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Research Papers/Topics Education


For many years, students with special needs have been a crucial topic in general education classrooms. These children are entitled to full access to all materials and social interactions available in a regular classroom. Many schools’ ultimate goal is to construct a classroom with the fewest restrictions possible to satisfy all kids’ needs, including those with special needs. Teachers want kids with special needs in their classrooms, according to studies, but they are ill-equipped to meet...

The Effect of Access to and Use of Agricultural Information On the Livelihood of Cocoa Farmers

Abstract Cocoa remains Ghana’s most important crop, providing a means of livelihood to about two million people. As a result of the liberalization of the sector, there have been several providers of services to farmers particularly agricultural information. In agriculture, the role of information in enhancing the agricultural development cannot be over emphasized. Information is essential for increasing agricultural production and improving marketing & distribution strategies. Concerns sti...

The Use of Indigenous Ghanaian Elements in Contemporary Orchestral Music

ABSTRACT  Intercultural composition is the style of composition that blends both western and non-western elements together. Although composition can be done for solo or various sections of instruments, the height of this praxis is ultimately that for orchestra. At the inception of the orchestral tradition in Ghana, mostly western pieces were performed for audiences. From a process that began with Phillip Gbeho, a few composers from Ghana like Kenn Kafui and Nicholas Nayo have composed for or...

The Influence of Gender Relations On Extension Delivery in Dangme West District of Ghana

ABSTRACT Extension delivery involves a relationship between an extension agent and a farmer who participates in extension activities. The general perception of the extension services in Ghana is that it is skewed positively towards men as against women farmers. This study was therefore directed towards looking at the nature of gender relations between extension agents and farmers to find out how it affects extension delivery. The study was conceptualized with ‘gender1 as a social construct...

The Development and Contributions of Youth Choirs in Ghana

ABSTRACT The primary focus of this study is to examine the development and contributions of youth choirs in Ghana. The research seeks to attempt an in-depth study at the concept of the youth choir as an institution which came to the limelight of choral music industry about three decades ago. The acceptance of this youth choir system due to its economic boom in recent times has gained a maximum popularity as well as provided an avenue for both professional and unprofessional musicians but has...

Defining Our Lives with Music: A Case Study of the Krobo Woman

ABSTRACT  Throughout the years though enormous study has been done on the history and beads making of the Krobo’s, very little attention has been given to their music. The research focuses on the participation and perception of women in the production and performance of Klama music which is the traditional music genre found among the Krobo of Odumase in the Eastern Region of Ghana, and the Dangbe in general. My findings indicated that women are highly regarded in the Krobo society and thei...

Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in Physics in Secondary Schools of Lurambi Division, Kakamega Central District, Western Province of Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to effect of the physics teacher quality on the academic achievement of students in the selected schools of Lurambi Division, Kakamega Central District of Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine if teachers motivation affects academic performance of students in Lurambi Division, to determine whether if teacher qualification affects academic achievement of students in Lurambi Division, and to investigate whether if facilities at school affec...

The Effect of Corporal Punishment On Performance in Schools: A Case Study of Ringa Zone, Kasipul Division, Rachuonyo South District

ABSTRACT The study of this report is about the effect of corporal punishment on the schools' performance. It is directed by three objectives and these include: Forms of corporal punishment, other forms of punishments and impact of corporal Punishment on pupil's performance. The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select population. It employed a total sample of 50 respondents as indicated in chapter four. Data were analyzed and presented using statistical methods of da...

Free Primary Education and Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in Lugari Oivjsion, Lugari District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research stud) \, as intended to determine the effectiveness of free primary education in Ken,) a '' ith Lugari Division, Lugari district serving as an illustrative example. In the gathering or secondary source information, all other scholars· works 'ie\ed relevant to the study \ere uti lized. I he stud) employed a descriptive design since much of this stud) was qualitative in nature. Questioner and Interview guides "'ere used to collect data from the respondent. It ". Increas...

Effects of Punishment in Secondary Schools in Bomet District Kenya: A Case Study Kairo Secondary School

ABSTRACT  This study dealt with the investigation of the effects of punishments among secondary school students in Rift Valley Province; Bomet district, Kenya. Many researchers have come out with different views on punishments like Birungi, Nagawa, and Olupot. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews to collect relevant information about the study. This study revealed that there is a need for the administrator, teachers, and students to know various effects of punishments and meas...

An Assessment of the Impact of Teaching Methods On Effective Performance of Mathematics as A Subject On Students in Kenya.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0  Background of the study Considering the contributions of mathematics, science, and technology to today's world, one would have expected mounting interest in these disciplines, but the reverse seems to be the case. Indeed, there is declining enrolment in mathematics and science subjects among the youth, and poor performance in examinations, such as those taken in high school math and science courses (especially physics) by the brave few who enroll (Ezeife, 1999). It is ironi...

Impact of Teaching Methods On Students Performance in Mathematics, Wajir District

ABSTRACT  The study on impact of teaching methods on students' performance in mathematics was conducted within Vajir District in Kenya. The general objective formulated so as to realize this study had been formulated as: this study is intended to determine the impact of teaching methods on performance of students in mathematics. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, research questions were formulated. In review of related literature, all other authors' works or contentions in rela...

Deforestation and Its Effects On the Environment A Case Study of Mabira Forest, Mukono District -Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to make an investigation on the effects of deforestation on the environment with particular reference to Mabira Forest Mukono District Specific objectives of the study were to: Assess the effects of timber cutting on the environment in Mabira Forest Mukono District; establish the effect of giving out land to investors on deforestation in Mabira forest Mukono District The methods used for data collection where observation to see areas with severe defores...

Information Technology and Tourism in Kampala

ABSTRACT This study investigated the development of tourism in Kampala This was after the realization that it plays a major role in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry, ifs facilitate an individual to access the tourism intonation from anywhere at any time (e.g., by a single click on the keypad after the emergence of the mobile computers, mobile phones, and web technologies). The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to establish the types of IT used to prom...

Factors Contributing to Poor Academic Performance Among Girls of Kawalase Division in Turka a District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Kawalase Division, Turkana Central District to find out factors contributing to poor academic performance among girls of Kawalase Division and low completion as girls progress towards completion of their eight years of primary education despite the government’s initiative to promote girl-child education through Africa Girls Education Initiative (AGI) project in Arid and Semi-Arid areas in Kenya~ A desire to have girls achieve academically it motivated...

2221 - 2235 Of 8072 Results