ABSTRACT The motivation for this study was informed by the seeming low enrolment level of the females in schools in Sokoto state. To identify the reasons why they withdrew from schools and the motivating factor for their re-joining schools after a long break. The sample consisted of 300 students who were all females in categories of single, married, divorced and widows, selected randomly from Women Centre for Continuing Education Sokoto. Fifty other respondents that consisted of teache...
ABSTRACT This study compared the performance of male and female secondary school students in Sokoto State using Government Day Secondary School, Arkilla, Sokoto as a case study. The research centered on finding out the level of performance of secondary school students in Sokoto State and the factors that militate against good performance of secondary school students; as factors such as poverty, inadequate and obsolete infrastructural facilities, indiscipline, and inappropriate curriculum...
ABSTRACT This study investigated perception of junior secondary school students on Teachers’ Attitude and Competence in Basic Science teaching in Sokoto State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey method was employed in the study. The population consists of 4,823 JS III students and sample consists of 342 JS III students drawn from nine (9) secondary schools within Sokoto State. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the schools where respondents were drawn. Four research questions ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the strategies of strengthening guidance and counselling services in enhancing students’ discipline in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania. The objectives were to determine the prevailing indiscipline cases of undergraduate students in HLIs, examine the extent to which the provided guidance and counselling services in HLIs enhance students’ discipline, and to explore guidance and counselling strategies that can enhance students’ discipline in HLIs ...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the effectiveness of school boards in community secondary schools in Chamwino District, Dodoma Region. The study aimed at assessing the extent to which school boards in community secondary schools are effective in accomplishing their roles and responsibilities; evaluating the level of autonomy exercised by school boards; assessing community participation in making and implementing decisions and, assessing the extent to which the board diversity affects decision m...
ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions and awareness of street children on accessibility to formal education. This study predominantly employed qualitative approach. Quantitative approach was used to illustrate and clarify qualitative information. A cross-sectional survey design was employed as the information was collected across categories of population at one point in a time. Structured interviews, questionnaires and observations were used to colle...
ABSTRACT The major aim of this study was to examine effectiveness of primary schools teachers teaching English language in Tanzania. Specifically, the study addressed four objectives which are to: (1) investigate subject mastery of teacher teaching English in primary schools; (2) examine teacher‟s competence in the application of Technological, Pedagogical and Content knowledge (3) examine learners‟ communicative ability in English and (4) examine how English teachers cope with challenge...
ABSTRACT The main focus of this study was to assess the effect of the head teachers‟ instructional supervision roles on pupils‟ academic performance in primary schools in Ifakara Town Council in Kilombero District, Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to determine the head teachers‟ instructional supervision practices in enhancing pupils‟ academic performance in primary schools, to assess the head teachers‟ workload on instructional supervision in enhancing pupils‟ academic...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to examine the challenges in the accessibility of secondary school education among girls in pastoral communities, specifically in Tarime district in Mara region. Three specific objectives guided this study, firstly, to evaluate girls‟ participation in secondary school education, secondly, to examine the bottlenecks that girls face in the accessibility of secondary school education in comparison with boys and thirdly to assess the mitigation meas...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing effects of fee free policy in ordinary public secondary education in Tanzania. The study was guided by the classical liberal theory of equal opportunity. The study used qualitative research approach with some aspects of quantitative research approach. It employed descriptive research design. The sample of this study consisted of 106 participants, where by 7 were head teachers, 35 were teachers, 1 education officer, 42 students and 21 parents. Participant...
ABSTRACT This study assessed teachers’ digital literacy towardsthe integration of ICT in secondary schools. Three research objectives were addressed on this study, namely the usefulness of ICT in school, the teachers’ digital competency toward ICT integration in school, and (iii) the challenges facing teachers towards the integration of ICT facilities in school.The mixed-method approach was adopted to generate both qualitative and quantitative information through sequential design. Simpl...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System in improving teachers‟ work performance in Tanzanian primary schools, Sikonge District Council being the case study. The study was guided by New Public Management Theory (NPM). The research predominantly adopted qualitative approach and it employed a descriptive research design targeting 114 participants including 60 teachers and 40 head teachers, 10 Ward Education Coordinators ...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to examine the effectiveness of public secondary schools on students‟ academic performance in higher learning institutions: the case of the University of Dodoma, College of Education. The study used predominantly a qualitative approach along with some elements of quantitative research approach. It adopted a case study design in investigating the effectiveness of public secondary schools on students‟ academic performance in higher learning inst...
Abstract This study investigated the sustainability of school-based food drive after the phasing out of the World Food Programme (WFP) aid initiative in Bahi district of Dodoma region, Tanzania. The study found that none of the 72 public primary schools in Bahi district had managed to provide school lunch during the post-WFP period by October 2017. Only 10 schools managed to provide porridge rather than full lunch to the pupils during the review period. The public primary schools under revie...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the implementation of constructivist approach in competency-based learning of primary science subject. The specific objectives of the study were: to investigate the teaching strategies used by teachers to implement constructivist approach; to examine institutional related factors which impact on teachers‟ teaching through constructivist approach; to assess effective of the constructivist training; and to examine the initiatives used to impl...