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Education Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Of Educational Services Provision For Mentally Retarded Children In Mulanda Sub-county In Tororo District

This study was set out to find out whether there is need for provision of educational services for the mentally retarded children in Mulanda Subcounty, west - Budama in Tororo District. The hypothesis formulated for the study were that:- 1. Most parents in Mulanda Sub- County are not aware of the need for education of children mental retardation. 2. Some parents who are aware of the value of education do not see the point of catering for children with mental retardation. 3. Teachers of th...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On Morals Behaviours In Homes In West Nyakach Division, Ny Akach District, Kenya

The study analyzed Drug Abuse and moral behaviour in homes a case study of West Nyakach Division, Nyakach District Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the influence of excessive drugs taking on morals behaviour in families in West Nyakach Division. This was upon the background that, the increasing cases of domestic violence, school dropout, and child neglect and sex abuse in West Nyakach are highly related to drugs taking. The study was guided by objectives that included establishing the ...

An Investigation Into Causes Of Primary School Drop Outs In Metu Sub County-moyo Distict

The purpose of this stud> ,vas to determine thl'. causes of rupils drnpping out of schools in Meta sub- count. rviovo district. The main problem of this study was that despite the government's effort to promote education, pupils still drop out of schools. Factors leading to the causes of primary school drop outs have not been adequately investigated. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) were used in obtaining information that was not easily obtained through face to face interviews or questionnaires...

Effects Of Poverty On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Primary Schools Of Central Division Kajiado District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the effects ofpoverty on pupil’s academic performance of the selected primaily schools in Central Division, Kajiado District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Central Division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Central Division. The methods used for data collection was quest...

Factors affecting learning in primary schools in Kenya. A case ()f selected schools in ruiru educational zone. Thika district.

ABSTRACT A descriptive survey was undertaken lo examine the factors for learning in primary schools. It was conducted in Ruiru educational zone in Thika district. The following objectives guided the study. To examine the educational policies that affected learning in primary schools; to examine the school based/actors that influenced learning in prima,y schools and lo examine the home based factors that affect learners in primary schools. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to 50 te...

Assessment Of Parents' Support And Students' Performance A Case Study Of Kaplelartet Zone Sigowet Divifion - Kericho District Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study examined the effect of parent's involvement in education on the academic performance of the mentally retarded children in public primary schools of Kenya specifically the study intended to: determine whether cultural beliefs among the parents affects the enrolment of mentally retarded children in the zone; determine whether the parents teach their mentally retarded children adaptive skills; To establish whether the parents of mentally retarded children play their role ef...

Impact Of Social Interaction On Academic Perfromance Of Learners In Selected Schools In Suswa Division Narokdistrict- Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of social interaction on children's academic performance. The objectives of the study were to establish to the relationship between social interaction and academic performance of the learner. The researcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was drawn from the target population to satisfy the requirement of data co...

The Impact Of Mathematics In The Performance Of Science Subjects In Secondary Schools In Kirinyaga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT In our daily lives we use mathematics for each and every act we commit. It follows that mathematics as a discipline is embedded all human activities. Hence the study tried to investigate how mathematics is affecting performance of science subjects. The general objective of the study was to determine the impact of mathematics on performance of science subjects the research also seek to determine the relation between mathematics and science and to establish measures on how to make sci...

Students’ Unrest And Academic Performance Of Eldoret Polytechnic In Uasin Gishu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Objectives: This study determined unrest and academic performance of Eldoret Polytechnic in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the students as to age, gender, marital status, academic level. This study determined the degree of students’ unrest in terms of communication, teachers’ attitude, learning facilities/resources, drug and substance abuse. It determined the level of academic performance, determined if there was a significant re...

Some factors affecting school administration under free primary education in mbita division, mbita district, ny anza province of kenya.

ABSTRACT The research was concerned with some factors affecting School Administration under Free Primary Education in Mbita division, Mbita District, Nyanza Province - Kenya. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples employed in the study were got from the F.P.E Schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The data was...

Challenges Of Physically Facing Impaired Learners Learners With Impairment: Of Kapenguira ~ Primary Schools, Wet Pokot District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research topic is about challenges facing learners with physical impairment m academic performance in Kapenguria Zone, Kapenguria division west Pokot district. The purpose of the study was to determine the challenges faced by physically impaired learners in primary schools in Kapenguria Zone, Kapenguria division, west Pokot district. The research qttestions f0Cii:'>Cd on attitude of both teachers and parents, environment of the schools, educationai resources and challenges faced...

Causes Of School Drop Out In Selected Primary Schools Of Makindye Division, Kampala District Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out to find out the factors responsible for school dropout in selected primary schools of Makindye division Kampala district which include Biotec primary school, Kisugu primary school, Kansanga Junior school, Bunga primary school and Good Will primary school with the aim of investigating the responsible factors for school dropouts in those schools, challenges they face as far as education is concerned and measures to solve the problem. The population studied w...

Educational barriers and academic performance of physically handicapped learners in bondo district, kenya.

ABSTRACT Comparatively the number of physically handicapped learners enrolled in the regular schools is still low yet every effort is being made to increase the number. The researcher wanted to find out whether various educational barriers hinder their academic achievements or not. In order to do this study the researchers embarked on a descriptive survey kind of research. He tested two variables that is educational barrier (attitudes, facirities teaching methods learning environment) agains...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development Programmes In Ndeiy A Zone, Umuru Myision, Kiambu West District Kenya

ABSTRACT  Despite the importance oi'pre-school as afbundationfiw the countrv 'sjimnal education. the Ministrr of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The CJI'neral objective of' the study was to determine the impact offi'ee prinWIJ-' education on early childhood education. The study employed a descriptive design and interview guides and questionnaires were used in the co/lee/ion of di!la. The findings of'! he stu

Teacher Motivation And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Ilbissil Zone, Namanga Division, Ka.Jiado District, Kenya

Abstract More recent studies or the effects or school inputs on student outcomes include Case and Deaton (1999); Angrist and Lavy (1999); 1-Ianushek, Kain, and Rivkin (1999); Betts and Morell (1999); 1-Ianushck ct. al. (1996); Kingdon (1996a); and Glcwwe and Jacoby (1994). Some of these studies have investigated the illlpacl or motivation on student outcomes, with mixed results. Loeb and Page (2000) locus on explaining why several studies have failed to discover a positive relation between mo...

2581 - 2595 Of 8072 Results