ABSTRACT The study sought to find out teachers’ views about ECE learners’ participation in sporting activities with reference to Gweru urban primary schools. This study emphasized the role of teachers in teaching sporting activities. Teachers, nationally, regionally and globally indicated that sporting activities reduce ECE learners’ deviant behaviours. The same teachers indicated that sporting activities among ECE learners relieve stress, depression and anxiety. These teachers further...
ABSTRACT Agriculture sector is underperforming in part because women, a crucial gender contributing to farming have no sufficient knowledge and skills. To generate interest in farming at an early age, teaching of agriculture was introduced to Kenyan secondary school education system. This study, done in Navakholo sub-County, sought to establish the proportion of women graduates of KCSE Agriculture subject involved in farming and their contribution to agricultural productivity. The aim was to ...
ABSTRACT Completion rates in public day secondary schools in Kitui County is low and stands at 72.8 per cent which is way below the government expectation of 98 per cent. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Educational Subsidies on completion rates in public day secondary schools in Kitui County. The objectives of this study were, to assess the influence of Free Day Secondary Education on completion rates in public day secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya, to det...
ABSTRACT Learners with visual impairment (VI) depend on Braille as a medium of instruction and communication. According to a report by the Ministry of Education, only 45 (30.6%) out of 147(100%) of learners with VI enrolled in upper primary classes in Kisumu and Siaya counties could read and write English Braille grade II competently. Despite this discrepancy, there was no documented explanation for this low percentage of learners with English Braille grade II competencies, particularly in Ki...
ABSTRACT Ugandan Sign Language (USL) training for students improves service delivery to members of Uganda Deaf Community. Kyambogo University (KyU) was the only public University in Uganda which trained students in USL. From 2007 to 2012 students’ performance in USL had been low (mean = 46 and mean = 42) in comparison to their performance in other courses offered for students pursuing Bachelor of Adult and Community Education (mean = 73) and Bachelor of Arts in Community Based Rehabilitatio...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence the integration of Information and Communication Technology in management of public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To determine the extent to which ICT has been integrated in management of public secondary schools, determine the influence of principals’ related factors in the integration of ICT in management of public secondary schools, establish...
ABSTRACT Teacher absenteeism is a major problem facing many educational institutions in Kenya today. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on teachers committing offences of chronic absenteeism and duty desertion evidences this by among others the increasing disciplinary cases. Data from various school Principals, Head teachers and Education Officers has implicated teachers for coming to school late, leaving early from school, teachers being in school and not attending to their lessons and te...
Abstract The study sought to investigate the misconception about photosynthesis and respiration held by Grade 11 and 12 Biology learners in Onathinge circuit in Namibia. The research employed the descriptive survey design. Data was gathered through the uses of tests, observations and interviews. The population was made up of 4 secondary schools, 80 learners and 4 Biology teachers. The sample consists of 80 learners 20 from each school and 4 Biology teachers 1 per school. The researcher used ...
ABSTRACT HIV and AIDS have devastated many lives in various ways including nutrition deficiency but nutrition gardens can provide a rock solid solution to nutrition problems of PLWHA. Identified problems include frequent illness which are nutrition related, failure to send children to school, inability to sustain the general needs of families and failure to contribute to community development meaningfully. Data was collected from nutrition garden participants, city council officials, NGO rep...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers‘ perceptions on using Information and communication technology as a tool for teaching and learning in public secondary schools at Butiama District in Mara Region. Specifically, the study explored the availability of ICT tools, teachers‘ skills on the use of ICT and perceptions on the use of ICT as teaching tool in public secondary schools. The study employed descriptive design, while mixed research approach was used. Data we...
ABSTRACT Remedial tuition is one of the mitigating strategies used by teachers to address the challenge of implementing the broad integrated Business Studies curriculum in secondary schools in Kenya. It is conducted with the view to enhancing content coverage and to improve performance. Sometimes it has been abused by teachers who use it as a means to make extra income. The government has also cast aspersions on its real worth through policy regulations. Contribution of remedial tuition in im...
ABSTRACT Parental involvement in children’s education remains low, despite evidence that parents have a huge influence on children’s achievement. Major researchers in the field have identified many factors that may create barriers to parental involvement and also suggested the solutions. Through interviews and questionnaires this study examined aspects of parental involvement in the education of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learners in Nkulumane Cluster in Bulawayo. The study will pr...
ABSTRACT Education for all is a global development need. Achievement of universal primary education is addressed by the second United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG). In a bid to achieve this goal, Kenya government initiated Free Primary Education (FPE) in January 2003. However, despite this effort, there has been educational wastage through declined enrolments and increased dropout rates, which are common phenomena in Kangeta Division, Igembe South District. The purpose of this st...
ABSTRACT Conflict is a necessary and useful part of organizational life. It is a dispute that occurs when interests, goals or values of different individuals or groups are incompatible with each other. Success and failure in the school system depends on the principal’s effectiveness that manifests in his ability to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control the activities of the school system so as to achieve the goals and objectives of the school. The academic performance of secondary ...
ABSTRACT Substance abuse has become a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. A study carried out in Kenya observed that 20% of adolescents aged between 12 and 22 years smoke cigarettes, 9% smoke bhang while 23% drink commercial beer and spirits. This is the age in which most youths are in schools and colleges. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence and extent of drug abuse among secondary school students in Nairobi Province, Kenya. This information is useful in developing...