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Research Papers/Topics Education

Socio - Economic Determinants Of Girls’ Performance In Agriculture In Public Mixed Day Secondary Schools Of Kirinyaga Central Sub - County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

For many of the world’s people, agriculture is both a source of food and a means of livelihood. In Kenya, the agriculture sector has immense contribution to the economy in terms of providing food, employment and foreign exchange among other roles. Women make essential contributions to the country’s agricultural and rural economy. Besides their daily routine consisting of cooking, cleaning, and other domestic chores, women are heavily involved in all aspects of the country’s agricul...

Influence Of Selected School Management Practices On Drop Out Rates In Public Primary Schools In Emgwen Division, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Students are important in any education system. Despite the efforts that have been made by the national and county governments to improve literacy and retention of learners in schools .student dropout rates is still a great challenge. The study therefore sought to establish the influence of leadership style on dropout rates in Emgwen Division, Nandi County. The objectives of the study were to estimate the independent and dependent variables influencing students drop out rates. The st...

Effects Of Computer Based Mastery Learning Approach On Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Motivation In Biology In Bomet District, Kenya

The knowledge of biology is applied in many aspects of human life including genetic engineering, population control, branches of medicine and environmental conservation. It has a significant role to play in enhancing the country’s socio-economic development by enabling exploitation of land, animal and other natural and human resources. Inspite of this, the overall achievement in biology in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) has been poor. Approaches used in the instructi...

The Influence Of Guidance And Counselling Programme On Academic Performance Of Selected Public Secondary School Students: A Case Of Bahati Division, Nakuru District.

ABSTRACT A guidance and counselling programme in a school assist students to harmonize their abilities, interests and values and thereby develop their full potential. All this is geared towards improving the self-image of the students and facilitating better achievement in academic performance. This study sought to establish the influence of guidance and counselling programme on academic performance of secondary school students in Bahati division of Nakuru district. This study adopted an ex p...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Pupils' Access To Primary Education In Masbmba Division, Kisii County, Kenya.

One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of education is to ensure that by the year 2015, children everywhere that is boys and girls alike, will be able to complete their primary education. However, with an estimated net primary school enrollment rate (NER) of 92.5%, completion rate of 79.5% and drop-out rate of 3.5%, Kenya has not yet achieved full access to Universal Primary Education (UPE) for school going-age children. This study sought to establish the influence of pupils' pare...

Headteachers’ Selected Leadership Styles On Teachers’ Career Commitment In Public Primary Schools In Soin Division, Kericho County

ABSTRACT The schools have been under pressure because of poor management and planning and are now faced with serious consequences of low staff morale, poor academic performance and pupils falling rolls. The parents from Soin Division attribute this low work output to head teachers‟ and teachers‟ laxity in performing school activities and responsibilities well. The purpose of this study was to find out whether head teachers‟ leadership styles have influence on teacher career commitment i...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary School Agriculture, In Rachuonyo North District, Kenya

Agriculture is the backbone to Kenya’s economy. This fact justifies the need to integrate agriculture in the school curriculum, in order to equip the learners with problem- solving skills for self-sufficiency. Low performance of students in agriculture subject has become an issue in Rachuonyo North District, and therefore, factors influencing performance of the students needed to be understood, in order to seek practical ways of supporting the students to improve in their performance i...

Analysis Of Peace Education Content Covered In The Upper Primary School Social Studies Curriculum In Kenya

ABSTRACT Peace Education in Kenya is one of the programmes in the primary school curriculum initiated by the Ministry of Education in February 2008. Peace Education is aimed at preparing learners to deal with contemporary social challenges in society. Peace Education Programme (PEP) is integrated into a comprehensive programme of substantive peace education content and pedagogy. PEP consists of basic principles and their application to real life. Peace Education aims at empowering learners wi...

The Influence Of Selected Factors On Drug Abuse Among Pupils In Public Primary Schools In Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Drug abuse amongst youth and especially those schooling has become a major social problem not only in Kenya, but globally. Drug abuse amongst schooling youth has led to decline in their performance, increased drop out, increased cases of indiscipline and even death. Many studies have offered mixed or inconclusive findings on the causes of drug abuse amongst schooling youth especially those at primary level. The purpose of this was to establish how family factors, social economic stat...

A Comparative Study On Factors Influencing Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education Performance In Public And Private Schools In Kaptagat Ward, Uasin Gishu County

ABSTRACT The United Nation Declaration on human rights article 26(1984) and Sustainable Development Goals state that every child is entitled to quality free and compulsory primary education. Private primary schools in Kenya have continued to post exceedingly excellent performance in KCPE examination compared to public schools. Private schools in Kaptagat Ward of Eldoret East sub-county have also over the years registered excellent performance in KCPE examinations when compared with public sch...

Influence Of School Factors On The Implementation Of Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum In Arid And Semi Arid Lands Of Kenya: Case Of Baringo, Makueni And Narok Counties

Introduction and implementation of secondary school agriculture curriculum in Kenya was an endeavor in meeting the developmental needs of the surrounding communities and the country at large. In the case of Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs), there is need for human resource that can improve agricultural productivity of the area. Implementation of agriculture curriculum has not sufficiently integrated agricultural activities in the curriculum within the school in preparation of competent h...

Influence Of Secondary School Head Teachers’ Support On Teachers’ Professional Development In Nakuru District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers in secondary schools need to update, strengthen and sharpen their competencies through in-service training in order to meet new challenges and emerging issues in education. Access to professional development programmes through this in-service training has a multiplier effect on teachers‟ effectiveness and students‟ academic performance. In order to achieve this, the role of the school head teacher is critical in staff professional development. Little documented evidence ...

Factors Influencing Guidance And Counseling Programme In The Integration Of Learners With Visual Impairements And Strategies For Its Enhancement In Public Primary Schools In Turkana South Sub

With the introduction of free primary education (FPE) in Kenya, research evidence shows. that there has been concern about the quality of instruction offered, due to the large class sizes. This has become more difficult for learners with disabilities. In order to address this challenge the government has encouraged the establishment of guidance and counseling services in schools among other roles to facilitate integration of children with visual impairments. However, there has been an ou...

Teaching And Learning Strategies Used In Social Studies In Kipipiri Sub-County Primary Schools, Kenya: An Analysis From A Constructivist Perspective

ABSTRACT Social studies is one of the disciplines in the primary school curriculum in Kenya. It aims at equipping learners with unique knowledge and skills that would enable them to lead successful lives and be in harmony with their environment. Primary school learners in Kenya have been performing poorly in social studies at the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) national examinations. The factors that have been attributed to the learners’ dismal performance in the discipline in...

Effect Of Hiv/Aids Orphanhood On Self Esteem Of Secondary School Students In Upper Nyakach Division, Nyakach District, Kenya

The number of AIDS orphans in the world has increased steadily over the years making it difficult for relatives to cater for them adequately. The stigma associated with HIV/ AIDS makes orphaned students face many challenges that may pre-dispose them to low self esteem. This study was meant to determine how being orphaned affects the self esteem of students at the secondary school level in upper Nyakach Division of Nyakach District, Kisumu County, Kenya. Aids orphans undergo many challen...

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