ABSTRACT.The research field study was carriedprimary schools, namely Kinakyeika,Rwenywawa, Ngurwe, and Bukinda primaryRefugee settlement of Hoima District.out inKasonga,schoolssix selectedNyamiganda,in KyangwaliThe main aim of the study washandling a big'class on teachingto assess theEnglish language.effect ofThe study therefore looked at how a big class affectsteaching English language in primary schools, importance ofteaching English language and the advantages attributed tohandling a small...
ABSTRACTThe research project aimed at establishing the attitude harbored by regularprimary school teachers towards integration of mentally challenged persons in regularprimary schools.Out of the four major categories of disabilities that people do suffer, children withmental challenges suffer most in negligence and segregation from the mainstreameducation than any other category of disability. This has been due to the attitudeharbored by the teachers in incorporating these children in mainstr...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out to investigate on gender inl1uences on girlchild primary education in Marigat zone, Baringo district in kenya. Thefollowing objectives guided thc study: to Cine! out how parents haveinl1uencecl gender disparities in girl child education pet·formance; toinvestigate the inl1uence of society on gender disparities in girl childeducation; to find out the influence of schools on gendet· disparities ingirl education. Respondents were selected randomly and qualita...
ABSTRACTThis research investigated into the causes of poor performance in mathematics inselected primary schools; Kaabong Sub-Coun1y, Kaabong District.This objectives of this study were: to find out the methods teachers use in teachingmathematics in primary schools, to establish whether types of instructionalmaterials used by mathematics teachers affect pupils' perfonnance and to establishstudents' attitudes towards mathematics and the impact on performance in thisdiscipline.The study was con...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the administrative policiesaffect physical education and sports. This is viewed on the perspective ofimplementation, and the school administrators’ efforts towards physical education andsports like statutory time allocation, time tabling, teaching organiz~tion andcompetitions, funding mobilization and utilization of physical education resourcesData will be collected using an appropriate research tool like a questionnairea...
ABSTRACTThis was a study carried out in selected secondary schools in Lunza zone, inButere district to investigate the relationship between teacher motivationS andacademic performance of learners in those schools. The following objectivesguided the study; to establish whether bureaucratic structures influencestudents ~performance; to establish whether situational/organizational variables•’influence students’ performance; and to establish whether job satisfaction of theteachers in second...
ABSTRACT:This study was set t find out the HIV/AIDS awareness in Chelalang sub - locationCheburbur location, Uasinguishu District Kenya a descriptive survey design, using bothquantitative and qualitative data. teenage girls were the main respondents of this study.Convenience sampling was used to select the teenage girls of different ages from 10-20years respectively who answered the questionnaires. Frequency counts and relativefrequency were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. T...
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to establish the impact of motivation of teachers on students' academic performance by taking the case of some selected secondary schools in Katakwi Town Council. The academic performances in most schools have always been poor despite the government's effort to improve it. The study particularly sought to establish the effect of poor motivation of teachers on students' academic performance and recommend the appropriate ways t...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................. .iiiAKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPROVALDEDICATIONDECLARATION .ivTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSDEFINITION OF TERMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1I .0. Introduction 11.2. Background ofthe study 11 .3. Statement the problem 51.4. Research purpose1 .5. Research objectivesI .6. Research questions/thesis 61.7. Significance of the study 61.8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TwoLITERATURE REVIEW2.4. Solutions to the problems 15CHAPTER THREE 18METHODOLOGY 183.0. Introduction...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ .iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGM ENT. ................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDEDICATIONAPPROVALDECLARATION .ABSTRACT ‘11TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xWCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background to the study 11.1 Problem Statement 31.2 Objectives of the study 41.2.1 Main Objective 41.2.2 Specific objectives1.3 Hypotheses 41.4 Conceptual Framework 51.5 Significance of the Study 71.6 Structure of the report 7VIICHAPTER TWO .8LITERATURE REVIEW 82.0 Introduction 82.1 Family Background 82.2 School...
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION ivTABLE OF CONTENTLIST OF APPENDICES viiiLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESACKNOWLEDGF~MENTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1 .0. Introduction1.1. BackgroundI .2. Problem Statement 41 .3. Purpose of the Study 41.4. Objectives of the Study 41.5. Research Questions1 .6. Scope of the Study1 .7. Significance of the Study1 .8. Limitation of the Study 61 .9. Delimitations 610. Conceptual Frameworks 71.11. Definition of Terms 7CHAPTER TWO 9REVIEW OF RELATE LITE...
ABSTRACT rhe purpose of this study was the effect of mathematics teacher quality on :he academic achievement of students in the selected schools of Ugenya District, Nyanza province of Kenya. rhe objectives of the study were; to determine if teacher's motivation affects 3Cademic performance of students in Ugenya district, to determine whether f teacher qualification affects academic achievement of students in Ugenya District, and to investigate whether if a facility at school affects academic ...
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .......................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................