The purpose of this study was to analyze predictors of participation in learning among learners with cerebral palsy in special and regular schools in Thika Municipallity, Kiambu county,Kenya.objectives of study were factors within the school that predict participation of learners with CP, opinion of teachers towards children with CP in a classroom and identify challenges faced by learners with CP in relation to participation in learning. The study was based on social learning theory wich...
ABSTRACT This was a descriptive study which sought to evaluate the development and implementation of individualised educational programme by teachers of learners with intellectual disabilities in special schools and units in Kisumu and Nairobi counties, Kenya. To achieve this, the study was guided by the following objectives: to explore the criteria followed by teachers in developing and implementing Individualized Education Programme (IEP) for learners with intellectual disabilities, to esta...
ABSTRACT Of the three secondary schools‟ science subjects taught in Kenya, physics has the lowest enrolment of about 30% compared to chemistry and biology which have an average of about 95% and 90% respectively. This has been caused by poor performance in the subject at the lower classes leading to few students opting for the subject in the upper classes. This study explored the use of physics video as an additional media resource in teaching and learning of the subject as a way of improvin...
ABSTRACT Education is universally recognized as a vital tool in the course of national development. In order to learn new skills, capacity building of teachers is encouraged. The rationale of this study was to investigate the influence of capacity building Heads of Departments (HODs) on KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Kericho County. In Kericho County the capacity building of heads of department was last conducted in the year 2013 by SMASSE before KEMI took over. The performan...
ABSTRACT Obesity is a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the adipose tissue to the extent that health may be impaired. Globally it is estimated that about 155 million children are obese. Studies further reveal that childhood obesity has become a serious health epidemic, where more than a third of children aged between two to nineteen years are obese. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of obesity on pupil’s school attendance and participation in ph...
ABSTRACT For more than a decade now, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been the dream of many organizations. The shift from the manual, ineffective and inefficient way of managing organizations has placed ICT high in the ladder. Organizations can boast of the contribution made by adoption of ICT, in-terms of efficiency and effectiveness. However, despite its role in improving effectiveness and efficiency in the management of teacher training colleges, its adoption in most of ...
ABSTRACT Physical education is concerned with the teaching of skills, acquisition of knowledge and development of attitudes through movement. The main purpose and objectives of this study was to find out school characteristics influencing the frequency of teaching of physical education in lower primary classes based on the variables: frequency of teaching of physical education in early childhood education, type of school (public or private) and its influence to frequency of PE lesson in early...
ABSTRACT The role of examination to any nation is to determine whether students have achieved the learning objectives. The examinations were administered at the end of the education (learning) system or periodically before the end of a system. This gave rise to the use of mock just before the KCSE examination is administered. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the role played by mock examination result in predicting students’ performance in the national examination in se...
ABSTRACT Child-labour is a very pertinent issue affecting the society. However, little attention has been given to it, yet it is detrimental to the child‟s development in many ways. The child is the bridge between the present generation and the next one. If today‟s child is not properly nurtured then tomorrow‟s society is threatened. Child-labour has negative implications on the child‟s education, and particularly participation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent ...
ABSTRACT In Kenya, nutrition education is included in the school curriculum as recommended in the year 2009 national school health policy. Nevertheless, policy advocacy and communication strategies on nutrition education are relatively weak, and there is insufficient focus on operational research on nutrition. In addition, nutrition education is not taught as a standalone subject and is only infused in science subjects. Consequently, the malnutrition problem is not as well understood as it co...
ABSTRACT The Kenyan government is committed to providing adequate teaching and learning resources by financing basic education for all its citizens. In spite of this commitment, sufficiency of resources remains unachieved in public schools due to inadequate financial resources in most parts of the country. The purpose of this study was to find out methods of resource mobilization and allocation amongst subjects in public secondary schools in Makueni County. This study utilized the cost-effect...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out factors affecting management of maladjusted behaviours (MB) for behaviour adjustment in learners with Intellectual challenge (IC) in special units in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was guided by the theory of Operant Conditioning of B.F Skinner (1938). The objectives of the study were to: identify learner factors affecting the management of MB in learners with IC, Inquire parental factors affecting the management of MB in learners with IC, In...
ABSTRACT Students are key stakeholders within a school in particular and the entire education establishment in general. However, they cannot be easily managed without a proper identification and implementation of certain necessary strategies. The situation worsens if schools are not aware of the existence of such strategies that would be harnessed in order to be enabled to manage them effectively. The purpose of the study was to analyze the strategies on management of students in mixed day se...
ABSTRACT The primary purpose of this study was to investigate into the management challenges occasioned by drug abuse in secondary schools in Mbeere North District and the possible solutions to these challenges. Out of the twenty seven (27) schools, nine (9) were purposively sampled. This represents 30% of the schools in this district. Out of the nine (9) schools, one (1) was girls boarding, one (1) was boys boarding, three (3) were mixed day schools, three (3) were mixed day and boardin...
ABSTRACT Life Skills Education plays a major role in enabling individuals to translate knowledge, attitudes and values into actual abilities in reference to what to do and how to do it. There has been a concern over the rising cases of peer influence related behaviors among secondary school learners necessitating the need to carry out the study in secondary schools in KirinyagaCounty. The study objectives were; to establish trends in peer influence related behaviors among secondary school st...