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Research Papers/Topics Education

Causes Of Student Unrest In Selected Secondary Schools Of Chuka Division, Meru South District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the cause of unrest in secondary schools in Chuka Division, Ivleru south district. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews as tools of data collection. The study revealed that dull curriculum, poor communication, lack of proper facilities, drug abuse, peer pressure and indisciplined students. It also concluded that destruction of properties, poor academic performance, death of students and poor relationship between teachers and students are a...

Challenges faced and academic performance of intellectually challenged learners in inclusive settings nairobi kenya.

ABSTRACT Learners with mental retardation do not benefit from normal learning due to the challenges that they encounter. This study critically focused on these challenges and their academic performance in inclusive settings in Nairobi Kenya. The researcher adopted the quantitative approach of data collection from the target population. Teachers from public Primary schools were involved as respondents. Thirty teachers drawn from different primary schools responded to the questionnaires. Purpo...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In National Examinations: A Case Study Of Chinato Division, Kuria East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance 111 KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in Kuna East District within Kenya. Relevant literature related to the field of study was gathered and this assisted the researcher get a clear picture of wl1at the e11tIre study was to entail. ;.. descriptive design was viewed relevant for use in this study and together the application of questionnaires and interview guides. the ...

The Role Of Aids Information Centre (Sic) As Non Governmental Organization Kabale Branch In The Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among The People Of Kabale Municipality

ABSTRACT This study was focused on the contributions of AIC Kabale branch as an NGO in the prevention of HIV/AIDS IN Kabale municipality. As well as the services it offers , the level off community commitment and the approaches it uses in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. This study was conducted in Kabale municipality but specifically covering AIC staff management, the clients of AIC branch, community leaders ,volunteers and the other employers. Data was collected using both qualitative and quanti...

Effects Of Integrated And Inclusive Learning In Bahati Division. A Case Study Of Our Lady Of Victory School

ABSTRACT This was a research carried out to established effects if integrated and inclusive learning in Bahati division. A case study of our lady of victory school. The researcher used case study approach in analyzing data. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from respondents who included; head teachers, special unit teacher and the teachers. Major findings Lack of sensitization of teachers has affected integration and inclusion of learners with special needs. Support given t...

To Investigate The Effects Of Integrating Ict In Teaching Of Mathematics In Public Secondary Schools In Bungoma North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics is regarded essential and useful to most people. Its usefulness can be observed in social, aesthetic, artistic, communication and utility aspects of life. This makes it part and parcel of mans' daily life. The social nature of mathematics deals with humankind and how he interacts with society and environment. Mathematics also provides beauty in our environment expressed in terms of such aspects as buildings, latest vehicle designs, all which incorporate shapes. The aim o...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challages Facing Learners In Early Childhood Primary Education In Kilili Primary School, Matiliku Zone, Nzaui District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................... . APPROVAL ................... . DEDICATION ........... . ACKNOWELEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ... CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background information .. 1.2 Statement of the problem . 1.3 Purpose of the study 1.4 Objectives of the study . 1.5 Research questions . 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Limitations ... 1.8 Denrnitations 1.9 Definition of terms or key concepts CHAPTER TWO. LITERATURE REVIEW. 2.1 Introduction . 2.2 Background infor...

Assessment Of Parents Support And Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Children In Chepkoiyo Primary School, Kipsaina Zone, Kaplamai Division, Trans-Nzoia East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of parent's involvement in education on the academic performance of the mentally retarded children in public primary schools of Kenya specifically the study intended to: determine whether cultural beliefs among the parents affects the enrolment of mentally retarded children in the zone; determine whether the parents teach their mentally retarded children adaptive skills; To establish whether the parents of mentally retarded children play their role eff...

Challenges of Teaching/ Learning of English Language Performance on Learners with Speech Difficulties in Madiany Zone, Rarieda District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT  In this research paper, the researcher studied the challenges of teaching and learning of learners with speech difficnlties on the performance of English language in Rarieda District, Kenya. The research investigated the various challenges that learner's experinced in speech. The research was carried out in Madiany Zone. The researcher took his sample popnlation from one to form four in the three schools, that is, Chianda High School, St. Sylvester's Secondary and Okela Mixed Secon...

Students’ Leadership And Its Role In Promotion Of Discipline In Selected Secondary Schools In Kassanda Sub-County, Mubende District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish the impact of students’ leadership on students’ discipline in secondayr schools in, Kasanda sub county Mubende District. The study particularly sought to find out the types of student leadership and their roles in schools, how to involve student leaders in schools and the effect of their involvement on the entire school system. The study was conducted through a descriptive cross sectional research design. Data was collected using questionnai...

Effects Of Human Immune Virus I Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Hiv I Aids) Among People Living With Disability Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of HIV I AIDS among people living with disability of Kampala District. The study had four specific objectives, which included; i) determining the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, educational qualification and marital status; ii) to determine the level of barriers associated with HIVIAIDS among people with disabilities; iii) to determine the level of preventive strategies; and iv) to determine the relationship between t...

Accountability And Promotion Of Education Service In Primary Schools In Kole District. A Case Study Of Ayer Sub-County

ABSTRACT This work consists of effects of accountability and promotion of education service in Kole district. Accountability is a process whereby one is required to justify his or her actions. This involves giving evidence that resources provided have been put to good use. And on this context, it must be seen from the promotion of education service when these resources entrnsted to people facilitate learning. A school has a person(s) entrusted with the responsibility of receiving human resou...

Teachers Attitude Towards Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulties In Selected Schools In Kitise Zone Makueni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the ph...

The Effects Of Gender Issues On The Academic Performance Of Learners In Secondary Schools. A Case Study Of Kiambogo Secondary School

ABSTRACT The essence of this study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Eldama Ravine division, Kiobatek district, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners in Kiobatek district and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in Eldama Ravine division. The methods used for data collection were...

Attitude Of Teachers And Inclusion Of Intellectually Challenged Learners In Kisumu West District Regular Primary Schools Kenya

ABSTRACT  Through observation and conservations the researcher established that the intellectually challenged learners were not accorded their due human respect and rights by the teachers. Teachers regarded them as abnormal, violent and slow in learning and therefore unworthy to be accommodated in their midst. This prompted the researcher to conduct a study to fmd out why it was happening. He prepared questionnaires for both teachers and pupils. The respondents were able to answer the questi...

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