods employed in this study includes, interviews, questio...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the effects of ban on holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. This study aimed to establish the effect of abolishing holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools, students’ perception of the ban on holiday teaching practice and identify strategies schools have adopted to offer remedial classes in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. The research method adopted was descriptive cross sec...
ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students in Masaka Town senior secondary school Masaka municipality, specifically the study Intended to (i) identify the sources of the drugs in Masaka Municipality, (ii) to examine the level of drug abuse of students in Masaka Town Secondary school and (iii) to establish the relationship between drug abuse and performance of students in Masaka Town Secondary school. This study employed a cross sectional surve...
Abstract This chapter bears the historical background of the study, objectives, statement of the problem, purpose, significance, hypothesis, scope, research questions, and limitations to the study of HIV/AIDS. 1.1 Background of the study Human immune virus is a virus that is transmitted from one person to another through the exchange of body fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk and virginal secretions, sexual cont5act is the most common way to spread HIV/AIDS but it can also be transmitte...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the parenting styles and how they influence the behavior . of children at school in Marani division Kisi1 central district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study/ to assess the role of parents have played in nurturing their children. to assess the dimensions of child parent interactions which are prevalent in some families of pupils we teach in class and to investigate the influence of parenting on pupils academic capability. This study used a de...
ABSTRACT Through the efforts made by the research in trying to establish the causes of child labour, the research used questionnaire method to collect the data. The data was collected from different people distributed allover the division who were the respondents. The findings of the research were as follows:- Children in Kabiyet Division engage in child labour due to:- Ill health of the parents, Poverty, Ignorance of parents and Nature of employment In conclusion therefore since the finding...
ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of teaching aids on the performance of pupils in Mathematics in primary schools in Kitgum District. The case of selected primary schools in Mucwini Sub County. A qualitative research technique was selected to this study using a variety of research instruments. The subject in the study included the D.E.O, 3 head teachers, 32 teachers, 196 pupils, 80 parents and 24 School Management Committee who were randomly selected. The instrume...
ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of drug abuse on academic performance of learners. The general objectives of the study were to investigate the causes of drug abuse and its impact on academic performance of learners. The study took a quantitative approach to collect and interpret the data. The study also employed a descriptive survey design and used a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The population targeted was secondary school teachers who were sampled using the simple random ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out within Lari division which is located in Kiambu district of Kenya. To come up with this study, the researcher had to be driven by the cardinal (general) objective formulated prior to data gathering and this had been stated as: This study is intended to investigate the influence of financial resources on the academic performance of students in secondary schools within Lari division in Kiambu District. It is from such an objective that the researcher generat...
ABSTRACT This was a cross sectional study designed to determine the factors associated with drug abuse among primary school pupils in ten schools in Kamariny zone in Keiyo district in Kenya. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age, gender and peer influence on drug abuse and to establish the reasons why pupils abuse drugs. Ten schools were randomly selected for the study. A total of 458 pupils (243 males and 215 females) were interviewed using a closed ended questionna...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of motivation in any given organization is to increase efficiency and effectiveness at work which eventually leads to high levels of productivity and the benefits thereof. People are motivated by many different kinds of needs. They have basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, but they also need acceptance, recognition and self - esteem. Each individual experience those needs ways and to varying degrees. To complicate matters more, people are motivated by differ...