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Research Papers/Topics Education

The Causes And Effects Of Domestic Violence On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Bumanya Sub-County, Kaliro District

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at finding out the causes and effects of domestic violence on academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Bumanya sub-county in Kaliro district, western Uganda. This study was directed by objectives and these include: To identify different forms of domestic violence in Bumanya Sub-county, To identify the causes of domestic violence and family instability among the people of Bumanya Subcounty, To establish the effects of domestic violence on family welfa...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On Morals Behaviours In Homes In Lari Division, Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study analyzed Drug Abuse and moral behaviour in homes a case study of Lan Division, Kiambu District Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the influence of excessive drugs taking on morals behaviour in families in Lan Division. This was upon the background that, the increasing cases of domestic violence, school dropout, and child neglect and sex abuse in Lan are highly related to drugs taking. The study was guided by objectives that included establishing the reasons for ta...

Hindraces Of Quality Education In Inclusive Setting In Selected Public Primary Schools In Longisa Division - Kenya

Table of Contents Declaration ............................................................................................. i Approval ................................................................................................ ii Dedication ............................................................................................ iii Acknowledgements ................................................................................ iv List of Tables .........................................

Causes Of Indiscipline In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Keumbu Division - Kisii Central District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research was an investigation into the causes and effects of Indiscipline among secondary schools in Keumbu Division, Kisii Central District. The objectives of the study were to identify the causes and effects of indiscipline among secondary school students, types of indiscipline problems common in secondary schools, determine the effects of indiscipline to student's academic performance and to formulate possible solutions to discipline problems. The researcher used the cross se...

Influence Of Strikes On Students’ Academic Performance In Meru Central District At Abogeta Division

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION. APPROVAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENT iv LIS OF TABLES vii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1 .0 Introduction 1 1 . 1 Background of the Information 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1 .3 Purpose of the Study 2 1 .4 Research Objectives 2 1.5 Research Questions 2 1.6 Scope of the Study 3 1.7 The Significance of the Study 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 2. 1 Theoretical review 4 2.2 Conceptual Framework 4 2.3 Review of related literature 5 ...

Poverty And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Kendu, Bay Sub Division, Rachuonyo District Nyanza Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish· the effects of poverty on pupil's academic performance of the selected primary schools in Kendu-Bay sub division, Rachuonyo district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic perfonnance in Kendu-Bay sub division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Kendu-Bay sub division. The study employed a descri...

An Investigation Into Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Among Learners With Hearing Impairment In Lambwe Division, Mbita District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance among the hearingimpaired learners in regular primary schools. The researcher used questionnaires used to collect information from the respondents, the respondents were 25 teachers and 50 learners from the ~~ampled schools. The researcher found that in comparison with their hearing counterparts, hearing impaired learners performed poorly in academic work due to a number of factors. These include: o Poor methods of t...

Challenges Of Traffic Congestion In Kampala City Central Business District

Abstract This study was conducted to explore the causes and problems or traffic congestion. This was after the realization that the people of Kampala City do face such problems. The study cksign took the form of a case study of Kampala City Central Business District in that the data sought was qualitative. The study also involved purposive compiling. The data were collected using interviews and observation for primary and documents analysis for secondary data. In all a sample of30 respondent...

Impact Of Socio-Economic Factors On Pupils Academic Performance In Lake Victoria Zone Kamuchumu, Kagera Region District Muleba

ABSTRACT The topic of this research project is how socio economic factors impacts on pupil’s performance in lake Victoria Zone Kamachum Division Muleba District Tanzania It objectives were how social economic factors impacts on students performance Investigate the relationship between family background and socio economic factors. To establish the relationship between parents status and pupils aid academic performance. The last objective was to analyze the effect of socio-economic factors on...

Teacher’s Training And Experience On The Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils Of Kabarnet Zone Baringo District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was an attempt to establish the relationship between the teacher’s training and experience on the academic performance of primary school pupils. The objectives were clearly started to unveil the relationship of the teacher’s training and experience on the academic performance of learners. The study employed a collection of data using questionnaire technique which was subjected to a cross~section of teachers. Data was analyzed by use of tables and bar graphs. The r...

The Challenges Of Stress Management In Education Centers-Case Study Of Five Ecde Centers In Tigoni Zone, Limuru Division, Klambu West District-Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .............................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... iv TAB...

Factors That Affect The Education Of The Mentally Challenged Learners In Primary Schools In Municipality Division In Kakamega Central District Of Kakamega County In kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Municipality division to find out the factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners. People with disability all over the world have for a long time been considered socially and physically less capable, the purpose of this study was to investigate on factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners in Primary schools in Municipality Division in Kakamega Central District. The study adopted the survey style since it is ...

The Influence Of Mother Tongue On Learner’s Performance In Written Kiswahili At Primary Level: A Case Study Of Migori County, Migori District

ABSTRACT This project is about the influence of mother tongue on learners’ performance in written Kiswahili at primary level in Migori County, Migori district. Questionnaires were designed and used to get primary data; where by respondents were required to answer the questions, the researcher conducted face to face interviews with pupils and teachers on issues pertaining to the influence of mother tongue on learners’ performance in written Kiswahili at primary level. During the study th...

Factors Influencing Indiscipline Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools Pallisa District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the factors influencing indiscipline of students in selected secondary schools in Pallisa district was carried out with the main objective of examining the factors influencing indiscipline of students. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether the family background is a factor that influences indiscipline in selected secondary schools, to assess the laxity of administration influences indiscipline among students in selected secondary schools, to dete...

Teacher's Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Learners In Selected Inclusive Educational Settings Of Emulole Base, Emasatsi Division Khwisero District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Due to the free primary education that was implemented in 2002 in Kenya, Most pupils with mentally retardation were admitted to the regular schools this prompted the researcher to investigate teacher's attitudes towards mentally retarded learners. The study was carried in Emulole Base Emasatsi Division, Khwisero District, Kenya for eight months of December to July 2010. The study obtained information from teachers both male and female in the five sampled schools the sampling was done...

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