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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Hearing Impairment On The Academic Performance Of Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Mathematics In Ober Zone Kasipul Division Rachuonyo South District

ABSTRACT The researcher report is about the Effect of hearing impairment on the academic performance of learners with specific learning difficulties in mathematics in Ober zone of Rachuonyo SouthDistrict. The statement of the problem was identifying major problems facing learners with hearing impairment and the solutions to these problems~

Causes Of Poor Performance In Physics At 0-Level In Schools Secondary Schools In Kagadi Town Council In Kibaale District

A survey research design made use of collected data 70 respondents were selected. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis were used. Head teacher. teachers. students and oratory attendants were purposively selected as they were key information whole students were selected using simple random sampling. Majority of these secondary schools in the area of the study were found not having enough qualified teachers and in most cases employ licensed teachers and s.6 leavers who do not hav...

The Influence Of Guidance And Counselling On Pupils’ Discipline In Mujeria Primary School In Mijumbiri Zone Kakuzi Thika District

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the relation ship between guidance and counseling on pupil discipline in Kipsaos primary school The specific objectives of the study was to determine the relationship between guidance and counseling pupils discipline, to find out the various types of guidance and counseling and their levels, to investigate the causes and types of indiscipline in schools To obtain data from the field, the researcher used questionnaires with both open ended and...

Causes Of Poor Performance Of Pupils In English Langllage In Kenyan Primary Schools: A Case Stlldy Of Kaptumo South Zone, Kaptl!Mo Division -Nandi South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This s/11czr 1rns inf enc/eel to im·esfigure the cmrses of' poor per/imnonce oj' pupils in English lang11uge 1l'ithi11 selec!ecl prinwrr schools in /(up1w110 s·u111h ::one Nandi South clistricr Kenrn. All seconciwT sources !hut is. the urticles um! u/1 other impor!ullf citution h1· other resuorchers wl'f'e consu/tecl 1l'hich he/peel to gi1·e u clew· picture 0/11·/wr the ll'hole st11c~r 11·us mean! to enroil. A cle.1·ai;)tire design 11·us udopted ,incl! much of 1rhu1 11...

The Effect Of Human Immunodeffic!Ency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome In Primary School Children In Murinduko Location In Kirinyaga District Kenya

The research was carried out to find out the effect of Human Immunodeficiency virus/AIDS on regular primary schools children in Murinduko Location, Mwea Division - Kirinyaga District. Purposive sampling was used where the researcher interviewed 20 pupils and 20 teachers in regular primary schools.

Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Children In Central Zone, Central Division, Mandera District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out the factors affecting academic perfonnance of leamers with mental deficits in regular schools; the study will look into attitude of teachers towards inclusion of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. In review of related infonnation, all secondary sources viewed relevant were consulted and made use of. A descriptive design was employed since the entire study was about explaining a scenario. Questionnaires were used in the collection of d...

Factors Contribut~G To The Primary School Girl Dropouts Phenomenon In Semi Arid Areas. A Case Study Of Tile Community Of Makuyu Division, Murang’a South District.

ABSTRACT While enrollment is steadily increasing in Kenya, dropout rate continues to be high, with over 50% of the children, both boys and girls dropping out before completion of primary cycle. Boys are marginally better than girls with 46.3%. completion compared to 45.8% of girls. Statistics indicate that the retention of girls have consistently lagged behind that of boys in all districts in Kenya. The purpose of this study therefore, was to identify factors causing girls to dropout of schoo...

Condom Use And Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among Commercial Sex Workers At Marps Network In Mbuya

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate condom use in the prevention of HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers and was carried out at MARPS Network in Mbuya, Kampala District. The study was guided by three research objectives; to establish how socio economic characteristics of commercial sex workers affect condom use; to investigate the attitudes and the perceptions of commercial sex workers towards condom use) and to find out the levels of condom use and awareness among commercial sex worke...

The Impact Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Mateete Sub-county, Sembabule District

This research is about the impact of environment on academic performance in selected secondary schools in Mateete Sub-County, Sembabule district. It was guided by three objectives; To identify ways in which environment can be improved to suit academic school performance. To identify the effects of environment on school performance. To identify roles of schools in keeping environment. Purposive and stratified sampling was used to select a population of 60 respondents to represent a population ...

The Imp Act Of Advertising On Drug Abuse Kimulot Division, Kimulot Location, Konoin District In Kenya A Case Study: Kimulot

Before placing an advert in the mass media, both a client and the agency have to determine the objective of the advertising campaign. It may be traditionalist in nature; in that they relate to products sale. For instance, building images, spreading news about the product, adding value to the product and comparing the product with its competition. Non traditional objectives on the other hand, may be based on public opinion or government Jo!icy (at times as editorial ads); rectifying inaccurate...

Assessment Of Availability And Use Of Teaching And Learning Materials On Curriculum Instruction In Early Childhood Development Centres

This study was carried out to establish the availability and use of teaching and learning materials on curriculum instruction in ECD centers within Division. The following objectives were used in this study; to identify the existing types of teaching and learning aids used in early childhood education centers, to investigate whether ECD teachers were aware of the importance of teaching/learning aids, and to investigate the form of support offered to ECDs to acquire the relevant teaching and l...

Effects Of Nutrition On Growth And Development Of Children. Marafa Division, Marafa Village, In Magarini District Of Coast Province-kenya. A Case Study Of Marafa Division

The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children of ages between infancy and 15 years of age in MARAF A Division Magarini District Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to find out factors that lead to malnutrition in the division, identify the correct nutritional requirements for children and to examine the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children. A sample of 13 head teachers, 50 parents and 10 pupils...

Effects Of Drug Abuse On The Pupils' Discipline In Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Kobama Zone, Kobama Dmsion, Ndhiwa District

This research was about the effects of drug abuse on the pupils' discipline in primary schools. It was guided by three objectives namely; To establish the causes of drug abuse, to find the relationship between discipline and drug abuse and t find the effects of drug abuse on discipline. Purposively sampling technique was used to select a population of fifty (50) respondents to represent the entire population of Kobama. Most of the respondents were found to be female who were 35 of the total r...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of Muthambi Zone, Meru South District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iv TABL...

Motivation And Academic Performance Of Students In Chemistry Of Changamwe High School Mombasa District Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out at Changamwe High School, Mombasa district on motivation and academic performance in chemistry. The researcher studied the effects of motivation on academic performance in chemistry. This report is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introductory part of the research. It talks about the background, the theory, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two is the literature review. It gives an insight into the different vies of a...

2626 - 2640 Of 8072 Results