ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges facing On-line registration of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Candidates in Public Primary Schools in Khwisero, Kakamega County. The objectives of this study were; to investigate the Head teachers Proficiency Level in the use of ICT in Public primary Schools. Secondly, to find out the availability of Computers in Public primary schools. Thirdly to establish how effective the new registration system was to public prima...
xi ABSTRACT This research study investigated the management related occupational stress and coping strategies among secondary school principals in Mwingi West District. It looked at the nature of management related stress, the source of management related stress, the impact of management related occupational stress on administrative roles among secondary school principals and the intervention measures to stress. The research study employed a descriptive survey design and made use of both qual...
ABSTRACT Numeracy skills enable logical reasoning, which leads to better comprehension of the world around us. Developing a mentally organized way of thinking is critical for the holistic development of children. To make this happen, there is need to provide high-quality numeracy education at an early age. In Tanzania, the level of numeracy achievement at the lower primary school continues to linger way below the average despite the efforts by the Tanzania government through provision of fina...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the challenges facing the implementation of SMASSE project in Kericho District, Kericho County. The study was guided by the following objectives: 1.To identify the challenges faced by public secondary school principals as they facilitate the implementation of SMASSE project. 2. To investigate the challenges faced by mathematics and science teachers on the use of ASEI/PDSI concept in their lessons. 3. To find out the effect of ASEI/PDSI approac...
ABSTRACT This was a descriptive survey study design which sought to establish the school based factors that affect the learning of KSL in primary schools for learners with HI in Embu and Isiolo counties in Kenya. The target population was all teachers (29) teaching in Isiolo and St. Lukes primary schools for learners with hearing impairment, which were the only schools for learners with HI in Isiolo and Embu counties. From the selected schools, the study purposively and randomly sampled 2 hea...
ABSTRACT The recurrent student indiscipline in form of unrests in secondary schools and their incessant desire to destroy school property probably reflects the feeling of alienation rather than of ownership of the schools they attend. By striking and destroying property, the students may be expressing their demands for involvement in the running of the schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of student participation in decision making in secondary school management as w...
ABSTRACT The study sought to analyze determinants of access and retention of learners with intellectual disability in Embu Special School for learners with intellectual disability in Embu West District. The study adopted a descriptive research design, with both qualitative and quantitative methods. The target population comprised of 140 learners, 20 teachers, 1 Head teacher, 280 parents and 4 EARC officers in Embu special school. The study used purposive sampling to select teachers, head...
ABSTRACT A strategic plan is a management tool for organizing the present for the purpose of projections of the desired future. While strategic planning has been emphasized in many organizations, not much attention has been given to school strategic planning. Yet, school management is a complex process that requires committed, visionary leaders and managers. As a result of poor planning, most schools fail to achieve their goals and objectives, and this is reflected in poor academic performanc...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the impacts of phonological disorders on English language learning of learners with DS. The main objectives of the study were: to identify the types of phonological disorders in language learning of learners with DS; to analyse the patterns of phonological errors made by learners with DS, to establish how the presence of phonological errors affect English language learning of learners with DS and; to establish possible ways of correcting...
ABSTRACT Students are key stakeholders within a school in particular and the entire education establishment in general. However, they cannot be easily managed without a proper identification and implementation of certain necessary strategies. The situation worsens if schools are not aware of the existence of such strategies that would be harnessed in order to be enabled to manage them effectively. The purpose of the study was to analyze the strategies on management of students in mixed day se...
ABSTRACT The role of student leaders in school administration in Kenya and other parts of the world is increasingly becoming more complex because of the changes in technology, society, culture, encroachment of democracy and emerging issues such as child rights, human rights, HIV/AIDS and drugs. This has brought about the participatory role among the Board of Governors, the teachers, students and parents. This calls for a need to balance roles shared in school governance between the administra...
ABSTRACT The central problem to this study is that despite the governments’ increased funding to education and its commitment to use education as the spring board to attain vision 2030, there is still wastage in the education system. Wastage rates have not been adequately investigated especially in the newly created districts. The purpose of this study was to determine the 2005, 2006 and 2007 cohort wastage rates of secondary schools in Kathonzweni District. The objectives of the study wer...
ABSTRACT The degree of relationship between cost of education and earnings (Private Rate of Return) (PRR) is a determining factor in making decisions about investment choices in education. The Kenya government and individuals have continued to pay large amount of resources to acquire Technical Education (TE) for individuals to train as Artisans, Crafts persons, Technicians and Technologists whose levels of TE are Grade Test, Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma respectively. The monetary g...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish students’ HIV/AIDSawareness, their perceived vulnerability and sexual behaviour. Specifically the study sought to establish students’ levels of awareness about HIV/AIDS, establish the students’ sexual behaviourdetermine the students’ perceptions of vulnerability towards HIV/AIDS,and determine the relationship between students’ levels of awareness, perceived vulnerability towards HIV/AIDSand their sexual behaviour. The study was gu...
ABSTRACT The problem of the study was that internal efficiency in terms of improved rates of students‘ flow which is the main objective of Subsidized Secondary Education is costly yet the available educational resources are dwindling. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to determine the cost-saving measures and their influence on internal efficiency with specific reference to various rates of students‘ flow such as repetition, dropout, completion, graduation rates and average gradua...