ABSTRACTThe study topic was "Impact of girl child education on community development." The case studywas Suam and Kapyoyon primary schools in Suam Sub County, Bukwo district. This topic waschosen due to the need to develop the community in relation to girl child education in the area. Itwas against this background that the study attempted to: find out the impact of girl childeducation on community development in Suam and Kapyoyon, Bukwo District. The conceptualframework of the study suggested...
ABSTRACTThis study was intended to investigate the causes of poor performance of pupils inEnglish within selected primary schools in Galbet zone Garissa district Kenya.All secondary sources that is; the articles and all other important citation by otherresearchers were consulted which helped to give a clear picture of what the whole studywas meant to entail. A descriptive design was adopted since much of what was to bepresented was to be theoretical. Questionnaires and interview guides acted ...
ABSTRACTThe study focused on finding out the perception of regular teachersrehabilitated street children in an inclusive setting in.The current studies show that the rehabilitated street children can getquality education in the regular schools. But there are barriers toeffective implementation. The purpose of the study is to find out regularteachers perceptions towards such children.The research used quantitive approach. The tool used was questionablewhich had twenty (20) questions. The popul...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study us to investigate the factors that undermine thecontinU1ty of good performance 111 mathematics in the lprimary education (KCPE) and poor performance and the poor performance inthe lthe differences in evaluation aspects at the primary and secondary levels,teachers and pupils factors in relation to attitude and transition from primary tosecondary school.A descriptive survey design was adopted. This accessed a population of studentsin form J and mathematics teac...
ABSTRACTThe researcher wanted to find out the relationship betweenperformance.The study was carried out in Nyathuna Primary School, Kikuyu divisionKiambu district in Kenya.The study involved learners of Nyathuna Primary school which has apopulation of 400 learners. Learners from upper primary classes 5 to8, totaling 150 were used.The learners answered open ended questions. The answers weremarked and the results recorded and tabulated.Deductions were then made from the results obtained. Theobs...
ABSTRACTThe study analyzed Drug Abuse and moral behaviour in homes a case study of LunzaDivision, Butera District Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the influence of excessivedrugs taking on morals behaviour in families in Lunza Division. This was upon thebackground that, the increasing cases of domestic violence, school dropout, and childneglect and sex abuse in Lunza Division are highly related to drugs taking.The study was guided by objectives that included establishing the reasons fo...
ABsThAc’rThe effect of HIV/AIDS on secondary school students in Kibiito sub-county Kaborole district.The research adopted a case study design targeting a number of 4 schools. The Centre has foursecondary schools both public and private. The researcher employed purposive samplingtechnique. The data was then analyzed using percentages, pie charts, tables, bar graphs andfrequency distribution techniques using SPSS Version 16. The study established that Studentswith HIV/AIDS have challenges ran...
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parental styles onstudents’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Luuka District, EasternUganda. The objectives that guided the study were; to investigate the relationshipbetween parents’ participation in school meetings and students’ academicachievement , to assess how parents’ payment of facilitation fee influences students’academic achievement, to examine the influence of parents ‘provision of scho...
ABSTRACTThe study was about academic performance of children with visual impairment in KamuliTown Council. An attempt was done to trace the academic performance of children withvisual impairment.The instruments used to collect data were interview and questionnaire. The interview wasintentional to children with visual impairment since they could not read and writeordinary print. It was also easy for the researcher to phrase one rephrase questions toThe researcher also used questionnaires to th...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to examine the impact of late entry and learner academicperformance of learners. The objectives were to establish the relationship between schoollate entry and academic pe1formance of learners. The study also examined the challengesfaced by teachers in handling learners who attend school at later age.The study used across -sectional survey design to analyze both quantitative andqualitative. The researcher collected data from 3 schools with a population of ...
ABSTRACTThe aims of the study was to survey the of factors which influence teachers’ use of computer-based technology in secondary schools in Lukuli-Naganda zone, Makindye division, Kampala district Uganda. It was based on the following objectives: To examine the factors which influence teachers’ use of computer-based technology in teaching computer studies, to assess the currentpractices in the use of computer-based technology since the previous studies were cond...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to find out the impacts of using of instructionaltechnologies on students achievements in selected schools in Nkozi subcountyMpigi district, the main objective of the study were; to find out thedifferent forms and categories of instructional technologies used in theteaching and learning processes also, to examine the impacts and benefits ofusing instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process and lastlyto find out the challenges both teache...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the Study 11 .2 Statement of the Problem 21.3 The Purpose of the Study 41.4 Research Objectives 41.5 Research Questions 41 .6 Significance of the Study 51.7 Limitation of the Study 51.9 Basic Assumptions 51.11 Organization of the Study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.1 Introduction 72.2 Theoretical Revjew~ 72.3 Academic Performance 82.4 Family Background and Students’ academic performance 82...
AbstractThe study was carried out during the month of January, 2009 on Factors Contributing toPoor Performance of Girl Child in Mathematics in Sare Zone. The target group was classeight female pupils.Questionnaires were used among form class eight pupils, mathematics teachers and headteachers of three primary schools. Oral interview was also employed to obtain accurateinformation.Analysis has shown that a number of girls who reach class eight in every school is verylow and their performance i...