
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Modelling of Adsorption Efficiency for the Removal of Lead and Copper from Waste Water

Abstract The focus of this research work is to derive a model that will be used to obtain the adsorption efficiency of an adsorbent for the removal of lead and copper from waste water. To date, the prevalence of adsorption separation remains an aesthetic attention and consideration abroad the nations owning to its low cost, simplicity of design, ease of operation, insensitivity to toxic substances and complete removal of pollutants even from solutions. The data points for this work were colle...

Impact of Coffee Growing on Economic Welfare and Development in Bushenyi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABSTRACT  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Purpose of the study 1.4 Objectives of the study 1.4.1 General objective 1.4.2 Specific objectives 1.5 Research questions 1.6 Research hypothesis 1.7 Scope of the study 1.7.1 Content scope 1.7.2 Geographical scope 1.7.3 Time scope 1.8 Significance of the Stu...

The Prevalence of Mange in Pigs in Owerri North Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria

Title page Certification Declaration Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents List ot tables Abstract CHAPTER 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Objectives of the study 1.2 Justification of the study CHAPTER 2 2.0 Literature review 2.1 Sarcoptic mange 2.2 Distribution 2.3 Etiology and life cycle 2.4 Epidemiology 2.5 Clinical Signs, pathogeiesis and lesions 2.6 Demodetic mange 2.7 Etiology and life cycle 2.8 Diagnosis 2.0 Treatment, controI and eradication CHAPTER 3 3.0 Materials and methods 9 3 1 ...

Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency and Input Levels Used in Rice Production Under Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) and Rain fed Systems (RFS) in Kogi State

Abstract This research was designed to determine and compare the technical efficiency and input levels used in rice production under farmer managed irrigation systems (FMIS) and rain fed systems (RFS) in Kogi State. It also compared the effects of socioeconomic characteristics on the technical efficiency of farmers in the FMIS and RFS. Four null hypotheses were tested. The study was conducted in commercial rice producing areas of Kogi State. It adopted a multi stage purposive sampling techni...

Evaluation of Food Potentials of Tiger Nut Tubers and Its Product

ABSTRACT The food potentials of tigernut tubers (Cyperus esculentus) locally know as “aki awusa” in Igbo, ”aya” in Hausa and “ofio” in Yoruba were evaluated. The proximate composition of 100g of raw and processed tigernuts showed that moisture content of tigernuts ranged from 4.19 – 51.93 %, crude protein 2.61 – 10.12 %, ash 0.70 – 1.77 %, crude fibre 7.48 – 13.97 %, crude fat 10.79 – 32.06 %, and carbohydrate 22.73 – 56.85 %. Energy values ranged from 232.31- 487.15 K...

Dining Experience, Perceived Restaurant Image and Guest Loyalty in Full - Service Restaurants in Kampala -Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECARATION APPROVAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES ix ABSTRACT Background to the study 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 3 Research objectives 3 Research questions 4 Scope of the study 4 Significance of the study 5 The conceptual framework 5 Definition of concepts 5 Guest loyalty Dining experience 5 Perceived restaurant image 5 V Guest satisfaction .5 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Dining experience and guest satisfaction 9 Dining experience and gu...

The Roles of Game Wardens in the Development of Tourism Industry in Uganda

ABSTRACT It would not be right to suggest that Uganda has effectively protected her wildlife through the resent decades. Like many tourism countries in Africa, the country has suffered a great loss of wildlife species due to insecurity/wars and encroachers in protected areas. The destruction of wildlife species in Uganda mostly carried out by hungry encroachers for domestic use and commercial use as well as for those reasons and among others; the tourism industry lost its glory. The establish...

Undeveloped Attractions and Tourism Potential a Case Study of Taita-Taveta County Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to identify the tourism potentials within Taita-Taveta County Kenya. The specific objectives were; to find out tourism attractions within TaitaTaveta County; to find ways of developing the to11rism attractions within Taita-Taveta County; to investigate the problems affecting the development of tourism resources within Taita-Taveta County. A Combination of data collection methods was used and these were observation, interview, and secondary sources. As f...

Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow to the Agricultural Sector in Sudan (2005 – 2015)

Abstract Sudan has a fertile agricultural land, large amount of fresh water and variety of animal resources. This beside it’s distinguishable geographic location in Africa. Nevertheless Sudan is characterized by low per capita income and high dependency ratio, therefore, savings is very low in both public and private level which is constraining capital formation and economic growth, so foreign direct investment is needed to bridge the wide domestic investment- gap, but the foreign direct in...

Ovulation Induction in Dromedary She – camels by using two Different protocols During non Breeding Season

Abstract The study was conducted in the camel research center (CRC)( Shambat )to compare the effect of two hormonal protocols in ovulation induction in dromedary she- camel ( Camelus dromedarius ) during non breeding season. Number of eleven she – camels with varying age (6 – 17 years) and the average body weight from (250 – 350 kg ) and one male used for mating were selected for this experiment. The experimental animals were divided into three groups : group (A) control group ( N =3), ...

In Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Adoption of Draught Animals by Farmers in (West and South Kordofan State

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in two localities in Kordofan State one of them En-nuhoud locality, West Kordofan State and Aldebibat locality South Kordofan state during 2015 - 2018 to Adoption of Draught Animals by Farmers. The study based on a cross-sectional survey with a sample of 200 farmers that was selected from ten different villages around En-nuhoud and Aldebibat areas. Villages were selected using the simple random sampling technique, while individuals from each village were sele...

Hospitality Management and Tourism Development A case Study of Queen Elizabeth National Park

ABSTRACT This study was set to examine transport and tourism development in the selected tour and travel companies in Kampala Uganda. It was guided by the study objectives which included examining the roles of security and tourism development, evaluate the challenges facing hospitality management and tourism development in Queen Elizabeth national park, Uganda, determine the solutions to the challenges above and access the strategies used by Queen Elizabeth national park to develop tourism in...

Marketing and Organizational Performance in Selected Hotels in Kampala- Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLE...

The Contribution of Eco-Tourism On Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSCHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Problem Statement 41.3 General Objectives ofthe Study 41.3.1. Specific Objectives ofthe Study 41.3.2. Research Questions 51.4 Scope ofthe Study 51.4.1 Content~1.4.2 Geography~ 51.4.3 Time~CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 Introduction 62.1 The concepts of eco Ecotourism and sustainable development 62.1.2 Sustainable Development 62.2. The eco-tourism...

Tax Policies And Performance Of Small Scale Business Enterprises In Makindye Division A Case Study Luwafu Parish.

ABSTRACT~ax policies that are set by government and tax authorities have influenced small business notnly in Kampala district but also world over. This research looks at how tax policies haveffected performance of small businesses in Kampala District, taking Luwafu Parish, Makindyeivision as focus of study. The study has been presented chapter by chapter basing on thebjectives stated in chapter one subsection 1.4, which include; determining the effect of taxompliance on performance of small b...

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