ABSTRACT Transition rate of students from primary school to secondary is very fundamental it is important because Africa has the challenges of low education transition rate from the primary level to secondary school level. The governments operate with huge budgetary deficits which always need to be plugged by way of donors infusing budgetary and development support. This leaves the challenge of financing the girl-child education programmes especially for the post-primary education programmes ...
ABSTRACT Strengthening of Mathematics and Sciences in Secondary Education (SMASSE) training is an educational innovation and an initiative of the government of Kenya with support of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It was launched in1998 out of the need to improve performance in mathematics and science subjects. This study assessed the implementation of the Activity, Student, Experiment, Improvisation- Plan, Do, See, Improve (ASEI-PDSI) approach in mathematics lessons in ...
ABSTRACT There had been a concern over the rising cases of emerging issue like drug and substance, abuse, adolescent pregnancy, abortion, poor performance, truancy, absenteeism, suicide, dropout, HIV and AIDS prevalence among students in secondary schools. This called for the need to investigate or assess the effective implementation of Life Skills Education curriculum in public secondary schools in Uriri and Awendo districts in Migori County. LSE is aimed at equipping the learners with psych...
ABSTRACT The government of Kenya is committed to the goal of quality education for all. However, the problem of poor performance in most primary schools undermines this achievement. Any factor that interferes with the commitment of primary teachers undermines the educational goal. For this reason, there is need to identify factors that contribute to the commitment of primary teachers to task performance in Kenya. This problem is more pronounced in public primary schools. While a number of res...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this Discourse Analysis study was to explain the nature and function of Kĩkamba language interjections in discourse. Kĩkamba is a Bantu language and the Kĩmasaku dialect of the language was the focus of this research study. This survey study used three theories in explaining the nature and function of interjections in Kĩmasaku dialect of Kĩkamba language discourses. The Functional Theory of Interjection (Ameka, 1992), the Speech Acts Theory (Austin 1962) and Brint...
ABSTRACT Literacy development is a multiplex process that begins at birth, continues throughout life and is fostered through stimulating interactions within two instructional environments. Home is the first primary literacy resource that affords a child the best opportunities for literacy practice. A parent is the first primary educator and a potent force in shaping a child’s literacy. By creating literacy-rich homes, parents provide a head start and thrust forward into a child’s literacy...
ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is a reality among the visually impaired although little research has been done to address this issue. For instance, there are no statistics indicating the number of visually impaired who have died or been infected by the AIDS epidemic in Kenya. Interventions such as HIV/AIDS education and prevention campaigns on safer sex practices have not particularly targeted the visually impaired. This makes them vulnerable to sexual exploitation and at high risk of infection. The ...
ABSTRACT Education is recognized as the most important form of human resource development. It refers to any act of physical experience that has formative effect of individual mind, character or physical ability. In this technical sense, education is the formal process by which society through schools, colleges, universities and other institutions deliberately transmit cultural heritage and accumulated knowledge, values and skills to the next generation. The purpose of this study was to establ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the role headteachers play in instructional supervision in order to improve on students’ academic achievement in Kitui District secondary school as it is perceived by their teachers. The objectives of the study included; to determine the role played by headteachers in instructional supervision as perceived by teachers, to explore strategies that headteachers can employ to improve on their instructional supervision, to investigate the chal...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which reading difficulties affect academic performance of secondary school students. The study objective was to establish comprehension errors that affect students‟ academic performance. Piaget (1983) theory of cognitive development guided this study. This study employed quantitative approaches for data collection and analyzes both teachers and learners. The research design was a descriptive survey design. Data was collected b...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the use of tactile materials as correlates of performance in Mathematics among learners in Thika High School for the Blind. The objectives were to: identify the tactile Mathematics materials used by teachers while teaching learners who are blind; explore the adequacy of the tactile teaching and learning materials; identify the challenges that teachers face in adapting Mathematic tactile teaching materials; investigate learners‟ perception on M...
ABSTRACT The National Special Needs Education Policy Framework in Kenya stipulates that there shall be elimination of disparities and enhancement of equity and equality for all learners, especially inclusion of learners with special needs in the education system. The problem is that there still exist inequalities and disparities in accessing quality education among learners with special needs. The study was guided by the following objectives: To describe personnel-related constraints facing i...
ABSTRACT Despite the Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) and Commission for University Education (CUE) providing guidelines for assuring quality of education in universities, there have been concerns by various stakeholders on the quality of graduates from universities in Kenya getting into the job market. This study sought to determine the extent to which quality assurance guidelines by CUE have been implemented in public universities and their influence on the quality of educati...
ABSTRACT Retention is a common intervention strategy often used when students fail to meet minimum standards on academic assessments. It has remained a controversial and highly debated topic in education despite many years of research. In Kenya, there have been mixed concerns both in private and public schools due to teacher and school accountability demands. Although numerous researches have been done on class retention, there is a dearth of local studies on retention perception. This study ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on aesthetics of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. The study is premised on the knowledge that style is a vital element especially for the purpose of delivering the message of a literary writer. The study therefore sought to investigate the rationale behind Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s employment of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in his text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. In an environment where schola...