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Research Papers/Topics Education

Effects Of Science Process Skills Mastery Learning Approach On Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Acquisition Of Selected Chemistry Practical Skills In Koibatek District Schools, Keny

ABSTRACT Chemistry is one of the science subjects which are taught in Kenyan secondary schools. One of the objectives for teaching chemistry is to enable learners to use knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems in everyday life. Achievement of this objective depends on the methods and techniques employed by teachers during instruction. The method used can either enhance or hamper the learner’s interest in the subject and hence affect the overall performance of school learning. The K...

Influence Of Guidance And Counselling Services On Management Of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students: A Case Of Bahati Division Of Nakuru District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Drug abuse in secondary schools in Kenya has been on the increase and identified as one of the major causes of indiscipline and unrest among students. The marked increase in consumption of both illegal and legal drugs in schools is continually highlighted in the local press media. The Ministry of Education and National Campaign against Drugs Abuse (NACADA) have shown great concern about the effects of this menace. This study sought to determine the infleunce of guidance and counselli...

Influence Of Selected School Related And Student Related Factors On The Choice Of Agriculture Subject Among Secondary School Students In Uriri Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Choice of subjects of study in secondary schools happens globally, more so in the developing countries. In Kenya, the Ministry of Education (MOE) requires that secondary school students register for a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine subjects when they join Form Three. These subjects are grouped into various categories including; Sciences, Languages, Humanities, Technical and Foreign languages. Agriculture is among the many technical subjects from which students select only one...

Effect Of Smasse In-Service Education And Training On Biology Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills And Attitudes Towards Teaching Biology In Rachuonyo South District, Homabay County

ABSTRACT SMASSE in-service education and training is a programme for mathematics and science teachers in secondary schools piloted in Kenya from 1999 to 2003 and rolled out nationally in 2004. It was conceived as an intervention to reduce the effects of factors that were perceived to be contributing to poor performance in mathematics and science, key of which are poor pedagogical skills and negative attitudes of teachers. However, its effect on these aspects had not been evaluated in Rachuony...

The Role Of Peer Counselling Training On The Students’ Perception Towards Youth Developmental Challenges In Technical Institutions In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the modern society and fast changing environment in which the young people grow, there is a lack of proper structures to help them cope with their developmental challenges .Peer counseling therefore is becoming an important and integral part of technical institutions educational programme in Kenya. The institutions use peer counseling training as an intervention in changing the perceptions of the students towards the youth developmental challenges. Research has established that pe...

Farmers Adoption Of Selected Recommended Rice Production Practices: A Case Of Kilombero District Of Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT None or low adoption of recommended rice production practices like recommended fertilizer and recommended rice varieties have influenced to conduct this study. The study investigated the adoption level and factors that influence the adoption of recommended fertilizer package and recommended rice varieties in Kilombero District. Primary data were collected by the use of pretested interview questionnaire from 120 respondents selected at random to represent farmers of Kilombero Distric...

Effects Of Mastery Learning Approach On Secondary School Students’ Motivation And Achievement In Kiswahili In Maraigushu Zone Of Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya)

ABSTRACT Kiswahili language in Kenya is important because it is both a national and official language. It is taught as a compulsory subject in both primary and secondary schools. The students’ performance in Kiswahili in secondary schools has been low. The low performance may be due to lack of appropriate teaching methods among other factors. The concern of this study was on how to enhance students’ mastery of Kiswahili and improve their performance. This study sought to find out the effe...

Impact Of Retirement On Stress Levels Of Retired Primary School Teachers Between 1995-2004: A Case Of Rachuonyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT An assessment of the stress levels of retirees is crucial for the success of retirement counselling. In Kenya, primary school teachers constitute majority of the country‘s public service, yet no studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of retirement on stress levels of retired primary school teachers. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate the impact of retirement on stress levels of retired primary school teachers in Rachuonyo district, Kenya. Guided...

Relationship Between Fish Farming Enterprise Productivity Training Programme And Adoption Of Inland-Based Pond Fish Farming In Meru South Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Inland-based fish farming in Kenya continues to draw enormous financial support by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development under the Economic Stimulus Programme. The Fish Farming Enterprise Productivity Programme (FFEPP) entails the production of fish in a managed environment in marine and freshwater systems for food and commercial purposes. In-land based pond fish farming has been hampered by low level of fish farming, abandonment of ponds, and inadequate tr...

Integration Of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies In Smallholder Potato Production Through A Collective Learning Community In Mauche Ward, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Global warming has led to intensity of extreme events that affect agricultural production worldwide, and sub-Sahara Africa in particular, where economies are highly dependent on agriculture and adoption of modern technology is low. Kenyan agriculture is vulnerable to climate-induced risks and uncertainty manifested in low crop yields. Although potato is a food security and cash crop for many smallholder farmers in Mauche Ward of Nakuru County, its production is affected by variabilit...

Effects Of Computer Based Cooperative Mastery Learning On Secondary School Students’ Skills Acquisition, Motivation And Achievement In Chemistry Practicals In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Chemistry occupies a central position among science subjects in the secondary school curriculum. It also takes up a significant place in the curriculum because of its applications in everyday life and the role it plays in enabling students to develop affective intellectual, and practical skills. In spite of this increasing importance in the unfolding world, the academic performance of Kenyan students in the subject in secondary schools has remained poor over the years. The fundamenta...

Factors Affecting The Job Performance Of Agricultural Extension Workers In Handeni District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine factors affecting the job performance of agricultural extension workers (AEWs) at Handeni District, Tanga Region. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the job performance of extension staff working under the public and private sector, identifying personal factors of extension staff that affect job performance, determining the relationship between the level of logistic support and the job performance, determining the relationship between th...

Communication patterns among extension personnel and farmers: a case of dire dawa administrative council, ethiopia.

ABSTRACT One of the most inhibiting forces to successful development is lack of effective communication within and between different actors. Likewise, communication in extension organizations takes place within the organization and outside the organization among different actors. Hence, the overall objective of the study was to assess the communication patterns among extension personnel and between farmers. The specific objectives were: to explore the relationship between personal and sociop...

Ecology Of Major Rodent Pest Species In Maize And Rice Cropping Systems In Eastern Uganda

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Rodent pests cause significant losses on several cereal crops but more so on maize and rice crops and thus pose a threat to the food security in Uganda and the rest of East Africa. In order to develop an effective management strategy against rodent pests, it is important to understand the diversity, breeding patterns and population dynamics and key demographic and ecological factors that regulate abundance and richness of the major rodent pest species. The above aspects fo...

Assessment Of Factors Contributing To Food Insecurity To Smallholder Farmers In Mbulu District, Manyara Region

ABSTRACT This study on factors contributing to food insecurity to smallholder farmers was carried out in Mbulu district, Manyara region from September to December 2010.The purpose was to analyze the food situation; identifying limiting factors for optimal food production and to identify various coping strategies employed by smallholder farmers in a situation of food insecurity in the study area. Data for this study was obtained by cross-sectional design whereby random sampling was used to se...

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